Lately I have been seeing a couple of DLC's for Homefront up that appear to be map packs but... they are really the freakin shotgun

why is this and what can we do about it?

Giveaway 1

Giveaway 2

people do not enter these competitions as you can very easily get them for free and legitimately (I will show if you ask)

1 decade ago*

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Here is the Steam thread about getting the DLC for free.

Here's a thread in regards to the shotgun DLC dated almost a month ago.

This thread is another one explained the community's thoughts on the shotgun.

1 decade ago

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^this... wow loko you were fas in finding that thread a month ago... you have it bookmarked or sth? I couldn't find it and you beat me to it :(

1 decade ago

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they need to be dealt with because this is retarded

1 decade ago

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"700 players...a lousy 700 and the best they can do to improve the game is charge a buck for an additional weapon.

Meanwhile, at the THQ marketing meeting...Homefront sales are dismal. We need to turn that around. Some ideas people! <2 hours of crickets> Meeting adjourned. Bob yells SHOTGUN in conversation regarding the drive home from work. 1 watt light bulb flickers. Shotgun DLC added to Steam."

1 decade ago

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Just report them and move along

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by bniall.