Well as you can played with this game the whole about the MULTIPLAYER.

Story Mode:

First of all there is "NO" TRUE story mode in this game only Tournament modes which means if you need ALL chars defeat bunch of enemies repeatedly which is SOOOOO boring.

Mecha Naruto Story it takes about 1-1.5 hours MAXIMUM.
Ninja Escapades: 30 mins of STORY gameplay about how the akatsuki born in this game mode you can find 5-6 Fights or less.(Only this game mode contains ANY TRUE story.)

Tournament mode takes a bit longer...

Why turning into CoD?

As you cna see the ea new CoD games have LESS and Less story mode All about the Multiplayer and Character Customisation.

SO If your planing to BUY the game just DONT do it...There is No REAL Epic Story Mode like Ninja Storm 3.

Accept or Disagree? Oppinions?

9 years ago*

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I do agree. The tournament mode was pointless.

I enjoyed the Akatsuki mode, but felt it needed more to it.

9 years ago

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Yea you know I missing those HUGE Boss fights and those ACTIVE Intros like when Naruto vs Sasuke at the Bridge in Ninja Storm 3. (Push B now X and now Y+Y+B etc..)

9 years ago

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multiplayer is the future single player is just a tutorial why would u wanna fight a ai that u can beat at any dif ? when u can have another player that can beat u till u cry

9 years ago

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Which is why it's getting harder and harder to actually find a good single player game. Most games go for a crappy single player experience but no problem. It has co-op or a multiplayer that's done so many times it's not even funny anymore.
Thank god for indie games.

9 years ago

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360 Shuriken no scope ~

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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naruto did it from storm 1.If you press the shuriken buttom three times at your controller he will do the third hit with a 360 shuriken no scope

9 years ago

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Naruto always knew what was coming then (?)

9 years ago

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Even i like cod AW but i will make a joke now----- From the creators who brought you naruto ultimate ninja storm series comes Naruto Advanced Ultimate Warfare storm Revolution 2

9 years ago

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awesome eats doritos while watching the trailer

9 years ago

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I will do this only for you---->Democracy democrasy is not what this people need {scenes from the preparations for the 3 ninja world war }.{Madara appears}Konoha tries to protect democrasy from nations for a century and hasnt work one time{dramatic music begins}.This countries has not the basics to support that democrasy.Little thinks like we will put down these who disagree with us,we will put down these who believe in different god with us.{Dramatic music continues.Ha give me a break people need boundaries rules protection from invaders from themselves.{scenes from konoha war}.People need a leader who take away chaos give them that and they will follow and there is where i coming

9 years ago

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Beat 'em up game

Story mode


9 years ago

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Naruto games have always been horrible button-mashing casual "fighting games" (and I use that term extremely loosely since there is literally no strategy to be had in these godawful games). So yeah, being that they are casual button mashers, I'd say that it fits CoD perfectly.

9 years ago

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Well then you dunno how the Fightning games are works...sry you NEED strategy which combo and WHO and WHEN Need to use it.

9 years ago

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It's literally a game where you mash one button over and over. That is not strategy. Grow up and play a real fighting game.

9 years ago

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Ok no comment I cant change ur stuborn attitude. First get some EXP in fightning games then come back. Good bye.

9 years ago

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At Naruto clash of ninja you dont mash one button over and over if you press A and the other keep evading you will die because it put you behind from enemy and you can harash him.Also all the fighting games has mash one buttom thing because this is how fighting games works you have the 5 basics movements kick, jump, punch, heavy punch, heavy kick{or/and special moves} the buttoms that most people mash and if you play the game because you like it then you create combo with different combinations.Also wtf man games are created for kids not us adults ffs is our choice that we keep playing games because we prefer them from something else.Also i want you to give a reference to a real fighting game

9 years ago

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Well then you dunno how Naruto games works. Haven't played the new one, but Storm 3 was like:
• load chakra
• launch ultimate jutsu
• load chakra
• launch ultimate jutsu
• if enemy is at low health
○ use finishing move
○ else - go back to point 1.
• GG

9 years ago

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Well if you played in this style then you have 0 chance in Multiplayer.

9 years ago

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I played local 2-player games and believe me, it was the only reasonable 'strategy'

Just for clarity - I'm not saying that fighting games lack strategy. I'm saying Naruto games do.

9 years ago

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Well then you played againts unskilled players this load ulti load ulti useless againts a real player maybe usefull againts a 10-16 yo kids who using BBBBBB and BBBBBBBBBBBBB with BBBBBBBBBBB.

9 years ago

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SO If your planing to BUY the game just DONT do it...
Just asking, are you God? Because I don't want to be damned if I buy it...

9 years ago

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Well Iam not GOD I just want to save your money if ur feel urself Richie Rich then Okey...waste ur money if you want.

9 years ago

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TIL all multiplayer games are CoD.

9 years ago

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So no campaign mode? That helps explain the difference between it and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst, but not why this is so expensive. To me, if you don't have a campaign mode, shouldn't be priced so high.

9 years ago

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as you say...well I bought it for 39.99€ but still WAY too much for this game its like any DLC..

9 years ago

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Because CoD sells with little to no change from older to newer games?

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Shazzamm.