In case you didn't know on Thursday big Dave Cam won the general election in the UK. He won with an overall majority which means he can do what he likes now. It is fair to say I found this somewhat depressing as I don't like the tories very much at all. But I didn't find the results especially surprising as it was up to the opposition parties to present a credible and electable alternative to the conservatives and I feel they very much failed miserably.

In any event life goes on. Unless we die in riots. Which could happen. I'm sadly old enough to just about remember the dubious joys of the Thatcher government and all the social unrest of the time and I can see another round of divisive austerity going the same way. But Thatcher at least had the sense to strengthen the police force before pissing everyone off while Cameron has significantly cut the police since they barely held the line in the 2012 riots. Great work Cam and I'm sure it will all work out well, but I am digressing from my original point...

On Friday, the day after the election, I started seeing a lot of people posting and sharing a great deal of material complaining about or just abusing our glorious leader. Which is fair enough, except a lot of this was being done by people who had said they weren't voting because there was no point, it didn't matter, it was too much effort, because everyone was the same, as a protest, etc. Or hadn't even registered to vote because you know screw the system or whatever.

I can't help but think of a few statistics that I saw. 36% of voters voted conservative. Voter turnout was 66%. So by my maths Dave Cam has absolute power with the support of only 23% of the people who could have voted. Which means the other 77% plus everyone who was too lazy to even register to vote could quite easily have prevented that from happening if they wanted. And if that was too hard then fair enough, but spamming my facebook wall with complaints after the fact is just going to make me tetchy.

That said I'm uncertain if the lone tory supporter that I noticed was even worse. 'Democracy has Spoken!!!' he proudly declared.

Having just worked out the maths I couldn't help myself but suggest that although the conservatives appeared to have won the election fair and square (apart from maybe all the bullshit and fearmongering) 'democracy has spoken' was possibly pushing it. Given that the conservatives were going to be running the country without effective opposition thanks to the support of only a small minority of the electorate arguably only for the benefit of a minority of the population. And that was a long stretch from a word derived from the Greek dēmokratía literally meaning 'rule of the people'.

'It is the system. You can't argue with the system.' was the answer I was given. I suggested that in a free society maybe I could and that it might even be beneficial for people to question the system from time to time. Which is when I found out that apparently I'm a terrorist and that I should go to Syria with the other terrorists.

I'm staying off facebook for a while. I think I'm going to stick to Steam and Lego Star Wars until things improve. If nothing else maybe Dave will make sure the trains run on time like all the best leaders.

9 years ago*

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Big Dave Cam?

View Results
Glorious Leader!
Insane Dictator!


9 years ago

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I see blurred already ~_~

9 years ago

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+1 ..

9 years ago

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tldr .

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ahahaha. Epic.

9 years ago

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I'm american. So we don't care. Give us oil.

9 years ago

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But we need it for frying fish and chips.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No, you will buy it from muricans for monnies

9 years ago

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I know it took a lot to write all that, but can you please proofread it once again? I'm missing something.
edit:-nevermind. reddit is quite helpful.

9 years ago*

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Bump for politics?

9 years ago

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Neat, thanks.
Good luck to Britain, hopefully Cameron will care more about the people than about sucking up to EU b0sses.

9 years ago

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I don't know but at least we should get a referendum about Europe. And I think that was one of the things that cost Labour votes. But thanks for the luck in any event!

9 years ago

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basically.. rich people won.. and It might all go to hell in hand basket..
stay on steam & SG forums instead of other social media.

9 years ago*

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You've just described every election everywhere. Good people and poor people don't become politicians.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I saw that. Good for her. But winning an election that only involved 40,000 people isn't exactly the scope of elections to which I was referring.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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She was always going to be involved with politics. She's finishing her degree in politics. A good person wouldn't seek out a career in politics any more than a good person would try to be on a reality show.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm sure there are some that go into it with good intentions, but the system is set up to completely minimize the impact those people can make. One person simply can't change things.

9 years ago

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No ponies in this thread?!
Well that just won't do! ;)

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9 years ago

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By strange coincidence I'm currently painting some ponies. But from the other end. Not pink either.

9 years ago

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May I see? :)

9 years ago

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Last one I did is up there, I'm doing four more at the moment for different people.

9 years ago

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Oh wow, wasn't expecting this O.o <3

9 years ago

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If people want to be doormats and not vote, that's their right. It also means that they're essentially voting for the status quo.

Of course, the flipside is, do you really want people voting that don't care enough to be informed about the issues? You can incentivize actions, but you can't make people care. At least it doesn't sound like the British conservatives have declared a mandate from the people, like the Bush campaign.

9 years ago

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You make some good points, but to be fair I'm currently not sure we even have enough politicians who are informed about the issues.

9 years ago

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It's quite normal for democracy that minority rules majority. Mostly because majority doesn't care who right now steals tax-money :P

9 years ago

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It's normal. Just vexatious when the majority can take the trouble to moan on social media but not vote.

9 years ago

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Its a normal reaction nowadays . Sad but true . I personally rarely vote and thats only when its obvious that one party wont steal THAT much compared to the others and also I never complain . Have a nice day.

9 years ago

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If only all those whiners went and voted for some obscure party - now that would be fun :P

9 years ago

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I worked out that if instead of arseing about telling people not to vote Russell Brand (beloved of the whiners) had started his own party and used his (alleged) charisma to mobilise all the non-voters to support him then he would now be prime minister and fixing all of the worlds problems with his (allegedly) wonderful ideas. But I guess that kind of thing is just too difficult compared to whooping it up in his fancy flat with the profits from his anti-capitalism revolution book.

9 years ago

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This is why I generally stay away from Facebook. Too many keyboard warriors with no intention and efforts to make a change, real change, in real life. Regarding the voters, I agree with you. Every vote counts, so there should be no excuse about not voting. Well, things already passed and I wish you guys the best of luck ahead.

Also, thanks for the train. Have a good weekend, may be you can grab a beer and forget about politics for a while.

9 years ago

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I now have cider. Thank you for luck!

9 years ago

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i feel you. elections are coming here too. let's see how much we will fuck things up.

9 years ago

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bump for tomorrow's presidential election in Poland ;))

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9 years ago

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From what I heard that is a fairly good illustration of how things are going to go down.

9 years ago

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probably typical situation in most democratic states ;)

9 years ago

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Everyone should vote for Flying Spaghetti Monster.
That would be so awesome.

9 years ago

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no way.
often people say: let's vote for "the lesser evil" of the two evils.
but here is my candidate:

Presidential Election 2015
Choose greater evil
Vote for Cthulhu

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9 years ago

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I thought about it for a moment but for me things having something to do with food always win in the end.
Sorry, C.

9 years ago

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well, you are wrong.
Cthulhu have a lot to do with eating...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Sorry I really should have been more clear with the last sentence.
Make that blah blah food for me blah blah.

9 years ago

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yeah I know, just kidding. cheers! =)

9 years ago

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Yeah, well, I also knew you knew. Such fun X-D

9 years ago

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I'm pretty down about it too. It's the worst outcome IMHO, but inevitable with the upsurge of the nationalists (SNP, UKIP & PC) splitting the vote.

Five more years of austerity with no one to keep the Tories in check this time... hand me the noose :-p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm not entirely sure. I have friends in Scotland and I spend time in Scotland and I can certainly understand the rise of the SNP and I have a lot of sympathy for the party and their supporters. But I really believe the threat of a SNP/Labour coalition is one of the things that cost Labour votes in England and helped hand Cameron a majority. And that may well help keep Labour unelectable because I can't see them reclaiming Scotland at this stage. At this time I'm worried the success of the SNP may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory of sorts.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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However likely or unlikely a SNP/Labour coalition actually is/was it is the threat of it that did the damage to Labour elsewhere. And the Conservatives widely used it for propaganda purposes in England.

My whole point was that it is about far more than just the lost Labour seats in Scotland. The maths isn't that simple. Without the SNP and with Scotland Labour would win more votes elsewhere because it actually looks like they can make a strong government without the threat of a coalition. Whether that might translate into actual seats is harder to be sure about, but I'm far from alone in thinking that SNP success is going to continue to cost Labour far more than just 56 Scottish seats.

I'm certainly not blaming the SNP for anything. I'm a great believer that people should just do what they think is right without worrying about tactical voting or the like. And Scottish voters did what they thought was right and the rise of Scottish nationalism is only one of many things that hurt Labour. I'm just considering the wider and long term effects.

As the conservatives have such an unexpected majority I'm uncertain how much of a say SNP success is going to get them at Westminster. I honestly hope it works out well for them but at this time it looks like Cameron may well just be able to ignore them a lot of the time, as he can pretty much everyone else.

I would absolutely 100% agree that the failure of the Labour and Conservatives in Scotland is entirely their own fault. Scotland didn't just provide Labour with seats in parliament but also some of their best politicians - Labours various betrayals are going to cost them dearly, I don't see how they are going to reverse them, and however I feel about the wider impact they are clearly just getting what they deserve.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sounds like this is both the good and bad example of a government with more than two political parties.

9 years ago

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No offence taken.

It's great for Scotland, and I'd move up there in a heartbeat if I had the required amount of alcohol and heroin running through my veins =D

9 years ago

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Bump for solved ... ;)

Either way. There was something else on FB the other day, about ~60% of people not voting because it'd make "no difference".
My opinion was that they were hoping for another coalition so they could blame the other party when they fail to meet the oh-so-bullshit grand policies they came up with prior to elections. Now Big D is probably secretly shitting himself trying to figure out how he's actually going to stick to his promises, less be run out of office.

9 years ago*

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Bump for potato!

9 years ago

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Such poor voter turnout =\
From what i've gather he isn't that popular but somehow won? Sounds similar to other country's problem, namely from where im at

9 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway train, Heaven! (:

9 years ago

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Hey, I can understand you. Living in Hungary. Current party has 66% of the Parliament with less than a quarter of the votes at the last election (where they modified the rules of distributing seats in the Parliament). Although at least we don't actively try to secede from the EU because most of our "elite" is living off from the money stolen from there. ^^

9 years ago

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+1 and don't forget the planned (but fortunately rejected) internet tax, the stupid law that shops have to stay closed on sundays, only the owner and their family members can work. Government wants people to go to church, while they steal as much money as they can. Oh and they blur out their private residences on Google, while they are building yet another stadium. Corrupt system, and it will destroy itself sooner or later. And I still didn't mention that they threw away 80 milion Hungarian Forints for a faulty news channel. When they started they employed unprofessionals and there wasn't single broadcast, where they didn't have problem, mostly with the connection, but there were people, who forgot their lines, or said completely unreal things for example: "sunshine during the night", or "the temperature will be lower in our country, for example: Moscow", "only a few clouds will disturb the cold night". It was hillarious :D

9 years ago*

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In other words: if you think in Western Europe is bad, come to Central/Eastern Europe and we can talk again. :)
(Of course Central Africans could also tell us "bitch please, at least you don't mass murder each other daily…")

9 years ago

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Yeah :D Oh I got another story: Our Tax checking group (called NAV) was in America, but they got banned from there. When they got back, they opened a case, and investigated themselves, trying to find out who did a mistake. But we've got stadiums which is nice, even if our football team sucks :D

9 years ago

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It's all about perspective I guess...

9 years ago

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Well, yes. I think somewhere that would be the moral of the story.

9 years ago

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The loudest ones here on social medias a few years back were the one who weren't enough age to vote, spreading rumors of foul play, calling petitions and etc. Monkey see, monkey do I suppose.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nice wall of text!

9 years ago

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The democratic process in the UK could definitely do with an overhaul and with some decent people running for office rather than the self serving scum we seem to be saddled with. Oh well, bumpage.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bump for a dictator potato!

9 years ago

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Don't worry. It could be worse. We will be electing president here in Poland tomorrow. We can chose an ex-hunter, who barely does anything, but at least he looks kinda distinguished. An idiot who claims that you can cut trees with an Airplane, because his parent's friend told him so, and if the plane crashes after collision with a tree it means that there was a bomb on board. Another one candidate is 70+ year old gambler whose biggest achievement is having eight kids with 3 or 4 women (I kinda lost count), another one is 30+ year old women which is supported by politicians from her own party by liking events on facebook "I will vote for her is she shows boobs". And while we are speaking about boobs - one other candidate was lead singer in a band named "breasts" - and the one and only picture of him wearing a suit was photoshopped. Who else wants to be president? Right, guy who shouted "No more colour people in Poland" for the last 10 years or so. And another one who is openly anti-Semitic, and claims that jews caused WW2 by jumping into furnaces. Of course we can also vote for guy who made a fortune by selling booze - interesting guy, in last 10 or 15 years he was extremist right-wing guy, centre, and now he is extremist left-wing with his own political party. It's the "where the wind blows" kind of guy. We have also 2 or 3 more candidates, but I can't say anything nice about them.

I just love politics. It is like letting 5 year old kid to drive a bus, over the speed limit on a mountain road. It can kill you, but if you'll survive you will end up with a lot of great photos for the instagram.

9 years ago

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Hey, one of the main things wrong with politics over here is that these days the leaders of all the main political parties are basically interchangeable career politicians who went to the same posh schools and are led around by the nose by identical spin doctors. You clearly have your own problems, but I'm tempted to envy the variety you have there!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Don't get me started. We had the Liberals as a third option for a long time but they went into coalition with the Conservatives after the last election, selling out their principles for the slightest sniff of power. So they got wiped out at this election which they deserved but it turns out that just made things worse as far as the big picture goes...

I said don't get me started but I did anyway and I'll make a big effort to stop now before I just swear a lot.

9 years ago

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I kind of like reading your rants tbh.

9 years ago

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Apparently you got more than just entertainment value as well!

9 years ago

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