While playing, green dots appear on 1 second. It is very annoying. What could be the problem? I tried to set the screen on but it did not help. Video card (GTX 560 Ti) is the latest driver. Nvidia 310.54 (image attached)



1 decade ago*

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already tried the option last driver? it takes the last driver before the 1 you use now and maybe it fixed then

1 decade ago

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Your grafical card is bad.
Is it overclocked? -> Remove the overclock.
If not, it's just dying, I'm afraid.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I think it could be dying memory on your GPU. If it was overclocked, it's probably already too late to do anything.

1 decade ago

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but in other games not appear ... and i dont know what is it and what is the problem

1 decade ago

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Ah, might be just a glitch then. After all, it's just out. If that's so, they will issue a patch as soon as they get enough reports, I think.

But it really looks like hardware trouble.

1 decade ago

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Try to underclock your graphics card, use "MSI Afterburner" and try to underclock your card to this values 855 MHz Core Clock, Shader Clock to 1710 MHz and keep Memory Clock to at 2004. However, you can experiment to see if you really need to go down to those values or you can still keep them near their original OC values, but be careful not to go above factory OC values or you might fry your graphics card, good luck.

EDIT: If it happens that underclocking doesn't help you, you can restore OC values to what they were since there's no point keeping card underclocked if it doesn't solve the issue.

1 decade ago

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hmm im tried but its not works , Thanks to trying to help me :(

1 decade ago

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You have this problem before? Might want to roll back your drivers.

1 decade ago

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Yes but , i can changed the grapich to LOW and its works fine but in BO2 not works

1 decade ago

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okay, try this then: close all programs not related to the OS , antivirus and such. some games/drivers/cards have problems if you have any kind of layer software running, like rainmeter or rocketdock. sadly other programs like MSN messenger and such use toaster-like popups that could trigger the problem as well.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by freerunh.