So this happened to me yesterday Manhunt 2 Glitch

and ive had some pretty funny experiences with glitches: like this one in saints row 3 where if you get blown up out of an airplane and land in the pool you get stuck in the skydiving pose and slide around on the ground (i tried doing it a while ago and it no longer works i guess, and i lost the video of me doing it when i changed phones =/)

and its got me thinking, what odd/funny glitches have you guys experienced?

Edit: I think this tops it

1 decade ago*

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I don't know about the weirdest, but the creepiest is definitely the good 'ol Witcher face glitch
(Don't know how to clicky :T)

1 decade ago

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Can't remember but Ive had a lot of them!

1 decade ago

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Skyrim. It was around the shimmerist cave, saw a guy on a horse that was moving really fast, in the air like the horse could fly.

1 decade ago

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Don't take this as a shameless self-plug (As it isn't); my only recorded game-glitches are on my Twitch page...

1 decade ago

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GTA: Vice City Stories for the psp. I glitched out of the world and the skybox became my floor. I was able to see through the ceiling of the mall and could still kill and blow thing up.

Great fun, I even took a video of it but it's on my old LG shine phone.

1 decade ago

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Another one was I was outside the stables of Whiterun, and I was on my horse. I jumped onto these rocks, and I got sent flying into the air.

1 decade ago

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Playing fallout 3 shot an enemy they started bugging out crazy flying out all over the place with their limbs stretched out a lot, and that one time someone got caught in the cross fire got turned into a bloody mess of organs and body parts, they assembled together and acted like a normal npc (that was disturbing).
Playing nazi zombies and everyone fell down, the game screen shows up and one of the hell out takes off running into space.

1 decade ago

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In Skyrim on Xbox I hit a frostbite spider. It glitched out and suddenly there was seven of them all stuck to the end of my weapon. I screamed like a little girl because it freaked me out. Pretty funny now that I think about it.

1 decade ago

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some rage fun. uploaded it a while ago, sorry about the kinda shitty quality, but i think you'll get the idea :D

1 decade ago

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First day when Tomb Raider 2013 came out...went to a campsite and when I left the campsite, I fell through the map. For no reason at all.

Another Tomb Raider glitch I've encountered was when I was in that shantytown place and Lara Croft glitched and froze in place. Funny thing was that she became both invisible, but visible. The enemies saw her, but at the same time would not attack her. They would stand right next to her, walk past her, turn around, and do the same thing again and again. I couldn't move Lara too so yeah lolz.

1 decade ago

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I just get plain ol' get stuck in walls and floors stuff most of the time.

1 decade ago

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Somethings up with his face

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Herpulese.