Official announcement (main info is in the comments)

Basically the dev claims that bundle buyers will receive only a free-roam version, called Ghostship Aftermath: the Experience. Which will be without any enemies (which is basically a demo or an alpha), while the greenlight page especially mentions "Various enemy types - Aliens, Zombies, Mutants, ghosts, Humans and AI". I cannot but feel cheated.

UPD: Now he started deleting comments under the announcement.

UPD2: The dev promises that he won't delete comments if they stay in this thread.

UPD3: More creative ideas from shaun, the lead dev (I didn't make it up, just glance through the thread):

  • They will release the aliens and weapons part as a paid DLC.
  • They will release the aliens and weapons part as a paid DLC, and make the free-roaming part free for everyone.
  • They will not give the keys to bundle buyers at all, because they are deeply offended.
  • They will give a refund to every bundle buyer.
  • They were going to give the full version to bundle buyers, but now they never will, because of bad comments in the thread.

The other dev, bongobails, claims that they are still happy to provide the full version to bundle buyers, but he feels that most people won't like it and would prefer the "free-roam" version.

UPD4: The devs made an apology, latest announcement promises the full game for bundle buyers. Two previous announcements were deleted. Another thread was created in which shaun denies the fact that another version was intended to be given to groupees buyers.

1 decade ago*

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"They were going to give the full version to bundle buyers, but now they never will, because of bad comments in the thread."

Obviously, if they ever planned to, this situation would never have happened. It's just another one of their childish mind-games to avoid responsibility.

9 years ago

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Nice bait and switch by him. I doubt Groupees will side with him on his bullshit excuse, no idea about steam tho, what he did definitely falls under false advertisement. It does not matter if only part of the features were listed on groupees, he linked the vote page for the game with full features so that's what he should provide. Even if it was just a mistake and not deliberate bait and switch he should own up to it and provide what he promised.

9 years ago

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if it's true what the devs are writing, then they're waiting for a response from groupees that will allow them to give the complete game to everyone.
I highly doubt that groupess would deny that request, so I suggest we just wait to hear back from the devs.

If it's just a BS excuse, we will learn soon enough - we could just ask groupees directly after we hear from the devs.

at least shaun apologized and I'd say it's steering in the right direction.

9 years ago

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The thing is that even if he did apologize now, i doubt he means it and i doubt most people will believe the apology to be sincere. He seems to be doing it in the face of an overwhelming negative reaction. Who knows, maybe at first he thought trolling and threatening people(with not giving anything at all) would get him some supporters. Now they're just trying throw everything in the groupees corner, but like i said above, groupees has no reason to deny anything.

Their "oh but people will get mad because they paid for a different game" excuse really does sound like pure BS. Games have always changed during development, if they're so worried they can just add "exploration" mode to the game i doubt it would be very hard to add a new menu option in which nothing spawns.

9 years ago

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I agree with your second paragraph. As a lot of people already pointed out, games change during the development, but it's usually fine with the customers, if they get more than they have been promised (and a switch to turn of enemies to please the peace loving buyers surely can't be that hard, right?)

However, I think he really meant his apology. As a dev you might not be used to PR work and to be honest, some post of the users have been really aggressive (and him being childish at first didn't help change the mood).
I think after he had a night's rest, he could think about it all and thus he probably really meant his apology =)

9 years ago

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I'm inclined to think his apology is sincere, and that he was simply overwhelmed by the sudden backlash. One of the other developers, Bongobails, stepped in and explained that the "it's a different game" argument is not because it got updated, but it had a whole game-play and genre shift during development. They were worried about the legal implications of delivering a game that did not match the product description. Bongo has said they fully intend to deliver on Steam Keys for the full, complete version of the game after they double-check that they can't be sued for doing that (Because seriously, people have sued for less).

9 years ago

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Hey guys,
The version promised in the bundle was the free roam exploration game as described on the bundle page I Just got an email from the developers. They will be providing us with Steam keys as promised.
Clearly some mistakes were made and some things were said that should never have been said. The developers have apologized for the comments made and are trying to make everything right.
I am in contact with the developers now and will post here when I have a timeline for the keys.

9 years ago

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Again as has been pointed out a number of times, while the game started one way, it changed and evolved and on the same greenlight page that they used to greenlight the more basic game, they had put up that the game was gonna have aliens and guns and all that other stuff. Then they changed it again and that is where the problem is. They promised something then took it away for what ever reason.

I didn't get the greenlight bundle for that game, I got it for another one. But I did vote yes on that same green lightpage at some point later when they had added text about there being aliens and guns and low amounts of ammo. I know I didn't do it before then because I'm not a big mystery game kind of person, I like FPS.

As you can see there it does say
*Various enemy types - Aliens, Zombies, Mutants, ghosts, Humans and AI.*
Scavenge a variety of weapons, ammo is very rare so don't be afraid to run!**

If it was just a game where you look around with nothing chasing you and no fighting why would they include aliens and weapons.

I just followed the link from the groupees page and it took me here

And on that page it clearly says
Various enemy types - Aliens, Zombies, Mutants, ghosts, Humans and AI.
Scavenge a variety of weapons, ammo is very rare so don't be afraid to run!

AND they even have a video on there where you are fighting aliens with guns. So if I do get a key for the bundle thats what I will expect is a game where you fight aliens.

Will I be ticked if the game is just the basic one they described and tried to say only groupees people were getting, yes, will I buy the full game with aliens and stuff, no because the devs will have ticked me off and I'm sure there are many others that will be like that too.

If the game I get from groupees is the full thing with guns and aliens and stuff will I be mad? Nope. Will I buy another copy to give out. Actually yes I would, as long as its a reasonable to me price.

9 years ago

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Very well written.

9 years ago

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Well I guess in the end we'll all receive the keys most of us forgot about it(I did)... Still shame on you Ghostship Aftermath's devs =p

9 years ago

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The dev wanna be real ghost....

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Unfortunatly, If our pages do get closed down due to the controversy that has occurred then we will have to start new greenlight campaigns for our ghostship games.

They're still trying to weasel out of this even after their "apologies"? Wow. It almost sounds like they wish people would make enough controversy that they wouldn't need to keep their promise.

9 years ago

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Shaun does not have very refined English skills. A lot of people (myself included, in fact) reported the greenlight submission during the big argument. What Shaun is saying is that the page is now under investigation and it's up to Steam whether or not they close it for fraud.

9 years ago

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Ah, thanks for clearing it up Cross. You did the right thing to report them, as what they were trying to do was clearly a scam and trying to blame it on the customers why they wouldn't get the finished game. Hopefully they'll make it clear to Steam they're giving the finished product, instead of trying to pull their "Expedition" BS story once again.

9 years ago

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I'm an.. unrelated.. third party :> Never heard of the game til now, don't care much one way or the other :> All in all, I think this is really Greenlight's fault, overall.. If not for "early access" and people being willing to "Greenlight" anything with a couple videos and decent screenshots, this whole thing would have been hashed out in virtual silence between the devs in a garage or Grandma's basement somewhere ("Enemies, no enemies?! What to do?" bs).. Not saying they're innocent, at all.. The DLC thing is a common arse-coverer exercised by the modern gaming market, so I'm not too surprised they attempted to use it, haha..

Honestly, an open heart-to-heart discussion should have started between backers/fans and devs when they started having doubts about the game they are making (and those graphics look very nice, not sure how they wouldn't be able to deliver whatever won the popular vote with that talent level)..

Again, I'd blame Greenlight first, since its basically "Pay Steam a hundred dollars and do whatever you want after that!", with little to no quality control happening until something is already Greenlit and users complain. Although, many (MANY) awful dev/fan experiences exist without Greenlight, haha.. I just looked through forty-odd pages of Greenlight sludge and found maybe ten games that /seemed/ decent :| And people back a game, a lot of the time, based off of no working demo and having little to no knowledge of what kind of people the devs are, or how long it took the devs to develop the game to the point its currently at.. And I'm still not sure why devs even agree to use Steam, at a 60% cut of the profits (aka, a "Our job is HARDER than your job, so we get MORE than HALF of whatever you make" cut).. Having them handle bandwidth and update distribution is nice and all, but not "60% of my everything for you!" nice :|

Search up Greenlight Simulator 2015 on Greenlight, and upvote that bad motha :>

9 years ago

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9 months ago

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Hey OrcaWithASalmonHat,
why did you necro this thread?

9 months ago

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Historical perspective.

We Orcas are curious about key removals and related topics.

9 months ago

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But you were around when the thread was created, so you probably read it back then.

9 months ago

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I definitely read it today.

9 months ago

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Closed 6 months ago by Gaffi.