Steamgifts should make a quantity restriction per single title which would increase or decrease depending on the amount of already created giveaways.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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to prevent sapms like titan quest maybe

1 decade ago

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like metro or dota...

1 decade ago

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Isn't it obvious?

1 decade ago

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no, then we couldnt have 25k mass giveaways from developers.

1 decade ago

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well,there could are exceptions for devs,they already can give away a lot more games

1 decade ago

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These are created by hand by administration anyway, it would be easy to just make them exempt.

1 decade ago

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Yes we could have. I dont care about a quantiti INSIDE particular giveaway but all different giveaways @ once.

1 decade ago

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I approve this

1 decade ago

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If this happened then people couldn't buy 4 packs of some games and give away the extra 3 copies.

1 decade ago

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No, just deal with it. Or better, download SteamGifts Plus and make a filter for those games.

1 decade ago

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As Yokuo said. Just invest in it or Steamgifts Enhancement Addon. 1 simple click on ignore button and they are gone.

1 decade ago

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This is more for those who want to see such giveaways but don't wan the site to lag as a result/etc.

1 decade ago

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really a stupid idea, people giving you free stuff and you complain about the quantity?

1 decade ago

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By quantity OP means total over the whole site at a given time. And by limiting the number of giveaways per game title to a high enough yet still reasonable number it helps the server to not lag so bad.

1 decade ago

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Darn, they limited it to one title per person? So no giving away my 10 copies of Skyrim? =p

1 decade ago

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Thx for Skyrim.

1 decade ago

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Do most of u are really that dumb or u just pretend to be ?
This IS NOT about quantity of copies that are given away INSIDE ONE particular giveaway. So it does not matter if u buy 4pack of a game or 10 single copies of same game. U can specify it in giveaway options... It's about restricting quantity of giveaways itself to not create more than (for example) 50 giveaways from 50 different persons on the same game title and moderate it basing on particular giveaway time.

1 decade ago

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Why should be that done? I see no point, there are better ways of dealing with exploited keys. Putting limits to the generosity of people is plain stupid.

Each certain case should be adressed uniquely. And with that attitude I guess that the only dumb around happens to be you..

1 decade ago

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Kinda hard to be dumb when I try to give a fair solution for solving a huge problem. Removing a game from giveaway list just becase ppl suddenly got huge amount of copies is dumb. Then if there are better ways of dealing with such problem then give a reasonable example of such way. Otherwise I can tell that u are the dumb one ur self.

1 decade ago

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Whohaaa! Slow down mate!

You shouldn't randomly insult people first of all. And you aren't the first who thought this. Putting a limit on giveaways is just stupid it would do nothing but prolongue the issue. It's better to remove it, bundle it or whatever the support team chooses.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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A better way is to modify value based on amount.

Make a giveaway for a game that shows up once a week, you get full contributor value. It generates full points for everyone, and costs full points to enter.

Make a giveaway for a game that already has 20 giveaways active that day, you get maybe 5% contributor value. It generates that percentage of its point value. Whether it costs full or reduced value to enter depends on site preference.

High recent volume reduces value. Low volume, value recovers. Site preference as to whether bundles count against individual games (Humble Indie Bundle 3 contains the game Cogs. If someone puts up a Cogs giveaway, should HIB3 count as a recent Cogs giveaway?).

System would overall give less incentive for everyone to dump their bundle/exploit keys on the same day. It could also be used to get rid of the current bundle/exploit flagging. It wouldn't keep people from buying up bundles and distributing the games six months or a year later for full value, but people like to say how contributor value isn't really important and people should be giving stuff for the sake of giving it away, so should that really matter? It would breathe life back into giveaways for old bundle games, because people would have more reason to gift old bundle keys, and old bundle games would see their value restored once their giveaways vanish for long enough.

1 decade ago

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So I can't make a flash giveaway for 1 hour and have two other copies for a week so everyone gets a chance? Really?

1 decade ago

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Then people as SFK couldn't continue giving Magickas...
Not reasonable. It's much more logic to treat each case in particular.

1 decade ago

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Any good reason for ur words ? I don't see any obstacles.

1 decade ago

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I don't agree. SteamGifts is great this way.

1 decade ago

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No it shouldn't. What if someone actually does want to give away a hundred copies of Fortix, or if someone wants to promote their multiplayer server with giveaways of say, 15 copies of the game it's hosted on?

1 decade ago

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Then he creates the giveaway and set in options 100 of copies to that game. It's that hard to understand ? Or u never gave a game away and u are only a leecher...

1 decade ago

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So let me get this straight... You complain about there not being a cap for the number of games, and you never and nowhere in the opening post mention that what you mean by that is the number of separate giveaways of the same game, and not just, say, 10 copies of something in one bulk. Then you kind of assume that I should, with my psychic powers or something, understand that you thought about it that way, since, and sorry for repeating myself, but you left no specification about it in the opening post. To answer your question, yes, it's kind of hard to understand like that; impossible, even. But I must be such a stupid fuck for not understanding it, so sorry for that.

Also, I did give away at least one game, and I also did it with multiple games (I know it's not much, but it's what I had). Do your homework before making an ass out of yourself. At least I leave a "Thanks" in a giveaway I'm entering.

1 decade ago

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I really don't see the point of putting up quantity restrictions.

People are still joining the lottery of [insert "spammed" game here], so obviously there are still people out there who wants them, and if people want to give games away then let them.

If you don't like to see 10x copies of such a game in a row, then (as people have mentioned) there are plugins available that can filter them out, and if it's all a matter of looking through the pages quickly, then surely there's no need to rush given that you usually have hours, if not days to join a lottery for a game...

1 decade ago

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Seeing 10 copies of a one game is not a problem. Problem is when u see 3 pages in a row with that single game...

1 decade ago

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But then we wouldn't have a flood of bundle or 90% off games when they come out, and really what's steamgifts without that. Think of trains man, think of the trains.

1 decade ago

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Filter is your friend.

Don't want to see a game? Filter it out :)

The more people who are giving games, the better (providing they aren't the result of an exploit, of course).

1 decade ago

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Now people can't give a single f*cking game, because they spamming...

1 decade ago

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Whats up with the ton of Titan Quest copies? Just curious.

1 decade ago

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THQ humble bundle.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Aikanaro.