Before I start, I don't know if this is acceptable or not. I'm pretty sure it would be, but if it's not and I deserve a ban for it, I'll take it.

The thing is, I purchased four games from Humble's first Rogue-like build you own bundle. They are Rogue Legacy, Convoy, Dungeons of the Endless and Desktop Dungeons (in my mind the four most interesting titles in the list). After purchasing I thought about how many titles I already have in my library that I'm not getting time to play and I decided to keep two of these titles and give away two.

How will the giveaway work? I would like a motivation for which of the four games you'd like and why. I promise to read everything and try and comment as well. The next part is a little tricky. I will add you to my whitelist (currently a whole 19 souls) and do a whitelist giveaway. That means that if the entries are good, I'll have at most 6 new people in my whitelist and you'll have at worst a 1/25 chance of winning your game. It'll probably be much more, as I doubt everyone (anyone, possibly) in my whitelist will enter the giveaway, except you.

If those odds sounds good to you, submit your entries before 7AM GMT as I will choose three winners (or less) for each of the two games. I'll edit this discussion and add in the links to the giveaway once the winners has been decided. There will also be a giveaway for everyone who did not win and still want the chance to win something.

Thank you and good luck.

EDIT: My apologies. Things are not as easy when the power goes out. I've yet to indicate who's whitelisted, so please check. If you're uncertain why you are not on the list, let me know.

I have added two of the more requested entries

Rogue Legacy
Dungeon of the Endless
Bonus for level 3 guests:
Wasteland 2 Directors Cut

As always, please activate if you win and receive them. Please bump if you enter so this thread doesn't get lost as quickly as it might be otherwise.

8 years ago*

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I took a look at your profile and saw two strat games being featured. I think you should keep the strategy games you're offering .(Rogue is platformer, for instance, so if I had to pick for you, it'd be that game to give away)

8 years ago

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You're indeed correct. I do like strategy games. I've played the free version of Desktop Dungeons and really enjoyed it too. But as I said, if the people demand Desktop Dungeons and Dungeons of the Endless, that's what it'll be. But there already seems to be a bit of a call for Rogue Legacy, so chances are that that will be one anyway. Thank you. Are you interested in any, by the way?

8 years ago

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I'd like to try out Rogue Legacy, because well, it's considered one of the finest platformers with a proper 'leveling up' system. I've never been into platformers, usually find them quite repetitive since most are just - go into room, kill, move into next room, kill etc. This game has several other components to it which make it a good mixture of different genres.

Ofc, I've only watched some twitch casters play it, and heard lots of praise for it on neogaf/goon forums - I won't know what the game's like until I play it myself.

8 years ago

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Welcome to the Whitelist.

8 years ago

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Dungeons of the Endless and Desktop Dungeons both look really cool, but I would go with Desktop Dungeons for the puzzle solving that occurs when you don't have quite enough health to kill all the enemies and you have to manage the exploration of the level in order to progress.

8 years ago

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Welcome to the Whitelist. Sorry about the lack of Desktop Dungeons. Hopefully you'll still enter Dungeons of the Endless.

8 years ago

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Thanks :) and I did enter :p.

8 years ago

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As I'm in love in roguelike games I would be happy to pick up whole pack without desktop dungeons :) Sadly my free time is limited, so imo rogue legacy looks the best. From what I heard its a roguelike with strong platformer aspect, so its somehow similiar to binding of Isaac series which were great btw.

As @JadaxJaded said platformers are usually pretty repetitive, but sometimes a gem apears (for example really good risk of rain). If you would give me a chance I will be happy to check the game myself.

8 years ago

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Welcome to the Whitelist. :) Rogue Legacy and Dungeons of the Endless is available.

8 years ago

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Thank You! :)

8 years ago

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You just mentioned 3 of my wishlisted roguelites. :O

Well I'm a huge fan of roguelikes/lites, DoomRL and FTL were probably the best recent ones I played (though I played FTL before the advanced edition was released) and have already played countless hours both on rogue legacy and also desktop dungeons on early versions of both but unfortunately not on steam, so no achievements and both can very easily be replayed with the motive of achievements.

Both are very polished in terms of gameplay, though of course as some have said desktop dungeons is better for the puzzle and tactical lovers, since it requires hours of thinking on "best moves" and the late-game can easily become a chess contest in order to get the most out of your explored territory while healing and killing monsters. It's pure turn based. The good thing is that each level is kinda short, so you can easily play one level and close the game and come back later. And I admit the late levels and challenges are super hardcore. But still nice to try one's luck on.

Rogue legacy on the other hand is pure simple fun, it's much more action-oriented and the way the upgrades work , always makes you come back for more. It's indeed a super fun platformer only enhanced with hilarious situations due to how the inheritance abilities work. Loved it,finished it once, would gladly replay it. It's much easier than the other games mentioned here.

As for Dungeon of Endless it's also in my wishlist though I admit I have not played that one yet. I did read good things about it though, and some things in management did kinda remind me of FTL, and the management of each part of the ship as well as crew though I'm pretty sure there are major differences and it may be even more hardcore than FTL..

So choose what you like all are great but they do require hardcore players. :)

Anyway you are very generous regardless these are all great games that "have" to be played..

8 years ago*

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Nice reply. Whitelisted.

8 years ago

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I'd like to help but I didn't even heard about this games

8 years ago

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Never played any of these and they all look good. After looking them up I would keep Desktop Dungeon, looks most fun :)
Thanks for the GA's

8 years ago

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I would like to give Dungeon of the Endless a shot, if you'd be generous enough to give me a chance. It really gives me that Space Marines meets Dungeons of Dredmor feel, and I've heard nothing but amazing things about it.
It would also be the most 'expensive' rogue-like I'd get to try, since the ones I usually play are all the cheap indie copycat crap, :p Other than Dungeons of Dredmor and Binding of Isaac of course.

8 years ago

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You should definitely try FTL if you haven't (it's realtime but you can pause whenever you like and give orders) and maybe DoomRL (pure tactical doom roguelike with retaining the amazing atmosphere of the old doom games) though. Both great, and much better than Dredmor imo.

8 years ago

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I did give FTL a small shot, not exactly my cup of tea though as I'm not a spaceship person, lol.

8 years ago

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I'm not a fan of space either, but I loved that one. It has much more depth than it shows. You need at least 20-30 playthroughs to even start getting the gist of the game's overall details and depth.

8 years ago

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Whitelisted. Dungeon of the Endless is up. :)

8 years ago

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Rogue Legacy is just the best, play it yourself, you're gonna love it! Preferably with gamepad ;)

8 years ago

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Hands down for Rogue Legacy, you made me reinstall it

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably get Rogue Legacy again at another time for myself, but at this stage it looks like the gibs will be for Dungeons of the Endless and Rogue Legacy. That leaves me with Desktop Dungeons and Convoy. I'll see how what the requests looks like by tomorrow, but there's where we are now.

As for the ban, I didn't think it was illegal, but I didn't know if recruitment for a whitelist GA was allowed. Although, come to think of it, I've seen other threats with the same premise. That was probably a little too careful, I guess.

8 years ago

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You should definitely play Rogue Legacy whenever convenient for you! It's an amazing game if you love Metroidvania style gameplay. Also it's probably the 'funniest' of the lot, the developers' humor were on point with this!

8 years ago

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By contrast, I found Rogue Legacy poorly made, repetitive, clunky, very lite on the rogue-lite, and with only superficial elements driving the gameplay.

My perspective seems to be in the minority, based on the reviews, however. :P

8 years ago

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I already have Rogue Legacy, so the evil part of me would say for you to give away any of the other three (preferably Desktop Dungeons and Dungeon of the Endless). However, the good part of me would say for you to give away the two games that you honestly feel you have the least chance of playing. If there's a chance you will play it in the future, you may as well just keep it for yourself.

I would love to be placed in your Whitelist and be able to enter the giveaways for whatever games you end up choosing (if I don't already have it, of course), but even if you choose to not place me there, I would like to thank you for being generous enough to offer two games for a giveaway.

8 years ago

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Whitelisted. Dungeons of the Endless is available if you already have Rogue Legacy. Good luck.

8 years ago

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Thank you very much!

And kudos for the Wasteland 2 giveaway. I have played it to completion (vanilla, I haven't played the DC yet) and got 100% Achievements in it. I really liked it! Have you played it at all?

8 years ago

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Only a pleasure. I have played about 4 hours in Wasteland 2. Vanilla as well, though. When I heard about the DC I decided to wait a bit and play that version. And, as usual, I haven't gotten around to it yet. :( If only my studies for work would settle down, so I can do some serious damage to my backlog. Otherwise, I'll have to take a week's leave and just play games.

8 years ago

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I had only just started Wasteland 2 last September (I bought it retail). I heard that they were releasing a DC version, but I wanted to finish the Vanilla version so that I could see all the differences (good or bad) when I did play the DC.

I'm pretty sure they made enough sales to have a Wasteland least I hope so! If you need any hints or tips when you start playing it again, feel free to add me at Steam.:)

8 years ago

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I will absolutely do so. Thank you so much for the offer.

8 years ago

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Man, I keep instinctively ignoring threads from you because they are categorized as puzzles.

8 years ago

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I hear you. I don't really know what classification to use for non puzzle giveaways. The closest is puzzle, but there's no puzzle. Is 'General' a better category? I wish there was a Giveaway category. :(

8 years ago

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General should do just nicely for giveaways. It's certainly not off-topic when giveaways are involved.

8 years ago

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Thx for your giveaways :) I'll try my chances with wasteland 2 \o/ i read it reminds xcom which i enjoyed recently

8 years ago

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I wouldn't mind a chance at Dungeon of the Endless, if there's still some openings. :)
Also, you can put threads like this in the "General" section of the forums, so people don't expect a puzzle when they open the thread. ;)

8 years ago

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Of course. :)

I'll remember for next time. I was wondering why I had less than a hundred entries on cities skylines on level 3.

8 years ago

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Bump! Out of all those games I've only tried Convoy. It's like a MadMax done in the style of FTL: Faster Than Light.
I found it very relaxing since there's nothing to stop you from taking your time exploring the wasteland.

8 years ago

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May I join your whitelist to enter for Dungeon Of The Endless?

8 years ago

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Absolutely. With your record I'd be astounded if anyone would refuse.

8 years ago

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Bump and Thanks for the giveaway, Wasteland 2 looks very nice

8 years ago

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Ah, rogue-like, one of my favorites games, i play a lot of this games, like FTL; The Binding Of Isaac Original and Afterbirth (#RoadTo1001%), Risk Of Rain, Crypt Of The Necrodancer; Rogue Legacy; Project Zomboid; Sunless Sea; and i have my eye on Darkest Dungeon; Nuclear Throne; Spelunky and Dungeon of the Endless.

8 years ago

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Thanks for your generosity.

8 years ago

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Rogue Legacy and Dungeon of the Endless are both great. DotE is 10/10 though. Bump for exposure.

8 years ago

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i might as well try

View attached image.
8 years ago

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You may certainly try. Royalty in my humble giveaways? I'm honoured. You're in my whitelist anyway.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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This thread confuses me, but I don't do well with lack of clear structure and intent :X

Well, whether you're asking for games to keep or games we want, answers are similar enough::
Dungeon of the Endless looks like it's a delight, combining tower defense, rouge-like, co-op and turn-based play, making for a really immersive game with great replayability.

Desktop Dungeons is a seemingly brilliant combination of easy to digest individual play instances, rouge-lite, and puzzle gaming.

Convoy looks to basically be a successor to FTL, and looks like it's doing everything right.

All three look like fantastic games.

Rogue Legacy.. ah.. well, others like it, apparently?
I honestly couldn't stand a single thing about it- from the meaningless lineage system [read: totally randomized traits on new characters with fairly meaningless effects] to the poor shopkeep system, to the poor level design, to the horribly clunky controls and simplistic combat-platformer gameplay..
I just didn't find a single thing about it to like :/

But, well, minority opinion. :P

8 years ago

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I reread my initial post and I can see where there is a lack of structure. I actually wanted everyone to say which one of the games they wanted and I would give away the two most popular games with the participants with the best comments getting in the whitelist to be able to try out for the game. I was going to keep the other two. Again, sorry about the confusion. I'll try to be clearer next time. I can't even say that English is my second language, because it isn't.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the clarification!
(Wouldn't have gotten that on my own :'P)

Looks like, by your comment below, I missed it- so good luck on it! :)
(And awesome of you to give away such great games :) and Rogue Legacy :P)

8 years ago

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How do I get on your whitelist?

8 years ago

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It's a bit late for this giveaway. I was asking for opinions on games to give away before I selected and gave them away. There'll be more in the future though. Otherwise I add anyone who wins a giveaway from me and shows gratitude to my whitelist. Or if I like the person's opinions and work in the community.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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