I put this in the off-topic section because obviously this site is about PC gaming. But since we are all gamers...anyone into retro stuff (emulators on PC aside).. might be into this. The console arrives on the 11th November and will come with 30 pre-loaded titles.

''Here's what Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime had to say:
We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo's original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place. The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is ideal for anyone who remembers playing the NES, or who wants to pass on those nostalgic memories to the next generation of gamers.''

Some points that stand out:
-Price: $59.99.
-NES pad (Guessing the player2 one) will be sold separately for $9.99
-Has 30 great games (list is in the link above)
-Connects to your TV via HDMI
-Can't use your original NES carts with the console - something even the most basic "Famiclone" offers - and there doesn't seem to be any means of getting new games onto it.
-"Note that an AC adapter for the USB cable is required to play the system but is not included in the packaging."...what-didn't they learn anything from not putting a charger with the 3DS? /facepalm

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7 years ago*

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Sadly you can't use your original NES carts with the console - something even the most basic "Famiclone" offers - and there doesn't seem to be any means of getting new games onto it.

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7 years ago

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My reaction to that:

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7 years ago

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Kinda neat I guess. I'd rather have an SNES one myself.

7 years ago

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me too :O SNES rules! If they ever do I just hope they put the really really best games out there.

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7 years ago

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Which titles would you pick? The first 10 off the top of my head:

  • Chrono Trigger
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  • Super Metroid
  • Final Fantasy II (IV)
  • FInal Fantasy III (VI)
  • Earthbound
  • Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  • Super Mario Kart
7 years ago

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Super Punch out
Soul Blazer
Illusion of Time/Gaia
Turtles in Time
Super Probotector
Kirby Super Star
Kirby's Dream Course

7 years ago

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off the top of my head:

secret of mana and chrono trigger
every mario game (even mario is missing, rpg/stars and mario kart)
every donkey kong country game
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Turtles in Time
Street fighter 2 Turbo
All Megaman X games

7 years ago

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if they're going to limit themselves to a certain number of games, like 30 in the case of this one (they could easily have had far more games in it, there's a lot of first party titles on NES), it would probably be best if they skipped the Mario edutainment games (Mario is Missing & Mario's Time machine), as they're both kinda bad, both as games and as educational tools.

7 years ago

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Can't use cartridges? Then whats the point? Buying a Raspberry PI (or any alternative like ODROID) and getting a USB NES controller is still cheaper, you can also use it for more than nes games + if you really want you can even build your own cartridge reader so you can play games just as on a real nes.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Unfortunately, it is illegal: https://www.nintendo.com/corp/legal.jsp

it is like saying "Why should I buy a humble bundle, when I can just pirate the games"

7 years ago

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If its that illegal, why didn't nintendo shut down any NES, SNES, GC, WII, WIIU emulator development? =)

oh wait, because they can't, since its not illegal.

7 years ago

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Just because they choose not to do something doesn't mean they can't.

7 years ago

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They can't shut down emulators, since they don't use files that has any code from nintendo. So emulators are perfectly legal.

7 years ago

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Some emulators are illegal as they require BIOS or other files from the console. Gamecube and Wii actually need the DSPLLE dumped from an actual Wii, downloading this would be illegal. In many countries, you're required to create your own backups and 90%+ of people don't have the tools to do so.

7 years ago

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Emulators are legal, emulating is not. It's weird.

7 years ago

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Oh wait, because it too fucking expensive and a war they can't win as there are too many people who reupload all the stuff?

7 years ago

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Illegal but the best option available I would say. (short of being a millionaire and buying everything)
I have no qualms with it. Like 30+ years later and they offer a system like this? 30 games? You dont even get to pick the games you want. Your original controllers dont work on it. (pretty sure they wont offer an adapter for sale either), etc etc etc. Its just another one of those old school Christmas clones thrown together to be sold at an inflated price.

I have a complete collection of Atari,NES.SNES,SEGA, DS and just about every system since. (on my computer). I plan to eventually build an arcade cabinet with a computer inside.

7 years ago

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Well, as Nintendo now starts selling the old games again, you have a legal alternative. it might be that robbing is the best option for you personally, but why don't you just go ahead and rob 3DS games from a local store? It would be the best option available.

7 years ago

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Hehe. No. Just because it's official doesn’t make it any better when there's been better options out there available for decades.

7 years ago

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It's probably an Arm SoC running an emulator, like the neo geo gold.

You can get an original NES or Famicom for the same price or cheaper, get an everdrive-N8 or a powerpak and play every game there ever was :)

7 years ago

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At least the neo geo gold was portable and they offered "cartridges" with more games. This mini nes thing is designed to be as expensive as possible offering the least amount of features possible. Like seriously, no charger? no compatibility with old controllers? why?

7 years ago

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And the NGG SD cards were hackable so you could load up all of the missing games :)

7 years ago

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No way! Ill leave that to nintendo fanboys
my console still works and still i prefer the emulator.That's exactly what this is anyway, a glorified emulator
Not to mention that even if it used cartridges, buying games these days would be incredibly expensive.

EDIT: At Least sega made a portable console that accepts roms

7 years ago

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Still have my original NES and SNES. Ah,the good old days of blowing on a cartridge to get it to work :)

7 years ago

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I used to do the same thing when I was a kid, now I learned you shouldn't do that because the moisture in your breath can corrode the contacts. Better to use 91% isopropyl alcohol and a q-tip/cotton bud :)

7 years ago

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I even figured this out when I was a kid 20 years ago.

7 years ago

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My neighbors used to put theirs in the freezer... they swore it worked. :P

7 years ago

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yeah...not buying that since my nes still works fine :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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yep it's pricey for sure-that's the main thing that puts me off it all

7 years ago

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Emotion(nostalgia here) can drive a man to the edges.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

7 years ago

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Shame the controllers are not USB controllers.

NES games are always a bit interesting to go back to. Some (like Kirby's Adventure) is still genuinely great titles, others (like the first Zelda) have not really stood the test of time...

7 years ago

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IMO The Legend of Zelda is still a great game. Crystalis was much better, though.

7 years ago

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It suffers from some design flaws that I find very hard to forgive these days. There's nothing wrong with the core gameplay, but finding the later dungeons is trial & error, and one of them even forces you to use a limited resource (bombs), with no good indications of where to use them, and even if you know where it is, the game is rather stingy with where you place the bombs, so even if it looks like the explosion hits the right spot, it does not always register it as such. You can also be locked into boss rooms due to running out of things, with no way out other than to kill yourself (the Dodongos & Gohma are like this). The forest is just guesswork as well. All of this just adds up to a game that I would really not enjoy these days, did I not already know how to beat it.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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This might be nice for my uncle, all of his older games and not very tech savvy.

7 years ago

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I might have to find a way to pick this up for nostalgia.

7 years ago

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Can't use old carts, can't use old controllers, 2nd controller sold separate, power adapter sold separate. It sounds like they made it as incompatible with the original as possible so that you have to buy all new stuff. I guess it's not bad for $60, but it would of been nice if they at least included a power adapter.

I still have my original NES, SNES, and N64 with a lot of games and they still work fine. No reason to downgrade :)

7 years ago

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No Contra (just the inferior sequel), no MegaMan 3, no DuckTales or Chip & Dale, no Metal Gear, no River City Ransom...

I'll just quote the last one from that list: "BARF!"

7 years ago*

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Metal gear sucked on the NES, better get a MSX emulator and play the original ;)

7 years ago

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Original MSX version also isn't that great of a game really.
Original MSX Metal Gear 2 on the other hand... :)

7 years ago

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We have a different opinion then, for me the 1st Metal Gear was the best until Metal Gear Solid for the ps1 that is.

7 years ago

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The original MSX version at least had sneaking, the NES version was just a mediocre shooter.

7 years ago

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could just emulate them and connect via HDMI to a tv.

7 years ago

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Whats that a strange connector for the gamepads... doesn't look its compatible with the original one eigther

(original version)

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7 years ago

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Nothing is compatible with the original. I'm guessing this was by design $$$

7 years ago

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+1 it's all about the money

7 years ago

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I ignored it when they were selling their old games using their online services, but now they expect you to buy new cartridges for games you already own? Nintendo is really pushing it on the nostalgia. What they should've done was release NES games as collections on mobile app stores and sold a small NES controller bluetooth phone accessory for using them. That would've made a killing, AND capitalize on their recent mobile success I'm sure we're all aware of.

7 years ago

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still have a working snes

7 years ago

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Useless junk

7 years ago

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Mmm.. Nice idea for a xmas present.. To ask :3

7 years ago

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It has Tecmo Bowl. So that's a big selling point. Would have been nice to see Double Dribble and either RBI Baseball or Bases Loaded 2 in there but Tecmo Bowl is an absolute necessity.

7 years ago

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I wonder if this Tecmo Bowl still has the real players or if their license expired decades ago? :)

7 years ago

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I hope the real players. And technically I don't think the original Tecmo Bowl even paid for any player likenesses because when the sequel came out that's when the whole NFL Player's Association thing started and players started asking for money for their likenesses to be used. I remember this very well because my hero at the time, Bernie Kosar who was in the first game, pulled what at the time I thought was a jerk move, and when he didn't get paid they had to leave his name off and he was just in the game as QB #19. I was a kid, he wasn't in the game, I was mad. So I'm thinking that because there was no NFLPA back then it doesn't matter because there was no license to use their names to begin with when the game was made.

7 years ago

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I did some Googling and apparently the Wii Virtual Console version does not have real player names, just QB #19 like that for everyone, due to licensing issues. So that does not bode well for this one.

7 years ago

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Now wait is that for the original or the SNES game Tecmo Super Bowl? Was afraid it might be a retro active thing. Pretty sure when Madden had legendary players that one year they had to pay the old guys. Wish everything was as easy as PC gaming and you could just patch in real names, teams, logos, etc. like people do for Pro Evo Soccer which is vastly superior to FIFA but just can't match EA's bids for the licenses.

7 years ago

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It's for the original NES version. Maybe if this mini NES is hackable people can load other roms on it :)

7 years ago

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I would probably buy this one, however it's a shame that there will be no Castlevania III among other titles...

7 years ago

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What's the point? I could emulate NES games perfectly 10 years ago with my crap ass computer back then, I'm fairly sure that most phones at this point could emulate every single NES game perfectly and store them for less then a gig.

I just double checked, it's actually only 180 mbs to own every single NES game on your computer

7 years ago

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Complete NES ROMS Set-1092 Games
116.1 MB in 1092 files

Gotta shave them megabytes!!!

7 years ago

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Still have working NES :3, but games are expensive :(

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by EdgeUHF.