i clearly need to play more of my games, because these are the only ones i have to give away that i've actually played. to enter any of these giveaways you need to pass sgtools checks that you activated all your wins and had the game on your wishlist since before today (may 24) or earlier. i almost exclusively enter giveaways for games on my wish list, which turns out is the best way i can come up with to limit entrants to people who actually want the game. last time i tried this a lot of winners had nearly (or even more than) 1000 games on their wishlist and i had some suggestions to also have a check with a maximum wishlist size, but i don’t want to assume it’s unreasonable for someone to want more than X number of games.

if you want any of these and have already declared so via your steam wishlist, do the sgtools check and enter!

i also have a copy of spacechem in my steam inventory that i can’t create a giveaway for. first person to comment here that spacechem is on your wishlist since before today can have it. (taken)

7 years ago*

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who do you want to enter your giveaways?

View Results
people who want the game
people who have contributed their fair share to steamgifts
all people
all people and bots
potato / other

Not entering any of the GAs but your post hit close to home- i have 1890 wishlisted games and yeah, i actually want to play/own 90% or more of them. Theres some titles ive wishlisted to check more later, to decide better at a later date.. if for some reason steam didn't cleaned up my cart randomly after some days i would use the cart for those. Im very ecletic, love indie titles, love novelty, retro games(nostalgia) and AAAs... that covers a lot- if i can see myself enjoying a game and buying it asap on a good sale i wishlist it. Others just because they're unique so i enjoy then even if they aren't that good. I like different experiences, too much copy-paste games out there...

Tl;DR: i would hate SG or sgtools having wishlist size as a parameter.

7 years ago

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sgtools does have a “number of wishlisted games” option, but i didn't use it. my wishlist is 157 and i try to keep a top 12 or so in order of what i want the most, but the rest is pretty much random order. do you do any ranking within your 1890?

7 years ago

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Freaking impossible.

How can you guys wish so little? I mean, yeah, at any given time i can name something between 10-20 games i want badly right now. This shifts overtime because of new releases but also because of my shifting mood. For example right now im in a horror flick vibe (both horror and b gore 'horror'). Awhile ago i wanted more cyberpunk pretty badly. Before that zen experiences.

But with so many freaking titles on steam and so many crap how to keep track of it all? Just recently of the new releases theres 2-3 im really into (fantasy, rpg or rpg-like) i can't for the life of me recall the names. So i wishlist. Sometime past i found a old game i played years back i couldn't remenber the name- experience something. I can only find it now because i wishlisted (also its on sale right now so i might grab it this week).

And finally... steam gifts. When i entered years ago i entered gas that looked interesting; As a result some of the games i won i barely touched. No more.
Nowadays i go straight to wishlist(really, my favorite avoids front page). So its granted i will enter only things i know i will play, enjoy and actually want- and leave other GAs to those that want then. Also with the current amount of games/GAs it would take me a entire day to peruse then all for the ones i want and from the top of my head.

7 years ago

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I have 477 wishlisted games by now! About this time last year i had ~300 and struggled to cut off a hundred titles, so GaBeN saw what i was doing and punished my organizing incompetence by filling my discovery queue with more nice games. :p

Thing is, i use steam wishlist as bookmarking feature for the whole family instead of its designed purpose. I could really use a secondary wishlist is there was such a feature.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Have a bump ^^

7 years ago

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people who want to play* the game

That was it's correct :)

7 years ago

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i forget that people want games to idle for cards or increase their game count, and probably other reasons too.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks and bump!

7 years ago

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The only game I'd play from the list is Fez. I used to own it on PS Vita (before I sold it a couple of years ago), so I haven't added it to my Steam wishlist since it's not a high priority game for me, just a game I would play and enjoy. I guess some people add everything to wishlists to remind them of games they might buy someday.

7 years ago

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with that description i would have it on my wishlist. mine's a combination of ones i want to buy someday with a good sale or in a bundle, ones i want to play but probably won't buy (but will enter giveaways for), and ones i want to check back on.

7 years ago

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that makes sense too, yeah. I just seem to try and keep my wishlist to games that I would buy someday with a good enough discount. There are plenty of other games I would enter giveaways for and happily play, but adding everything is too much hassle :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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awesome idea for those people who actually want the game, ive never won before, hope i can win this time for deus ex, thanks, have a bump. :D

7 years ago

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so far deus ex is the most popular in this group, but good luck getting to your first win all the same!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaways and bump!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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always nice to see a gift will be played instead of being farmed or horded... :)

7 years ago

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that's how i see it. of course people can have games on their wishlist with the intent of farming or hording them too...

7 years ago

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I'm guilty of having got over 200 titles on my wishlist, a part of them being games I've already played and want to buy (maybe play again) and a part games I'm sure I want to play. It's a pretty big number, but it probably won't go higher soon. :P

My backlog is overwhelming right now as well, but I'll make it shrink, this summer especially. Thanks for a chance to win some wanted games, I appreciate your way of thinking. :)

7 years ago

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my wishlist has been slowly creeping up, but not as quickly as my backlog. the problem is whenever a game comes off the wishlist it usually goes onto the backlog with 4 other games...

7 years ago

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Yeah, I can relate to that. :P
Playing my backlogged games also takes too much time in comparison to how fast it builds up..=)

7 years ago

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Well, I see one game I should add to my wishlist :)


7 years ago

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Thank you :D ! have a bump!

7 years ago

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bump, i've participated in Fez and The Shiva
Thank you ! ^^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I have close to 400 items on my wishlist, but I stand by all of them. All of them are games I have played and liked and want on steam, games I find interesting and little gems found through the discovery queue, which I use often.

But all in all a good idea and I limiting people to wishlist might be a cool thing.

7 years ago

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hmm i might have some on mine from the discovery queue as well. the wishlist check with sgtools is the closest i can get to wants to play this game. glad other people seem to like it too!

7 years ago

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Bump ❤

7 years ago

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Thanks! Have a bump.

7 years ago

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So you know, there is a group made just for people that want to play games they win: Playing Appreciated.

In the group the winner is required to play the game or give it a good try within a month of winning.

7 years ago

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i'm aware of the group and i like the idea, but since i can't personally commit to playing within a month i just do this.

7 years ago

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You can make giveaways for others without entering them yourself.

7 years ago

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true. i just don't want to exclude people who want the game but might not be able to get to it within a month.

7 years ago

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Great games, bump!👍

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

7 years ago

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