I have been a customer of Humble Bundle for eight years. I am a HB monthly subscriber.
I contacted HB support after one of the users told me they were having a problem receiving the email from HB gift link that I gave them.
The issue resolved itself the next day. It took a week for Humble Bundle to get back to me. I told them already resolved, but maybe they could work to respond faster.

When the Australian Bundle was announced I tried to buy it and got declined. Contacted support. Got a canned response stating I was doing something wrong and to try a different card, contact my bank, etc. Responded asking if they even read what I wrote, then a person responded with, I will escalate. Then no response.

Two days before bundle sale expired I created another ticket explaining in more detail the steps I took to make sure it was their system issue and not my CC so they could fix issue. Many days after bundle expired no response. Today I got their response.

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to us. There appears to be some suspicious activity associated with this account that directly violates our Terms of Service. Further inquiries regarding this account will not be responded to. I apologize for the inconvenience, but hope you have a nice day.

Take care,

No clear reason, and they will not explain. Big middle finger from HB support person with a smiley on top. WTF!

What was suspicious? Did a support person get butt hurt so retaliated and marked my account suspicious?
BTW, I only wrote, maybe they could respond faster, and if they read my email, no profanity or anything else.
Or did the user I gave the gift link I contact HB about scam HB and now I am associated with that user?

I have literally done nothing suspicious.
Be aware…

4 years ago

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2 months and 2 tickets to get a speed runners key working because i had purchased 2 of them so i could play with a friend. i had used one copy and the 2nd copy kept saying i had already used it, yes i used both copy's on my one profile that is linked to humble bundle. that was the last time i used email link from humble bundle, i just use the keys now.

4 years ago

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Very bad news. From a looong time I use only giftlinks to giveaway games and reveal steam keys for to activate by myself. So far did not have any problems or flags (and hope it will remains that way). But most games I still not used on HB, are games which I already had on my Steam account and I will make giveaways as giftlinks (in small packages). Also many of them are not fresh buys.

I did not sell anything (only exception was around 2 not steam games from monthlies as I dont want such games from monthlies).

4 years ago

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HB links is a kind of tracking tool for them to see how many "friends" you have
don't use them
those links have been reported for being weak, security-wise by the way (leaked, guessed or else)

4 years ago

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Yeah I think this is the takeaway here, don't use HB gift links and don't mention SG or giveaways in support tickets.

4 years ago

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HB has been known to ban with no explanation what they think is "illegal activity" with the keys you buy. Most probably they thought you were trading with the keys and got banned. Their support is really bad and I don't know if they reverse a ban.

4 years ago

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Suspicious actions may be behind this problem.(Many unused keys+Give links etc...) It is normal for such things to happen in light of the detect fraudsters difficulties.
Good luck.

4 years ago

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This is precisely why I NEVER give Humble a tip anymore. Crap like this. I've had a run in with their "support" and it's basically the same thing only they didn't mess with my account. I can deal with the slowness, but the rudeness, accusations and just pure jerkiness of them is beyond ridiculous. I suspect in another year they'll force tipping themselves even more. Since, they do still get a cut, anyway, but it's not enough for a shady organization.

It really is funny what happened as soon as they started making big money and stopped being humble. It was well before they even opened up their actual storefront, too.

4 years ago

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That's quite strange.

I've used both Keys and Gift Links, both on Steamgifts and directly gifting to some of my friends.

I haven't had any issues with Humble Bundle.

Just out of curiosity, do you often use Humble from different IPs and areas? Or over a VPN?

4 years ago

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no different IPs, no VPN.
just don't contact support on behalf of someone else. even if you write that you gave to friend.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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no cannot buy, they blocked adding, editing or using credit card. I tried to buy Australian Bundle, they did not help, and did not fix issue.

4 years ago

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