I understand this is not a serious issue, and I haven't heard of any issues regarding it, however I think that keeping the winners email address available after they mark their win as received can potentially be taken advantage of by more malicious users.

I would like to hear your thoughts regarding this suggestion.

Thanks for the feedback!

6 years ago

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Do you approve of hiding email addresses from gifters after the winner receives their win?

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6 years ago

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You missed the potato option. I don't care if it gets hidden later or not.

6 years ago

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The earliest time it should happen is the same moment the received button gets locked in for the winner, so they cannot unmark it any more without support.
Also, I do not think it matters at all. If you wanted to build a database to sell it on the black market for live emails for spam purposes, you could have done it any time before sending the game. Removing it later won't matter in any measure.

6 years ago

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This. Either never show the address or leave it there, hiding it after it has been visible is meaningless.

6 years ago

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Completely reasonable suggestion. Thanks for bringing it up.

6 years ago

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The best solution would be to not expose any e-mail in the first place. SG can work perfectly well with slight modifications to its notifications system (private messages), rendering e-mail communication inferior if not useless.

If somebody asked "why we didn't do it earlier", then the reason is obvious - because initially SteamGifts was just this - Steam gifts. Steam gifts idea is to provide e-mail address and let Steam handle sending out e-mail and redeeming process. With disappearing of Steam gifts, e-mail addresses are nothing less than obsolete and totally pointless to show in the first place. I do not know any person who would send his Steam cd-keys on my e-mail, and I base that stats on almost 2k wins you can see on my profile. With gifts, yes, it happened, but considering you can't buy them anymore and you can't even specify the e-mail address anymore (you need to have winner on your friendlist for region restrictions), I see no point.

6 years ago

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The best solution would be to not expose any e-mail in the first place. SG can work perfectly well with slight modifications to its notifications system (private messages), rendering e-mail communication inferior if not useless.

Yes, you could either have obsfucated emails that passthrough the SG system, or a private messaging system, but I think there have been multiple topics about that that have been rejected or ignored for one reason or another.

5 years ago

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bump c:

6 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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So it only took you 6 months to make this meme?

5 years ago

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Quality work requires time.

5 years ago

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nope, 1 minute. If u have something against it go cry somewhere else

5 years ago

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I have nothing against the meme and if you do not understand what I was talking about there is no point in explaining it to you.

5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by Zelrune.