So a few months back I got a new job and I just finished my first week of TRAINing. So far it isn't too bad. It's been all death by powerpoint so far, although yesterday we got outside for a little bit, which the entire class was grateful for.

As for the actual job, I can already tell I won't like it. To put it bluntly, it will be total bitch work. With that said, I'm SUPER STOKED to be doing it. Why? Because working for the railroad is going to be the shit (it also beats the 8 or so months of unemployment I just "enjoyed"). I have to put in a year in this position, but I don't mind. I figure it will be my time in the trenches. After that I'm going to start shooting for management positions, which shouldn't be too hard with my past experience and degree. On top of that, this company will help reimburse you for your college so I'm currently looking into starting my Masters, which I'm also pretty pumped about.

If this sounds like I'm bragging or anything, I apologize. I'm just really excited after my first week. This past year has been a huge bummer and I'm just excited to be working again, no matter what. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the train. It's not much, but I needed to do some spring cleaning on my unused keys and figured this was a good excuse. I ran out of GA slots, so stay tuned next week for another train.

There's also the MIDSUMMER MADNESS giveaway going on, so be sure to check it out and contribute!

Please bump the thread if you enter! All GAs are LVL 1.

EDIT: It seems I may have made a mistake with the Skara GA. I have a key for the $10 Starter Package, NOT the $20 key. I didn't realize there was a difference and there was only one option on SG. I have a ticket out to Support, but I think I might have to delete the GA. I apologize to anyone that entered!

EDIT 2: Alright, so I ended up deleting the Skara GA. I would like to apologize to everyone that entered. I'm definitely open to suggestions on how to make it up to the people that entered. I want to get rid of this Starter Package key somehow because I'll never use it

9 years ago*

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Congrats and ty for the ride!

9 years ago

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Congrats and thanks for the train.

9 years ago

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Gratz, I didn't realize what the link saying TRAIN was at first,,,

9 years ago

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Most jobs have good and bad aspects. I am glad you can see the good one on your new job!!! I hope it is nice for you and you have a great start!! Also, thanks :D

9 years ago

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Congratulations, and I hope things continue to work out :D

9 years ago

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Bumpity bump! ^^

9 years ago

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bump, have a nice day

9 years ago

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Bump, thanks for the train!

9 years ago

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Congrats. Here's to a smooth ride for the future!

9 years ago

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Working in locomotives and making a train? Well played :P
Thanks for thinking on us and sharing your happiness! And good luck with the new job^^

9 years ago

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YES! This guy gets it.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Oh man, powerpoints... x.x

Glad to see you're so optimistic about your job ^_^ Good luck!

9 years ago

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Congratulations :) A good feeling, getting that first job.

9 years ago

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Thanks! But this is far from my first job!

9 years ago

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Whoops. I read new as first.
Looks like I need a nap.

Edit: Actually, I read the first in the title and thought it was your "first first week".
Looks like I really need a nap. :)

Bitch work is still better than being in a slump. Congratulations again on getting out of your rut.

9 years ago*

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Hey, no worries! Go get some shut eye, naps rock. And you're right about the work. It's REALLY going to be lame, but we all gotta start somewhere!

9 years ago

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Congrats and thanks for the train

9 years ago

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sweet job you have there

9 years ago

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Congrats on the train

9 years ago

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This is a pretty good train. Nice job. I don't think I can stand PowerPoint anymore. Too much of it in high school.

9 years ago

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PowerPoint stops for no one.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the ride

9 years ago

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Bump for the crazy train!

9 years ago

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Bump for the train

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Congratulations. Don't give up in the first week on the job. It can be overwhelming. Just remember, 90% of all jobs are probably shitty anway, it's just the colleagues etc. that make it enjoyable or bearable. As long as they pay on time and don't regard you as just another number.

9 years ago

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Whoa whoa whoa, pump the brakes. Who said anything about giving up? Working for the railroad is going to be off the hook. I've been in far shittier situations, believe me.

9 years ago

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I don't mean quit the job, I meant thinking this work isn't for me after 1 week. Sounds a little premature to me.

9 years ago

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Believe me when I say this job is bitch work. No one in my class is planning on staying in this position past the first year. Hell, even the instructors are giving us tips on how to move on to better craft or the management training program. We're all starting at the bottom, but it's our rite of passage. I know 100%, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that I won't like my job duties. But I don't mind because 1) I'm getting paid decent money to do it, and 2) there's insane opportunity with this company. This position is just a means to an end.

9 years ago

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Everyone ends up doing work like that at some point in their life. In a way, its kind of a positive. It teaches you to knuckle down and dig in the work, and to view your body as a machine. And like all machines, it can be automated, which frees your mind to go elsewhere. Its like active meditation.

9 years ago

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A trainyard is the last place you want to do anything on autopilot. Stay alert, stay alive.

9 years ago

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i've never won the lottery, but than again, i haven't filled out a form ever.
i wonder if my chances will be improved if i'll feel a form ;)

9 years ago

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A little, but not much. A few weeks back the Powerball was up pretty high, maybe around $200 MIL. I was feeling kinda lucky, so I figured why not. I bought a quickpick and won $4 for a net gain of $2. Not bad, right? I thought I'll just keep it going and continue to buy tickets to see how much I can get up to. I go back to the store and this time bought two quickpicks. I was looking forward to the drawing. Who doesn't? It's fun to sit and daydream what I would do with my $100 MIL or so (after taxes, of course.) If I struck it big I would take the payment plan and then immediately hire a lawyer, accountant and financial advisor. I would have it set up so I would just live off the interest alone and my family for generations to come wouldn't have to worry about working if they didn't want to. Well, the numbers were drawn and I didn't win anything. I didn't match a single number. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I guess I'll make all of my money the old fashioned way now.

9 years ago

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tell you what. if i'll win, i'll ask you to be my accountant?

9 years ago

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As your future accountant I strongly suggest you find a new accountant. I did very poorly in my Intro to Accounting class in college. No joke, I was awful at it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Grats Laqueefa! And thank you for the train!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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