I dont even have it in me to make some bullshit topic or puzzle, so here just have this, https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/jlw2d/hurtworld it's all you care about anyways.

(Clarification) I'm not depressed or suicidal guys, just sick of life. Maybe thats a thin line of difference to some of you, not to me.

7 years ago*

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Been sick of life for years people can get sex changes on the NHS and wanting to change sex is not considered a mental illness but I say I'm sick of life fuck it it's not for me then I'm instantly labelled depressed and the not wanting life viewpoint is considered a mental illness and I can't get killed on the NHS. But whatcha gonna do? gotta just grin and fucking bare it.

7 years ago

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I dont personally believe in suicide, however, Ive always found it strange that society is so against it. I mean honestly what is the point of forcing someone to continue to live a life they dont want. I think you should be able to sign up to be euthanized. They make you wait 6 weeks from when you sign up until when they do it, so you have plenty of time to settle your affairs, OR, change your mind. At the end of the 6 weeks if you still feel that way, they should put you to sleep.

7 years ago

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I certainly enjoy seeing you around the forums, my masked friend. :) Sorry to hear you're unable to find any interests or motivators at the moment. Your upcoming camping trip with your boys sounds nice. Is it a big trip or one that's some distance away from home? Sometimes getting away if you're able to is the best thing as it breaks up the monotony of the daily grind that life can sometimes be. It's always awkward when you want things to change but you have no desire to actually change them. Hang in there. Each day is a new day that can be full of surprises. :)

7 years ago

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Just a few towns over at the campsite we go to every year, I wish I could go somewhere new and different for the camping but I'm very limited because I dont drive.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Just dance your problems away! :D

7 years ago

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Several years before I spiraled into a deep depression, I lost interest in almost anything that I had ever cared about ever, and didn't see the point in doing anything anymore because it was meaningless and fraught with difficult annoyances that prevented me from pursuing anything on a deeper level. Depression can take many forms and manifests itself in people in different ways -- just be aware that being unable to be interested in things anymore is one symptom that some depressed people experience and which can lead to other effects that can affect your mood and brain chemistry.

Have you done any existential thinking? Something that occurred to me at a slightly later stage was experiencing an existential crisis. Working through this introspective period was quite difficult, and I had never been so despondent about the purpose of life before or if life was even worth living without purpose -- but in questioning everything and refocusing myself I was able to finally spark something and rekindle my interests in a more constructive way than I had ever thought of them before.

I think this is a normal stage in life for thoughtful, introspective individuals. It can be difficult to get through, but if you let the struggle happen and you really wrestle with it instead of just placating yourself with the usual escapist time-wasting outlets, you can emerge stronger and more focused than you have ever felt before. I urge you not to try to deflect the malaise that you are currently experiencing by finding some other trivial thing to occupy your time, but rather fully embrace it and get to the root of it -- this stage in life can be an extraordinary start into something incredibly powerful. At least it was for me.

7 years ago*

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well... time to get rich, right? can we skip to that part and have a permanent vacation?

7 years ago

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Noy sure if you are serious here :(

7 years ago

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Take a long break!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hey Push same here. Thanks for the giveaway.

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7 years ago

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just smile more man

7 years ago

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Try volunteering... either at an animal shelter, or a soup kitchen, or as a big brother/big sister.
Sometimes life gets boring until we find a way to be of service to someone that REALLY needs help, besides ourselves.
can't hurt to try!

7 years ago

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5 years ago I was so sick of everything. I was so bored, I started carving my arm with my nails. I wanted to kill myself, I felt like this is it, I have no friends, there is no way this could get better. But somehow I passed that phase, I made friends. Now I am in my dream college (though the first year was horrible and not on the subject, just filling courses so that my CS college is justified to be in a Polytechnical University), I have a girlfriend, I have tons of games, usually no time to play them.
But now I'm in vacation. I got all those 500 games waiting for me in my library, I have time to play them, but I feel like the part of me that used to be filled by video games during high school... well, it no longer belongs to them... I'm so sick of this, this is 90% of my life now, me wasting time I could make memorable. But I feel like killing myself will only make that worse, I don't know. I'm not depressed, I know my life is pretty great sometimes, but I'm bored.
TL;DR: I know there's a not so thin line between being sick of life and being depressed.

7 years ago

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Pretty much this. I have good things in my life, I'm well aware many many people would kill to trade spots with me. I dont want to die, or give up or anything like that, I just dont know how to be happy anymore.

7 years ago

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It's sad that I can't even whitelist you, you were already there for some reason.

7 years ago

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Well you werent on mine, now you are.

7 years ago

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My subtle manipulation worked <3

7 years ago

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You should watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AriZhzeHbA
It's John Green's commencement address where he flat out acknowledges adult life sucks.

7 years ago

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If life kicks you in the face, just imagine that if you die you'll listen to justin bieber for eternaty and suddenly life gets better \o/

7 years ago

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who isn't?
well there are better days too

7 years ago

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