After we got Starlight Inception funded, I wanna know if we can get a couple other space combat games on their feet.

Skyjacker is already pretty far along, with most of the art assets, game design, and basic engine already done. They just need to build the game around it. And it looks really good, so far! The Kickstarter's been recently rebooted with 57 days left, so there's plenty of time here.

Kinetic Void goes for a different tact by being completely free-roaming, with procedurally generated galaxies and factions. You can even completely customize your ship from the ground up and make it look like however you want! This Kickstarter's only got 4 days left though and still needs 32k, so they need your help!

Skyjacker is a first-person free-roaming space combat game with unique features rarely - or never - seen in other space games to date.

  • Travel from the surface of a planet to the tunnels and bays of orbital space stations, with no transitions or cuts in between.
  • Bump space hulks and asteroids into collision courses with your enemies and watch the pretty fireworks.
  • Disable and destroy component parts of a ship. Cargo ship's getting away? Slow it down with some neighborly torpedoes to the engine.
  • Salvage the parts you didn't destroy and mount them on your own ship. Add insult to injury - rip enemies apart with their own guns!
  • Swap out engine parts to change the behavior of your ship - play it like an arcade game, like a classic space game, or with full inertia and momentum.
  • And all this in professional graphics and gameplay.

Demo Available! Play through a couple simple missions in their alpha build:

Kinetic Void is a single player space adventure sandbox which focuses on emergent content and detailed customization.

  • Fully detailed and customizable space ships. Tailor your ship for any role. Make a sleek fighter, a bulky freighter, or a mighty carrier. Your ship’s capabilities and appearance are completely up to you.
  • Take direct control of your ship. Kinetic Void offers two control modes: Cursor-mode or Mouse Flight-mode.
  • A new galaxy every time. When a new game is started the galaxy map, the contents of each sector, and the factions involved will be generated from scratch.
  • Freedom to choose your fate. Be the scourge of the galaxy, or its savior. A life of combat and struggle not your thing? Become an intergalactic trader and influence the galaxy one deal at a time.
  • Intense active combat. Target enemy ships and maneuver in real time to align devastating broad-sides or crippling strafing runs.
  • Know your neighbors. In Kinetic Void the galaxy is a living, breathing thing, not all factions get along, not all of them hate each other. As factions interact, agreements and treaties will be made and broken. Trade, combat and piracy will affect how the factions see each other based on their own internal standings.

Demo available! Build your own ship and fly it in a test sector in this pre-alpha build:

1 decade ago*

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Ouch, tough crowd here! I guess we're all kinda Kickstartered out though. btw, I added links to the current game demos you guys can try out.

1 decade ago

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I'll probably check these out, because there are nowhere near enough games like this, but I'm completely broke at the moment. On an unrelated note, love the avatar. Been a long time since I've seen Lemmings.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You, sir, are awesome.

1 decade ago

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Thanks :D I really enjoyed it on the old computer we had... Unfortunately theres only 10 levels in each difficulty on this Javascript port but its better than nothing.

1 decade ago

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lol, yeah, people were bugging me about not having any avatar at all. At the time, I thought they were mindless, little things, so I found something to match!

And yes, it has been too long since Lemmings. I'm surprised I still haven't seen a clone of it around with all the game remaking and indie devs everywhere. I still pull out my DOS one every blue moon or so.

1 decade ago

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HTML Lemmings o.0 Now you don't need to whip out the old DOS machine, obviously you can if you want though.

1 decade ago

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YAY for Lemmings! I want a Win7 port of Lemmings...

EDIT: Found a HTML port!

1 decade ago

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Thanks Ethan, I added both games into my Upcoming Indie games, check yourself, maybe something might interest you ;)

1 decade ago

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Hey, nice list there! Definitely looking forward to Grim Dawn, Overgrowth and Kenshi. :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Kinetic Void is worth it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Cought me off guard. Actually laughed out loud... :P

1 decade ago

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Hmmm Yea the Skyjacker one looks good :D. I've only got one reservation... I've never used Kickstarter before, do they get my money then if they don't reach the necessary $200k then tough I've spent my cash or do they refund if the don't make it through?

1 decade ago

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Nope, they don't make the goal, they don't get the cash. Plus, they don't charge your credit card until the Kickstarter's over, so if they don't make it, you never get charged. You can even change your pledge at any time before the end, if you change your mind. That Amazon Payments thingy is kinda neat that way.

1 decade ago

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Awesome thanks. I might have to pledge when I've got a bit of spare cash.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I despise you OP, how am I suppose to save any money between all the indie discounts, kickstarters I find, and now these 2 games.

1 decade ago

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I know what you mean. What did we have, like 5 indie bundles last week?

I'm sorry, man, but aren't we trying to prove the space combat genre's not dead? ;)

1 decade ago

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All I want is a new Tie Fighter game. Now 'that' I would support the hell out of.

Also, Firefly.

1 decade ago

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HELL yeah a new X-wing vs. Tie fighter would be awesome none of that Jedi stuff back to flying. ......not to mention another Wing Commander.

1 decade ago

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There's only 12 hours left for Kinetic Void! They managed to get another 10k in the past couple of days; they just need another 19k to make it!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ethanpd.