Yes I know there's an E3 discussion going on. But I just have this little thing to say about it. $499 AND €499? €499 roughly converted equals $660. The UK is getting F'd over as well. The price is a lot yeah, but this just pisses me off more.

Why, how, what.

1 decade ago*

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the most annoying thing is im probably not gonna get either xbox one or PS4 and as a result miss out on exclusives like phantom pain :(

1 decade ago

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Xbox One dsnt have Dota 2.. No use getting it

1 decade ago

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haha this aswell, ill just wait till its on IOS Cos clearly its the best system/device to play it on :p

1 decade ago

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One is with sales TAX, the other without. You still pay more but not as much as people have in there calculations.
Sales TAX is usually around 20%.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, but even with the tax included... it's still more.

Considering that all those fancy TV features etc. aren't even supposed to work outside the US, really doesn't seem like a great deal for the non-US people of the world.

1 decade ago

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For once it seems the Australians's aren't TOO price gouged...$599 AU...not bad.

Sucks for Europeans though. Feel for you guys, we've both experienced this price gouging pain.

1 decade ago

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Thats the same price of my pc that I bought last november, and I got a crapload more exclusives on here. I currently got an xbox 360, but I wasn't gonna buy the Xbox One anyway because I havn't heard a good thign about it. I'll maybe buy a ps4 if the prices go low enough.

1 decade ago

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from all the BS that is involved with it they might as well give away all the ones they have now and close shop.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Reinheart.