Information on Humble Bundle

Rock Paper Shotgun Article
"Humble’s game subscription service Humble Monthly will soon relaunch with a higher price as Humble Choice. Rather than giving a fixed bag of games (usually 8) for $12/month, each month Humble Choice have a choice of 10 games and let you pick some to keep. You’ll get 3 on the Choice Basic tier for $15/month, or 9 for $20/month on Choice Premium."

TechRaptor Article

4 years ago*

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Banana Answer

Was thinking of canceling my subscription as I paused more months then I bought. I'll keep my sub paused for now to see how this pans out and if it's worth it i'll be staying classic. I predict with this new format they'll give both steam and epic launcher keys.

4 years ago

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This change might be bleakier than i imagined. Indeed i didn't thought about them adding epic crap to the monthly, despite we already had uplay, and bnet crap included.
If they dare to bring epic to this, i don't care if i lose my "privilege" to the classic plan, i won't be supporting epic.

4 years ago

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Given the humble integration that was on Epic's road map, and humble already conveniently forgetting that the monthly games had been promised for Steam, I assumed this was inevitable. It could still be okay (because pausing, and seeing games up front) if they do entire monthlies as Epic redemptions, but I'm not optimistic that they won't mix DRMs.

4 years ago

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I bought this Monthly bundle because I wanted Spyro and paused just in case.

4 years ago

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Ooh they spammed me...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I love how they removed any mention of classic ;D

4 years ago

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I read on Reddit (i think) that now the Classic only apeears on the old link or something like that. Hope it stills be able to get it, becuase i went super crazy and thought about get the year subscription.

4 years ago

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Just below the table it's mentioned, and there's a button that points to, which is basically the same page but with classic in the table.

4 years ago

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I already can't afford it here in Canada and had to stop buying it, so I guess this won't change anything for me....

4 years ago

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im gonna hope for a huge raise in quality of the games, all 10 of them, to make the decision of only picking 3 really hard.

4 years ago

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Fuck it, i think this friday i'm going to get the 12 month subscription and let's see what they got during a year. Probably y will play like 15 of these games that might be enough value to me.

4 years ago

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Yeah, I just don't see the downside as long as you have a sub prior to Choice starting, and they don't take away the ability to pause your sub.
After being a subscriber since the beginning, I'm month-to-month now. Basically, with the classic plan, it's just like before where I'll choose each month if I'm going to pause or buy for $12, except that now I'll know all 8-10 games in advance. Seems like good news.

If they remove the ability to pause a Classic sub, then I'm out.

4 years ago

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Only potential problem that could arise would be if game quality significantly dropped. After all, it seems like there will have to be some padding to get ten games included when you look at previous Monthly history. Barely any past months meet that requirement and there's already been grumbling about indie reveals after the fact.

4 years ago

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I don't think game quality will significantly drop; it's always subjective, of course. Maybe "average game quality" will drop to get to ten games because of some filler...but even there I've always taken "8 games", "10 games" etc. to be a loose figure. That is, a DLC can count as a "game" in this context. Or a non-Steam key.

Either way, the thing is that even if quality degrades at least for month-to-month folk like me we can just pause indefinitely. Certainly if you have 11 months left on your yearlong sub, then you'll get tired of waiting for a decent bundle to come up. But actually I think monthlies have been pretty good on average lately, so it seems like sooner or later you'll find a few months that you want enough until eventually your sub is expired and you can switch to month-to-month.

I guess we'll find out!

4 years ago

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So is it worth getting? I am interested but I feel like the game quality wont be as high because more games are being offered

4 years ago

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They need to convince people that weren't already subscribed that the new more expensive tiers are worthwhile, and the only way that'll happen is if the games are ones a lot of people want.

4 years ago

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So you'll be getting 10 games for $2 each a month, most likely a few being AAA titles. Great deal, tbh.

I'm assuming the pain point is the almost doubling the monthly subscription fee from $12 to $20. That's $8 a month different. Let's be real here: if $8 a month is that big a deal to put you into crisis mode, you probably shouldn't be subscribed at all.

Here's some ideas for those that can't shit or get off the pot about this:
1) Pick up a single shift at a part time job once a month. This will cover the $8 a month.
2) Sell something you no longer use on Ebay, that will probably cover the $8 a month. But no, don't sell your stained waifu body pillow, nobody wants that.
3) Beat up 4 schoolkids and take their lunch money. That will cover the $8 a month.
4) Steal $10 out of mommy's purse when she's blackout drunk. That will cover the $8 a month.
5) Use Uncle Touchy's metal detector at the park or beach on Sundays. That might get you the $8 a month.
6) Sell a bag of oregano to fifth graders. That will get you $8 a month.

Anybody else got any sure-fire ways to make $8 a month?

4 years ago

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Thats not the point. Is expensive for choosing a few games that you dont even know if you already have and almost double of what we are paying now.

4 years ago

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If you can't keep track of what games you own, that's squarely on your shoulders. If it's a matter of having so many games you can't keep track of them, do you really even need more games? If you get a duplicate here and there, you're at the perfect webpage to handle that scenario. Also, please refer to my above tips for generating that extra income, thanks.

4 years ago

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Obviously blacklisted and i hope more people check your STG profile and see the class of leecher and troll you really are.

4 years ago

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Obviously you have no sense of humor and I can honestly give a shit what a stranger on the internet thinks of me.

Also, sorry you're too poor to afford the new Humble Bundle, maybe mommy can raise your allowance.

4 years ago

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Getting people blacklisted is obviously the most favorite phrase some SG elitists can conjure. xD Always have a good laugh when I see someone threatening others with that. It's like they think it's a big deal and damage.

4 years ago

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Yeah, not seeing giveaways from one person out of like one hundred thousand users really takes the butter out of my biscuit. "Oh no, now I can't see Johnny Douchebag's giveaway for seven copies of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's Dress-Up Fashion Mall, guess I gotta delete my Steamgifts account and kill myself IRL over it."

4 years ago

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Hi folks I have purchased 3 months humble monthly plan i bought this month for Spiro and crash bandicoot and i have already revealed all three. So if i want to pause now will i get and the remaining games. Moreover if i pause now and next month unlocks are good can i unpause and the last question can i pause when they reveal the next month games?
Thanks for your answer.

4 years ago

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You will still get the late unlocks for the Spyro month even if you pause because you already paid for it. And you can unpause whenever if you want the next monthly. In fact you can pause, unpause, pause again and then unpause because why not, it's allowed. As for your last question... you can pause until before auto-charge, which is the last Friday of the month (so November 29 for next month one) and you will skip the monthly if you don't like it. It will unpause itself after that automatically, and you need to pause again for December one, and so on, every month.

4 years ago

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Thx for your detailed information much appreciated. I would whitelist you but you are already there :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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so humble says 2019 but does any1 know if its starting nov or dec?

4 years ago

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Humble hasn't shared that information yet.

4 years ago

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As Golwar said they haven't shared that info, but they said we will know before they make the change. And I quote their stream where they said we will get a few emails notifying us about the incoming change.
So November should stay the same type of monthly unless they change something in the next 7 days.

And it should be noted that humble said "planed release" is 2019 so they might push it to 2020 if something fails.

4 years ago

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I expect the first batch of 10 games to be great, and that the quality will decline afterwards.

4 years ago

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It's more than likely going be similar to how things are now. 3 of the 10 will be early unlock type games.

4 years ago

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Even if it's great like this month, people will complain non stop. IGN is bad, IGN sucks, IGN shit. :))

Humble's monthlies have had its up and down, but overall for me it's the highest quality among all bundles.

4 years ago

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And I quote

How do I lose access to the Classic plan?

You will lose access to your Classic plan and benefits if you choose to cancel your subscription at any point after or prior to the release of Humble Choice. Pausing your subscription is fine, and will not cause you to lose access to Classic for doing so.

So i guess that this is only an "issue" for new users.

Gamepass, Stadia, and Tim gifting games every week are truly disrupting the industry

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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By a new user I mean a person that has never subbed before the new plans debut. Those guys will never get classic, once choice debuts.

As far as I understand, old users won't have the issue because canceling is not the same as pausing, and you can pause a month-to-month plan indefinitely. My plan appears as paused after months without buying any of the monthlies, nor paying in advance

4 years ago

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I would expect them to start throwing in Epic Games in there as soon as this kicks in.. they'll have the excuse that they're giving you more games now and it won't matter that you like it or not. Overall it sounds like a good deal for old users but .. if it's too good to be true.. most chances are it is. There's no way HB is gonna start to be much more generous with it's subscribers just for fun, they have to give out more games so it has to balance out in their favor somehow for the sake of IGN's business model. Let's wait and see what they come up with..

4 years ago

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the $14 tier is probably where they plan to make up most of the difference.

4 years ago

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EGS/Uplay/Origin games would be annoying, but the worst thing I could imaging would be that they start doing more repeats...
Like..."Remember that one game we had in a tier 1 bundle a few months ago? Well, lucky you, because if you missed it you can pick it this month in Humble Choice!"
That would be horrible...but on the other hand that kind of thing would just increase the trading that they hate so much, so maybe I'm overthinking this :3

4 years ago

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Yeah, I've thinking the same thing. The backlash would be worst if they suddenly start including EGS games. But with the new system, as far as I understand, you'll have the option to decline them, but that means you'll receive fewer games. Like you said, it sounds too good to be true for old customers.

4 years ago*

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There is hope, that it will be more than 20 games, which you can pick of. In that case EGS games will not be a problem for me, I can just not pick them.

4 years ago

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It was confirmed to me by HB support that there will be 10 games to choose from. Classic subscribers will just get everything.

EDIT: And there's also a confirmation in OP :)

4 years ago

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From their wording in the annoucement they say Classic subscription would get you ALL games... so no choice to make and they mention 10 games so if what they said wasn't some mistake it's gonna be 10 games to pick from for regular subscribers. Dunno where you saw anything about 20 games or even more than 10 but I'd like to know more if it is so..

4 years ago

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Quick question, if I'm going to subscribe for a year, do I get charged for them upfront or I will just add my credit card and they will automatically charge me monthly ??

4 years ago

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You get charged upfront.

4 years ago

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Ok thanks.

4 years ago

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So I'm reading between the lines here but I was just thinking that maybe part of the reason that they are doing this is because they are going to start throwing Epic Games Store titles into the Humble Monthly now and they know that this may not sit well with a lot of people.

4 years ago

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If that's the case, then I guess I'll be pausing a lot more, and if others do the same then Humble will be selling fewer subscriptions so it will ultimately cost them. Also the only benefit EGS has is those few exclusives, and it's probably too soon to see those bundled anyway.

4 years ago

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They made surveys asking if people would like such features for a long long time. Probably before the Epic store even existed.
So why should those two be connected?
Besides, people are upset about most changes. See the result for "Overwhelmingly Negative" in this poll. Would be strange to try to appease people by doing something most consider negative. ;)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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How do I get my December Monthly content?

On December 6 at 10:00 am Pacific time, you will receive an email with a link to all of your December Humble Monthly games. You will also receive a link to check out games for Humble Choice’s first month as well.

Are there any changes to billing dates?

Just like with Humble Monthly, you will continue to be billed on the last Friday of the month. This first auto-payment will be on December 27, 2019. You can also pay early to unlock your games immediately with all games being revealed upfront.

When does Humble Choice launch?

Humble Choice will be launching on December 6, 2019! Make sure and double-check your subscription status here to avoid any issues on launch day, or check out this support article for more information on Subscribing + Managing your subscription.



4 years ago*

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From 12 dollar to 20 dollar.. this is just a scam...and if start throwing epic keys than no forever i guess.

4 years ago

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Changing the price and format of your service is not a 'scam'

4 years ago

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It does not affect current monthly subscribers (like me), even better. With the same 12$, you have more games and no "hidden gems". You can even choose to pause as many months as you like. For new subscribers, it's your choice.

4 years ago

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I have bought the december monthly which will be revealed on 6th december... Can i pause after day?

4 years ago*

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Based on what Humble has said after this monthly is fully revealed Humble Choice will start and all 10 of the games for it will be shown, but you wont be charged for them until the end of the month unless you want to redeem the keys early. Since you'll be a classic subscriber you wont have to pick the games and will just get all of them when you pay, but if you were under any of the other plans you would get the list of 10 available games and then only be allowed to reveal 3 or 9 of the 10 keys (depending on the plan chosen).

4 years ago

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so community is angry because devs gonna get more than 50 cents for their game? :D

4 years ago

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Or no cent at all, it's still a choice.

4 years ago

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Even though the change won't affect me much (I will get Classic plan), I hate them trying to disguise bad change in good news clothes.

4 years ago

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I personally don't think it's a bad change at all, as long as things don't change down the line, like them removing the pause feature.

Getting all of the games revealed at once is a great move, now I can decide from the off if I want to pause or not without worrying about losing out on something good.

Most of the people complaining about the price change were already on the $12 plan anyway, so that isn't going to change for them unless they cancel their subscription. If they don't want to subscribe every month, then they can just pause and keep their $12 plan.

The only people that will be affected is new users and people stupid enough to not take advantage of the pause feature. Still, it's hard to even say new users will be affected. If they weren't subscribed in the first place, then the price change doesn't change anything from their point of view, they never new any better.

If people don't want to pay $19.99, then they should subscribe now, before it's too late.

4 years ago

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How is it NOT bad change. Only people who continuously pay for subsription won't get affected and will get 1-2 games more. Other people will pay MORE and get LESS. How is it good change? They now force people to buy the sub and don't stop it (except for the pause) ever. If You stop it, like, I dunno, lost a job, have some problems, You didn't knew coming, You will lose Your privilage. How is this frickin good change. I only pity people who can't afford paying 132$ annualy for sub, just to get "lower" price.

And no. Not only stupid people will be excluded. For some people, paying 132 in advance is very much. Not everybody is rich. This is VERY high price. For some people it's more than they have left monthly when they pay bills, for food etc. So yes, new people will get affected and people who can't afford paying this price. Yeah, You can get just 1 or 3-months sub too. But sometimes this is even more some people can afford.

This is very unfair move from Humble. Giving less in disguise of giving more. Also, believe me. There are people who don't know about Humble (or how it works). For example I didn't know 1-2 years ago. Just knew something like this exist. But didn't know what it is, how does it work. So, it's not stupidity. It's rather they rushing to NOT let people know about this.

As I said, it won't affect me at all. But I feel bad for others, who won't get a chance getting "promotional price".

4 years ago

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Pretty stoked myself. Ten games for 12 bucks, and I can choose to pause if I dont like the offer. I understand that new people will miss out, mais cest la vie. I wish I stocked up on a few 100 thousand bitcoins when they were practically free. Or maybe if I was born today instead, I would enjoy newer groundbreaking technologies for longer. Worrying if I pay two bucks instead of the 1.2 rates pretty low on my "things to get triggered about" list.
Seems nowadays people get triggered quite easily and are quick with the BL, which BTW is perfectly fine. Im an adult, kinda, and will pay for any game I truly want to play and chances that you (the triggered blacklister) has a giveaway that I wanted to participate in is probably even smaller than me actually winning said GA. In a way, I welcome your BL since I dont care and find some joy in having you release your frustration in some way, however meaningless it may be.

4 years ago

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