1. Make the header fixed to the top of the page. It will always show the number of user's points when scrolling the page.

  2. Change the color of the "Error" button that appears when entering a giveaway was unsuccessful. Now both error button and the button to quit the giveaway are red and users have to read the text inside to check if they entered correctly. It would save users' time if you changed it to yellow for example, so everyone would know if something went wrong just by looking at the button (usability).

  3. When someone writes only a short description for the giveaway it gets kinda lost on the page between comments and everything else. I would suggest you to create a box for the short description in the "featured container" just below the "featured summary". Something like that: http://i62.tinypic.com/353ch9j.jpg
    Then make a field for it in the form for creating a giveaway or just check if the description has less than "x" characters and if it does, put it to the "featured container" instead the box that it is in now.

9 years ago

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Bumping, not sure if anyone has seen this thread.

9 years ago

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I couldn't agree more dude. And I think the first point is the most important.

9 years ago

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Thanks, I think so too. The number of points could also refresh more often, because when I open a giveaway in a new tab, enter it and return to the list of the giveaways on the previous tab, the number of points I have stays the same as it was before I entered the giveaway.

9 years ago

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3 times yes

9 years ago

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Well, I guess no one else likes it.

9 years ago

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Hello :) ,
hmmm I can add 1 more visual suggestion if I may :)
I really dislike color of top bar (where points are and other options like Giveaways,Trades,Sales, etc)
Here is example what I mean "http://www.colorsontheweb.com/images/contrastspic.gif"
I don t have best eyes and if I want to see my points "status" I have to hover over it(points status bar) to see it good enought (because it than have better contrast)

I am not sure if this is right category to write it to but ... I hope someone will read it :)
Have a nice day :)

P.S.: in that link above (with that *.gif )it is about contrast not actual colors to be clear :)

9 years ago*

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That's also true. The text-shadow in .nav__button could have bigger opacity, say 0.2, or color of the font could be white with black text-shadow.

9 years ago

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sgv2+ will have this btw.
we are working on it

beta-release soonish

9 years ago

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error 404 (page not found).I am talking aobut "https://github.com/leomoty/SGV2-"
yes I meant "buttons"(technicly links <a></a>) in navigation section :) I could be more ... technical :D but you get it :) I don t know if white color will fit to the page style ... but it is not upon me to decide :) it had to be changed with another color with better contrast :) that was all I was saying :)
while writng this coment I did it manualy (search in github for "SGV2-") and it ofc found it :) I don t know direct link don t work for me ... it has exactly same link as you wrote

9 years ago

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The "-" isn't a part of the link. It is pointing to "*/SGV2" without the dash.

9 years ago

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oh I see,, I am sorry , my mistake... and thx for reply :)

9 years ago

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They changed the color of the button to leave the giveaway - it looks nice. ;) And I thought no one was reading this discussion. :)

9 years ago

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ye I see it too :D nice look :) (but didn t solve our suggestion :D )

9 years ago

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