I really struggle with actually beating games. I often only play the beginning, but last year I made a bit of an effort to beat more games!
This went well as I beat 28 games. Mostly short ones mind you, but I beat them none the less.
I decided I want to share with you guys some of the games that I beat + enjoyed. I'll update this thread over time with more giveaways.
Good luck and enjoy!

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - level 2
Child of Light - level 1
Papo & Yo
Sparkle 2 Evo
Thomas Was Alone
bit Dungeon II
Contrast: Collector's Edition - level 1
Shan Gui
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons - level 1

8 years ago*

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Will you suggest me a game to beat (and maybe give away one day winkwink)?

View Results
Beep boop affirmative
Everything points to no
It's a possibilty

really struggle with actually beating games. I often only play the beginning

Story of my life.

I have a weird "habit" to play games that never end, like CSGO, Rocket League, Doto etc.

Thanks for the giveaways even though I wont enter cause I still struggle :P

8 years ago

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My thousands of hours in MMORPGs says something similar haha.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty much the opposite. I seem to not enjoy games as much if they don't have an end. The biggest reason is because I like single player games and lots of retro games (which are usually not multiplayer focused). I also love platformers and JRPGs most recently which are single player. Finally, I don't really have any friends I have a dedicated time to play with, so multiplayer games can get boring really quickly for me. The sort of circular problem is that to find friends to play multiplayer games with, I would need to play multiplayer games, but since I don't really have any friends to play with, I tend to avoid multiplayer games.

8 years ago

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Dammit SG! Again typed a wall of text and got disappeared when hit submit...


I like the human factor of online gaming because it doesn't feel the same to try to fool a human with trying to full AI. At least for me.

As for the friends, well you can make friends while you play the game. And if you don't want friends with the common meaning (talking to them etc) you can have "gaming buddies". When you like the way someone plays and you think it meets your standards you can add him/her and invite each other when you want to play. More than half of my steam friends are people from games that I never talked to again but we play from time to time a game or two.

8 years ago

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You should check out Siralim. It's an RPG with roguelike elements such as procedural generation and permanent death, and it never ends, that is it ends once your entire team gets wiped out. There is as far as I know no level limit for your creatures and realms keep generating infinitely. If I remember right there are modes you can activate which make the game less punishing as well.

It's quite a time-sink though, you'll have a lot to learn, to experiment with.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the suggestion of Siralim: I didn't know it, looks great !

8 years ago

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I'm trying to finish all games I have... 300 to go... But I am struggling too, maybe because... I don't like when something ends?
And Even now I wish I could go back to games like MU ONLINE, SUN...

8 years ago

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MU... I spent so many hours watching my brother play...good times. I was more into L2. All that scroll level up of swords struggling not to turn them into crystals, Valacas fights, grinding day and night....
But can't go back either. Tried once, but couldn't... too much nostalgia to cope.

8 years ago

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After all those years those games didn't go further at all. They say MU online got some patches, but these are patches that doesn't give any new game play, just adding things that You could possibly find in some of private servers already. And I spent almost 2 years back then (where there were no micro transactions) to get my char to lvl 270. Now it's a lot easier. When there were no AFK BOTS (those destroyed game play in my opinion)... Because now You go over there and all of them are simply AFK on spots. What's the point ?

8 years ago

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Well, if they don't actively support the game it's inevitable it will become AFK hotspot till it dies completely...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Papo & Yo! It's a fantastic game, beautiful , quite short and 100% is quite easy as well
Or Zack Zero, it's a fine game, like a saturday morning cartoon.
Or Borderlands II >:D

8 years ago

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Thanks. <3 I'll definitely try Papo & Yo soon.
I bought 2 copies of Borderlands 2 for me and my nowex-boyfriend but we never did play. :( I'll have to see if I can get someone else to play with me though because it looks like one of the few shooters I think I would enjoy.

8 years ago

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Why don't you start with first Borderlands? It's probably not as good as second, but still pretty good and worth playing.

Since I'm thinking about buying Borderlands 2 before the sale ends, I'd offer to play with you but I'm not sure could we make it happen due to time zone difference (Canada is about 6 hours behind my time zone).

EDIT: Just noticed I'm blacklisted, may I ask why?

8 years ago

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Sorry, not sure to be honest. I'll remove you.

8 years ago

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I'd have to say that the first borderlands was better than the second. That's even with having GOTY edition of the second and only playing the regular version of the first. The only thing that makes almost question it is Tiny Tina. Hands down my favorite NPC ever.

8 years ago

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I can't stand Tiny Tina, her voice is really annoying. Lilith as NPC is pretty awesome in Borderlands 2.

Anyway, Borderlands 2 is better in many ways. Graphics, gun models, enemy models and their AI. I find the writing to be better in B2 as well. Overall B2 seems to improve in almost everything, even most weapons are lot better and more enjoyable in Borderlands 2, snipers and pistols for example. Assault rifles are crap in B2 though.

The only thing, aside from assault rifles being crap in B2 is that I don't find Borderlands 2 as fun to explore for some reason.

8 years ago

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Her voice might not be the most pleasant to listen to, I can understand that. The dialogue she has is amazing, though. I thought Lilith was annoying. Kinda like they were trying too hard to make her appear cool.

Gun models were extremely better in BL2. I didn't see a huge difference in enemy models (except for their being new ones of course) or in the enemy AI (nothing significant at least). I can agree with the writing being better as well (Tiny Tina for example), but I'd say the differences that really matter are the Playable Characters and Guns. BL1 was better. The classes in BL2 were too bland, their attributes did very little than just modify numbers for me, they got rid of your sniper/bloodwing for a shuriken-throwing ninja that can turn invisible. That should have been amazing, yet it got boring before I ever killed Flynt. Instead of phase shifting, you only get to hold an enemy in the air, you don't even get to move them. The turret did get better, though. Also they made repeaters and revolvers the same, which took all the fun of revolvers away.

I would agree about the exploration, except for the DLCs. BL2 DLCs were pretty fun to explore. I never tried BL1 DLC, so can't compare that.

8 years ago

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Aside from models being of better quality in B2, they just look a lot more cool as well. As for the AI differences, the enemies in B2 take cover often, they can jump around and generally navigate much better.

I can't say I like how classes work in either game. I played Mordecai in first Borderlands and I beat the game and all side missions (but not DLC) with only putting a point in Bloodwing and 5 points into Focus, and didn't bother spending other skill points at all. And Bloodwing was terrible, he would deal almost no damage, and he wouldn't stay out for long. I found him completely useless and in the whole playthrough I used him less then 10 times, and those few times I did use him he wasn't of any use.

In Borderlands 2 I started with Gaige and her Deathtrap is much better than Bloodwing. He stays out for much longer and is actually very useful. He's a great distraction and deals decent damage even though I haven't upgraded him with skills yet (I am level 19 Gaige and have only spent one skill point so far and that was to get Deathtrap). He can also revive you during second wind, if he kills an enemy.

In first Borderlands Revolvers packed a lot of damage but would shoot very slow, which wasn't fun. In Borderlands 2 though, they can "fire as fast as you can pull the trigger", which makes them more fun to use.

8 years ago

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You can reset your skills for a laughable price at some places (even in Sanctuary) so if you feel like experimenting, go on :)

8 years ago

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I see that you played Life is Strange and Wolf Among Us, if you did enjoy those kind of games, i can't recommend enough Tales from the Borderlands.

As ChibiCthulhu said, it might be better to start with the first Borderlands. But keep in mind that's totally possible to start with 2 or TftB.

edit: Not to mention that storytelling games are easy to beat.

8 years ago*

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Tales from the Borderlands is a great game.
You'll definitely like it if you enjoy good quality point n clickys.
I used Glovepie v4.5 to move the 2 QTE keys nearer the arrows.
I use arrows to move in pc games and the Q and E keys were too far away .

8 years ago

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I beat Papo & Yo today. I didn't look up at all what kind of game it was before I played, like I went into it expecting a totally different kind of game. The 3D even surprised me to be honest. But it was a totally pleasant surprise. :)
The game was really emotional, and I loved it. I haven't decided yet though if I'm going to go back through to get 100% achievements. Thanks for the suggestion. <3

8 years ago

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^^ I'm happy you enjoyed it, I really loved the very creative ways as the environment shaped. It felt like a children's book, in the best way possible, almost magical (house opening as a book, that was just jaw-dropping)

8 years ago

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Great! both from my wishlist

8 years ago

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I've been hearing great things about Ori and the Blind Forest. I think you should beat that one ;)

8 years ago

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+1, although she doesn't have it yet.

8 years ago

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It does look beautiful but I'm something awful at platformers. I feel unsure I could ever beat it when I hear so much about how difficult it is.

8 years ago

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I suggest Beyond Good & Evil. :) You have it! :) It's a nice game, and not that long!

8 years ago

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+1 One of my top favourite games. I played it on GameCube.

8 years ago

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I played it on the PS2! :P I have it! :)

8 years ago

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Oops! There is one of the many games I only played the beginning of.
Thanks for the suggestion. It's a SteamGifts win so I will try again <3
I haven't redownloaded many games since I got the new computer last month because of my data cap, but class starts tomorrow and that means I can steal some college wifi. :3

8 years ago

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Yay! :) I think you'll like it. :) Jade rules! :)

8 years ago

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Yes, great game! It has my vote too. :)

8 years ago

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I really should try it out I guess :)

8 years ago

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You should! :)

8 years ago

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I heard Minesweeper is an interesting game, but you have to have Windows95 to play the definitive version of it :)
Thanks for awesome giveaways!

8 years ago

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Well, there is Finesweeper on Steam :)

8 years ago

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It's a dirty clone copycat version, and Minesweeper is a real thing! :)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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ill take your word for it then :v, thanks, try to beat Bioshock Infinite, its pretty good :D

8 years ago

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I remember being really excited to play Bioshock Infinite. Then my dreams were crushed when steam told me it was 42 GB. Data caps suck. :(
Thanks for the suggestion. Hopefully one day I get it downloaded haha <3

8 years ago

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Ouch, it sucks when games are that huge, especially when you have a slow download speed like in my case (I don't have any limits on how much I can download though). Anyway I even avoid entering giveaways for some games that I'm interested in because I know they would take forever to download.

8 years ago

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Aha. It's probably worse for me that my internet speed is fairly fast with a low cap. It's pretty easy to hit the cap if you aren't really careful. Especially with Netflix lol.
I do that too, but I wish the size was told on the store page or something on steam.

8 years ago

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You have data caps? :O Where are you from? You could also go to friends house/parents work/public library, login there, download game, copy to USB.

8 years ago

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Oh I'm from Canada. It's possible to get unlimited internet but it is too expensive. I think almost 3x the price compared to with a cap.

8 years ago

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Oh, that sucks. It's ~10$ here a month, no limits.
As for games - Deus Ex, System Shock, STALKER. But these aren't easy/quick games. Try Max Payne 1, 2, 3; Splinter Cell series.

8 years ago*

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get a repack .
You own it so morally it's ok -ish.
if it's a well made byte for byte repack (when decompressed),you can put the game files in the steam folder and steam will see the files when u install the game from steam and use them.
I've got away with downloading a few hundred megabytes rather than gigabytes doing this trick.
Fitgirl does a few good repacks that match the steam files when installed
You have to make sure you have the correct game folder name or steam won't see it in 'steamapps'.

And don't click 'install' from steam untill you're sure the files are in place in steamapps.
If not ,you'll have to remove the game +all install traces from steam completely and start again.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for awesome GAs, have a bumpp :D

8 years ago

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Thanks, and bump :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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That's fair. :)

I'm rather appreciative of suggestions. Owning this many games is really new to me and after I beat something I feel really lost of what to play next. Of course eventually I will choose something, but having a suggestion instead is wonderful. It's also nice to have to possibility to go to the person who suggested it to me afterwards and talk to them about it.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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Thank you! <3

I was having fun playing The Bard's Tale but I stopped for no reason of course. It's a SG win so I'll make sure to try again soon!
Max Payne 3 was one of the first games I bought on steam but I'm not entirely sure why. I'll have to try it eventually cause it was expensiveish but shooters don't usually interest me lol.
Do you think UnEpic is fine single player, or is it better multiplayer?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

8 years ago

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Okay, sounds great! Thanks so much for sharing, I do truly appreciate it. :)

8 years ago

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You can try to beat Dungeon Defenders. It is by far my favorite Tower Defense game

8 years ago

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Thank you. <3
Is it beatable? I would have assumed it is endless.

8 years ago

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It does have a full campaign mode along with challenge missions. The survival mode usually capped at 25-35 waves depending on the map. So it is beatable at least in my eyes. The grind is certainly rather large, but I did enjoy it.

8 years ago

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Okay cool! I'll keep it in mind.

8 years ago

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Thanks for awesome giveaways, have a bump

8 years ago

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Child of light, awesome!

8 years ago

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Thank you for those great GAs!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I'm in luck! I love city landscapes. <3
Thanks, it looks like a better 404Sight which I enjoyed. I'll put this higher on the to download list!

8 years ago

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Mirrors Edge is incredible and is very well optimised and looks fantastic

8 years ago

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Wow, you have so many games it's hard to recommend anything.
Looking through your wishlist, Torchlight was an enjoyable SP game. You can even level up so far that the end boss-fight is relatively easy. That also means you don't get stuck and can actually finish it. I had it as non-steam and probably played about 20 hours (?). Nice graphics and torchlight 2 is co-op although co-op games can be problemaatic IMO (BL2) if the other person donesn't like the game, has too little time or one person progresses too far on their own. Although at least in BL2 you have separate charcters so 1 can be for co-op only.

8 years ago

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I definitely went overboard on games. I only started actually PC gaming, aside from MMORPGs, less than a year ago. So I've been trying to figure out what kind of games I like and don't like. So of course I have quite a few games I wish weren't stuck to my account but oh well.
Thanks for the suggestions! I wasn't aware the first Torchlight was single player only. I can see that being a good thing.

8 years ago

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Less than a year ago? Wow, must have felt like the first time in a candy store, spoilt for choice :D
Edit: One series I can definitely recommend if you don't have an aversion to first person shooters is Bioshock. The game mechanics per se are relatively simple but the story is what makes the series work. The second one isn't exactly a must-have, neither stor-wise nor does it bring anything new to the table, but it does have it's own unique story in a familiar setting. The third one is the absolute highlight with a wtf story-ending. The series is definitely one to have at least seen a letsplay of.

8 years ago*

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I am still often overwhelmed by choice. :p But sales have gotten better. I no longer have the desire to buy everything haha.

Shooters with lots of story are fine usually. I have the third and I've heard the first Bioshock is kinda scary which worries me, but I do want to play. I've been thinking I should play them in order. I might have to get someone to play with me though when I do get it. :x

8 years ago

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Bioshock & scary? Umm, no? :)
System shock (spiritual predecessor) was supposed to be scary but that came out aeons ago.
Nothing scary about the Bioshock series, but a lot of atmosphere.

8 years ago

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I hope you are right, but I do get terrified fairly easily.
I haven't been able to play The Last of Us alone either and people say that isn't scary. I am just a scaredy cat. D:

8 years ago

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Wow, really? Maybe you should play it with someone then. It isn't scary like in a horror story or such but some enemies will appear suddenly or the big daddys will charge you causing a sudden spike to your heartbeat ;)

8 years ago

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I admit a few times I was pretty scared playing Bioshock. I can't play horror games at all, though. I'm a bit of a wuss. It is by and far worth it in the end. One of my favorite stories in games.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the GAs :D

8 years ago

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I loved How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition. it is a simple game, full of bugs and LOTS of fun. really. every time you want to carry more, improve something, discover a new area, discover a new weapon, new feature, find a hidden monkey solving riddle, and lots of other stuff. I don't know why people do not recommemd it much here, but for me it is an amazing game that only brought fun and good feelings.

8 years ago

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The problem with that game is there is so much backtracking involved. And not knowing whre you dropped some stuff that you need later because your backpack hasn't got infinite space ;)

8 years ago

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haha in fact this is what I loved most... I kinda messed up with one item and have to search everywhere to find it. somehow search for it was not frustrated at all. I love how you drop an item and the item will be there like forever. things stay exactly how you let them.

8 years ago

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You make it sound like fun! Thanks for the suggestion. <3
Is it scary at all? I'm not very good at handling zombie games. :x

8 years ago

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nothing scare! you will just discharge some adrenaline when you see some REALLY big boss or crocodile while you have just a bow with a few arrows to kill him... besides the adrenaline moments, the zombies aren't scary at all.

8 years ago

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You should 100% The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and give it away.

8 years ago

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Maybe one day! I've been hoping to play the original first.

8 years ago

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thanks for the great gas and bumpy bump :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Alan Wake

8 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion! Are you enjoying it? :)
The horror tag usually scares me off.

8 years ago

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It's fun and not really scary.

8 years ago

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bump using my new software controller companion. it`s pretty neat.

8 years ago

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That does indeed sound neat.

8 years ago

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You mentioned not being good at platformers so won't mention those.

From RPGs Dragon's Dogma releasing in a couple of weeks is very good, played it already on PS3 but didn't do the extra area and only played it once so looking forward to have another run at it when it releases on pc. And you have Legend of Trails, not sure why you stopped playing, if it was just getting busy you should pick it up again but maybe you were not enjoying it as much, although it does start kind of slow, so might enjoy it even then if you give it another chance.

If you like point and click games I recently won and finished Grim Fandango which was great, also really enjoyed the first chapter of King's quest but that one is just at the second episode so still a while before it's finished, also really enjoyed earlier Life is Strange (you have play time on this but not sure if you finished it already). Also having fun right now with The Raven but this is probably more if you really like point and click the others I feel have a bit of a more broad appeal.

8 years ago

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Dragon's Dogma does look good. I haven't really paid attention to games like this before because I haven't had a computer that could run them. Now that I can run them I think I'll have to pay more attention. :P
Mmm I actually just won Trails this week on SG. So the playtime is just from idling for cards. From everything I've heard about it though I'm absolutely sure I will adore that game.

I did finish it and I loved Life is Strange, but I haven't played much other games similar to it. I also won Dreamfall Chapters this week (I had a really lucky week) so I'm eager to play that. Thanks for the suggestions, I will definitely keep them in mind. <3

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Teakupo.