This is a recruiting thread!

I'm trying to add people to my whitelist and if you want to be on it you need to do two things. The first one is to give me a good reason as to why you deserve to be on my whitelist. The second thing you should do is accept my steam friend invite if I send you one... I did say this is a recruitment thread right? I'm basically recruiting friends to play with :p

NOW HERE'S THE TRICKY PART! In order for me to add you on steam you need to have games that I also own and we could play together. If you have 7 days to die or Don't starve together and enjoy playing them with other people you're pretty much guaranteed to get an invite. Those who get friend invites on steam will also be added to my whitelist and will also get a link to that secret giveaway I just started. It could be just another Bad rats copy... but it could also be a really nice game. Are you curios enough to care? :D

As a side note... If you add me on steam yourself and you don't at least have one of the two games mentioned above you'll make it on my blacklist instead and the Bad Rats will mourn for you.

Another way to get on my whitelist is to have a good giveaway ratio and just being nice in general :p Somehow I thought this should have been obvious.

8 years ago*

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i have dont starve together and like no friends in my list who have it too

8 years ago

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same here...

8 years ago

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I don't have don't starve together and no friends.

8 years ago

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I have Don't Starve Together, slow internet and have no friends =)

8 years ago

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7 days to die, liked it, lets do it! Ill maybe get don't starve during steam sale.

8 years ago

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More a solo player. and don't have any of the games. but have another bump

8 years ago

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I have Don't Starve Together, but I admittedly haven't played it much and would love to have a reason to!

8 years ago

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Question: Don't starve together is like a mod or a second game? Its a stand alone game?

8 years ago

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Stand alone

8 years ago

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It's a stand alone game currently in beta. As soon as it's released every current owner of Don't starve will get a copy. I'm not sure what the deadline is though.

8 years ago

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Mmm thanks to both of you, interesting

8 years ago

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The copy for people who already own Don't Starve have already been given a few days ago

8 years ago

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Bump :o

8 years ago

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I don't play with other people. I don't play by myself either. Maybe you can just add me to the blacklist. It's safer that way.

8 years ago

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Why even bother to comment then? :o

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Not sure about OPs feelings but you made it to my white list with that comment.

8 years ago

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Hey that's not fair this is my whitelist building thread >:o

8 years ago

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Well OP doesn't feel good about that, maybe you two should decide it somehow

8 years ago

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Thanks. And I like your username. My wife is big on hugs.

8 years ago

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Bump. The Bad Rats are starting to get sad :c

8 years ago

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i would like to play dont starve with you cause right now im playing with random people who show no love ...

8 years ago

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I have lots of multiplayer games in my library, but no one to play them with because I'm a night owl and most of my friends go to bed early. So if you could help with that, I'd be really happy to play with you.

8 years ago

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Well I am a sexy beast, so that should be enough for a white list :P. I should note that I'm afk more often than not so if you do decide to pick me for my looks, don't get mad at me if I don't respond right away.

Sexy selfie

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Maybe you should go back to the sea...

8 years ago

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I keep trying but it won't take me back for some reason. :/

8 years ago

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Check steam :p

8 years ago

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The nondescript white walls, 1980s office desk and possible mounted paper towel dispenser really makes it look as if you're hanging out in a mermaid costume on a low budget pr0n set.

8 years ago

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Well most of my money goes to Valve so I had to make due with what I had available.

8 years ago

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Looks like you had enough to keep your hair looking awesome though

8 years ago

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I have plenty of games (including Don't Starve) so you are welcome to add me on Steam. :)

8 years ago

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Because I watch you when you sleep.

-Btw im now Ball on steam

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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It actually won't be that complicated because I'm a night bird... and besides there's more then the games I'm looking at for my whitelist :p

8 years ago

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Well, nightshifty(I was gonna say something but will refrain from doing it publicly since I'm pretty sure you'll take the wrong way without actually knowing me for at least a bit) here it goes: <takes it's breath back>

  • I don't own 7 days to die (yet) but as long as I live and the game do not dies, there's a chance :P
  • I do own Don't Starve and they promised we all get together DLC if we own base game. So I rather save 20 bucks and make them keep their promise. I love survival games so I also own l4d2 and others, in the remote case you like more than 2 games like you prob do :)
  • My win/gifted ratio isn't exactly samaritan-level since I have it tough but scratch that politeness and helpful from the list (guess now I can't ask you to scratch humble too) :P oh well you'll realize that eventually :P
  • If you do like to make friends and not having anyone harassing or begging and occasionally playing for a few hous, days, weeks (?) then you might consider adding me. I'm known for having multicultural friends and not flaming anyone without a strong valid cause.

Curious enough for that something that I refrained saying? you know where to find me :)
if not, you wont hear from me again. Cheers!

8 years ago*

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DST showed up in my inventory on June 3 - the day that they said that DS owners would receive their copy. I would check your inventory if you haven't found it yet.

8 years ago

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OMG! they already delivered them?! no, there's nothing (of DST) in my inv.. was there another requirement or they just plain f*ck me?
Thanks dude (I'm only guessing, with your alias is kinda hard to be sure :P) for the heads up, I'll guess I'll have to find out now which one was it..

8 years ago

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Won 0 games, Giveaway 4 games
I'm a pretty good guys :D

8 years ago

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I have dont starve together and i love playing it with friends. Iยดm not going to play in the next 2 weeks because i have lots of university exams but then i will be free and we can play if you want. Feel free to add me on steam! :D

8 years ago

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I don't have any of the mentioned games and to be honest, I'm not much of a multiplayer. The few times I tried were not so much to my liking, I rather play at my own pace.

You haven't been here for very long but I noticed you around here and there already, which is a good sign. You're the active and sharing person yourself. So I'm glad we're having you here as a new member!

I must admit, my opinion about those whitelist recruitment threads is a bit ambivalent though. I think there are so many great people here standing out from the crowd so that over time you'll meet and interact with many users and the whitelist kinda builds itself without having to recruit anybody. Thus I'm reading your thread as "I'm looking for people to play with" and I'm only commenting because I like you :)

8 years ago

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You're already on my whitelist :) As you said this thread is less about recruiting and really more about finding people to play with. I'm not expecting people to go out of their way to play those games with me... it's just nice to have more options when I do want to play.

8 years ago

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Believe it or not, I'm walking on air.

8 years ago

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I do not have friends, I set them on fire.

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8 years ago

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I have counter strike go if you ever want to play that. Dont have dont starve or 7 days sadly though ;(

8 years ago

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have a free bump!!=>

8 years ago

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Do you play anything besides Don't Starve and 7 Days to Die? I'm curious as you seem like a cool guy, and most of my friends are just CS:GO addicts. :/

8 years ago

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I plan to play everything in my library... at some point. And I don't really play cs:go very often. Last night I've played for a bit for the first time in years.

8 years ago

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there are some silimar games like don't starve together

8 years ago

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I have Don't Starve Together. I also have several friends who have it, but they never want to play with me. So I usually just join random servers. But I'm fresh out of high school and I have nothing to do all day, so I'm down to play all the time pretty much. As long as we have the Shrek mod because the onion on a stick is op af and great for starting new worlds.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Nightshifty.