Our little group was born 5 years ago.

During these years Akatsuki and its members have been growing, changing and getting better.
We love giving away unbundled games and we love to play the games we win.
N.b.: Unlike previous recruitments which lasted only 7 days, this one will remain open for an unlimited period.

What's so special about Akatsuki?
Akatsuki is a non-ratio group, based instead on a three-months cycle basis.
For the first two months, members create mandatory monthly gifts.
On the third month, we introduce ways to mitigate the luck/misfortune mechanics, trying to "help" unlucky members who have won less during the cycle (they won't have to create gifts for this third month) and "asking for more" to lucky members as well (they will have to create more gifts). Also, In order to avoid extreme luck cases, we have limitations to the maximum number of games you can win in a cycle (8 gifts max).
Finally and most importantly, one of our primary goals is seeing people playing the games they get in our group. We do not want that people enter giveaways only to get a +1 in their library, or because they simply like to gamble and no more than that, or to farm cards or similar reasons. We want winners to play (or convincingly try) the games they win!

Annual cycle format
Akatsuki has a fixed cycle format where normal cycles are spaced out by special events and a month of general pause in August. Here we display the current structure of a standard year in our group:

January - February - March (Cycle 1)
April - May - June (Cycle 2)
July (Summer event)
August (Pause)
September - October - November (Cycle 3)
December (Santa event)

The Summer event and the Secret Santa event are optional and members decide whether to participate or not. After the events play out, cycles resume normally.
Special events have specific rulesets that will be published when related announcements will be posted on the Steam group forum.

Here are some GAs you can find in our group, this month:
Scars Above
UNCHARTED™: Legacy Of Thieves
The Last of Us™ Parte I
Darkest Dungeon® II
Resident Evil 4
Phantom Brigade
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Atlas Fallen
Hogwarts Legacy
Atomic Heart
Like a Dragon: Ishin!

and many more, you can check all games here

Please read our candidacy requirements and follow carefully the instructions. If you fail to do so, we won't evaluate your candidacy and you won't get a reply.

So, who are we looking for?

  • Generous people who love to give games away and play the gifts they receive
  • Users who are at least lvl 5 on SteamGifts
  • People who already gifted unbundled games, which are fit for the group.
  • People who try and play their wins and don’t use those games only to farm cards.

We are also mindful of the fact that our members buy each gift directly, whether on Steam, Humble, Fanatical or other officially recognized vendors. We don't accept members who would be providing their monthly gifts via licenses acquired from developers/publishers/your curation/etc...to do so would be counter to our overall premise, and would be decidedly unfair to all our members, who do abide by said rule.

Experienced SteamGifters already know this group and are invited to check our rules here below and see if they would like to apply.
Have you never been part of a group like this and/or you have never given away good unbundled games but you are willing to?
Well, you can always apply and we will have a chat, trying to see if you are truly made for our little group :-)
In the past we have given nice opportunities to new recruits who are now solid members of Akatsuki!

All candidate members MUST advance their proposal together with ideas about their first 3 possible gifts for their 3 first months in the group and write them down here (otherwise we won't take into account their submission).

Skull18, Wintermute75, Ernesttico

Steam Page
SteamGifts Page
Rules for new recruits

N.B.: Don’t add the admins on Steam to ask privately if you can join the group. The procedure is fairly straightforward: submit an application in this thread and we will reply here

5 years ago*

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Hi, I was looking for a group of unbundled games and find this thread =)
I readed the rules and agree with them.
Can I become a member of Akatsuki?

5 years ago

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Add me to steam for a chat
I have no time today, but in the next few days I will definitely be online

5 years ago

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Sure, np I online everyday =)

5 years ago

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After the chat with you, me and the other admins, we decided to give you a chance.
You will be a new recruit starting from the first of February.

5 years ago

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Great news!
Thank you =)

5 years ago

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While it sounds awesome.
Not sure if I would fit.

5 years ago

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Add me to steam for a chat
I have no time today, but in the next few days I will definitely be online

5 years ago

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Could I join?

5 years ago

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Hi, i'm sorry but looking at your profile, I do not think this is the right group for you, and you're from Russia, so I think you'll also have a hard time donating ROW unbundled games

5 years ago

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Hi, yes, I'm from Russia and most of my gibs are ROW. Thank you for ur discrimination by nationality.

5 years ago

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Thank you for ur discrimination by nationality.

Are you serious?!

No discrimination at all, in our group users belong to many different countries!
It is rather well known that Russian users can have a hard time buying ROW games, due to currency exchange.

Although you have been a SG user for 3 years I have noticed that noone of the games you have given away would be valid in our group. Anyway, if you think you can be able to give valid high profile unbundled ROW games for our group, I could invite you for a chat in the next days

5 years ago

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It is rather well known that Russian users can have a hard time buying ROW games, due to currency exchange.

Yes, but it doesn't mean it's impossible.

Just for honesty. About ROW and AAA games: Where are info about that in the topic? Why users need to get know about it in comments? I read topic 2 more times and didn't found anything about ROW or triple-A/I gibs rules.
Maybe I needed to check the group for "not the best " gibs obviously so okay I understand a little. Go next. Yes, I had no too much of ROW+AAA gibs before but why not to warn or ask about it?
Just for honesty, I dissappointed about

I have noticed that noone of the games you have given away would be valid in our group.

I understand about 5 unbundled games by "new" (for me) rules but why Metal Gear isn't valid? Is it too chip? Notice that it sent before bundle.
I don't want to squabble but it seem like "He's not top user and I'll not ask about extra info (like plans or steam library). He's russian and/so most of them have no free money so I'll prefer just refuse him", it's look like discrimination by nationality really. Because you would have looked at the steam profile and seen quite a few triple-A/I games in the library if you had doubts about my free money or would have just asked about it.

5 years ago*

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For ROW games (I copy and paste from the rules you should have read):
"GA creators must be sure the gift they are creating is effectively not region-locked or restricted."
As for AAA games:
They are not mandatory or strictly required, since even the most recent indie games work rather well in our group.

We examine profiles in order to understand whether an user would be suitable for our group or not.
We strive to protect our users / friends, since in the past several users have entered the group with bad intentions.
I think I have replied to your questions, though be sure I won't feed the troll or fall for provocations.
One final thing: I am in the group since the beginning and I can assure you MGS would have not reached the minimum entry threshold

5 years ago*

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About row and triple-A/I: agreed and I still can't see comments about nationality discrimination but I can see at least 1 valid gib of METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES (other one is region restricted) where game get bundled 3 months ago vs my 6 months old of ga.

5 years ago*

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I would like to join

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I've to admit there weren't many. One good one was Crypt of the Necrodancer. But I've some good gibs to give away and would consider to do some more for a group worth it.

5 years ago

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But I've some good gibs to give away and would consider to do some more for a group worth it.

let's talk, add me to steam.

5 years ago

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"It seems all your full value g/a's were actually Humble Monthly games." how is it possible? can you explain?

5 years ago

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With a few exceptions, Humble monthly games are normally counted as unbundled and so give full CV.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago*

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From this moment all candidate members are encouraged to advance their proposal together with ideas about their first 3 possible gifts for their 3 first months in the group.
This will help the Admins and Staff outlining, even if roughly, what kind of candidacy they are going to evaluate.

5 years ago

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Hello, I'd like to be considered for the group :]

I don't have anything in mind for my giveaways but I've given several unbundled games. I am part of the Jedi Training group and have not had issues gifting back to the unbundled trains. I also have given them for whitelist and events like Community Train 3.0 and Lugum's Christmas Jigidi event.

Examples include Katamari, MHW, SAO, Panty Party, Turok, THPSHD

5 years ago

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Hi! add me to steam for talk
tonight I have no time, I will write to you tomorrow

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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wow,, i can not believe i have never ever seen this post before....
even tho i call myself a member of Akatsuki .....;

have a bump from me, in an effort to find new members for the group, and most of all, more friends for live :)

5 years ago

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Happy cakeday, mrGreen!

5 years ago

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Happy cake day :)

5 years ago

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Happy C-Day, mrG!

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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can you step into your group

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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you're using SG the very wrong way. like, very very wrong.

5 years ago

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Bumpity bump!

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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pika pika .... owh.. wrong game ... uhm bump instead...

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Bump for march :)

5 years ago

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I have a question.

To join I would have to be lvl 5 and to earn enough money so I can buy games not from bundles and to give that games away correct?

5 years ago

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Hello. Well, yes, minimum level required is 5.
As for the gifts, we require members to give away unbundled games. And usually, well, yes, you buy games and give them away (unless you can find them after they fell off the back of a truck...) :-)

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Thank you for the answer.

Nice group you have here but I'm afraid I won't be able to join.
I don't earn enough to be able to buy unbundled games regulary and without steam promos.

Sorry for wasting your time.

Have a good rest of the weekend :)

5 years ago

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No problem at all and no waste of time.
I see you have just registered here.
Take your time, explore the website, try to join some bundled groups (there are plenty), make friends, read the forum. Ie: enjoy SG!
And have a super start of the week!

5 years ago

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Have a good start of the week too :)

Today is a good day because I have whole day OFF to play games!
But the next 6 days will be work work work 8h a day and than 12h a day during saturday and sunday.

So I have to make the most of this monday :)


Nice Shodan as a profile pic you got there.
I added you to my whitelist since you sound like a nice guy :D

5 years ago

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Thanks for the feedback and for your kind remarks as well.
Have an awesome week of gmaing before diving back into the job swamps! :-)

5 years ago

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can i join?

5 years ago

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I am sorry, but it looks like you've never given away any game that could be considered a valid gift for our group.

5 years ago

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Hello, I'm not the right level but I'm curious about something. When you speak of unbundled games, you mean games which never have been in a bundle ? Or games which aren't available in a bundle since X months ?

5 years ago

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Hi, I mean games which never have been in a bundle

5 years ago

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That's why I did ask, a lot of them have technically be in a bundle, but would I offer one of the Sonic for example, it has been in a bundle a few weeks ago, but not anymore, so how do you exactly judge that part (see what I mean ^^ ?)

5 years ago

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Prepare to get your mind blown:

5 years ago

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As Mdk25 has pointed out, both SG databse of bundled games (https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games) AND games tracked by ITAD (IsThereAnyDeal.com) are being used to determine whether a games has been bundled or not.

5 years ago

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Thank you for your answer, but that's why I'm asking how long, because as Skull18 stated, "which games never have been in a bundle" which is basically saying that while you don't want to have games giveaway coming from a bundle, there might be some instance where the game could have been in a bundle X months / years / whatever ago and still work.

Sonic was obviously a bad example as it had been in a bundle those pasts months, so here is another: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, technically it has been in 2 bundles you can track on the ITAD and Steamgift bundle list, but hasn't been in any since march 2015 (so 4 years), it sure isn't in the group Wishlist, but would it be considered as inappropriate ?

Thanks for the time you spent answering my silly question. As I said I'm not the appropriate level, I'm not even a bundle hoarder, but I'm curious of how this work so I can plan ahead for a possible application ♥

5 years ago

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If the game was EVER in a bundle (this does include Humble Monthly Bundle and other special bundles which may not be listed as "bundled" on the steamgifts bundle list), it is not valid in this group. Hope it makes things clear :)

5 years ago

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No problem at all for your questions.

As my colleague leniu has correctly stated, if a game has been bundled in the past, simply it cannot be given away in Akatsuki group.
Furthermore, for this purpose, HB monthly games count as bundled as well.

Long story short: we want games that are, nor have ever been, bundled, in any form or in any space-time continuum :-)

If you need more clarifications, just contact me on Steam.

Best wishes, Y!

5 years ago*

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Yes! Thanks again for all the answers! I'll keep my application for when I'll fit the profile (if I ever do, lol).
(also lol at me, I read wrong Skull's message, I begin to wonder if I don't have slight dyslexia problem)

5 years ago*

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Nice premise for a group, but the group name makes it seem like it's anime-based or anime focused (I had to look up what Akatsuki was, but I suspected it was some kind of anime). I don't know if that's the case, but just an FYI that the name may dissuade some people who are not anime fans, and/or specifically don't like that genre. Of course, maybe that's precisely the goal, in which case carry on! :D

5 years ago

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If you take a look at the current GA's in the original post you can see it's not focused on anime. I don't particularly like anime in terms of game genre but I think the group is great and has a good mix of GA's :)

5 years ago

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Yeah, and that's why I thought it was an interesting choice for a group name if it's not anime-focused, especially as anime can be polarizing. It's like naming your group after a CS-GO or DOTA thing, when it's not a group geared toward that. Oh well.

5 years ago

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I wouldn't say it's named after, just influenced by. Like naming the group Foxhound or Avalanche ;)

But I'm just guessing as I'm not the group owner...

5 years ago

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Bump it!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bumping since I can only stare at the window, looking at Ace Attorney Trilogy

5 years ago

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how about me? Can i join?

5 years ago

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Hi, add me on steam to talk

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You deleted me on steam? LOL! -_- ..... Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Haw about this my first game?

5 years ago

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I wrote you Tuesday and you didn't answer me anymore even if you were online, so I thought you didn't have anything left to tell me and I deleted you.

5 years ago

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add me now) i have more good games!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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3 Wishlist ...
This, like all the games that you have privately wrote to me, they are little desired by the group.
You have not even tried to find something that may be of interest to the group, but you have only listed some games that you have available right now, probably also free, through your work as Beta-tester and Reviewer.
I am sorry.

5 years ago

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Green Hell looks good game! -_-

5 years ago

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Would like to join the group. Can I?

5 years ago

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Hi, All candidate members are encouraged to advance their proposal together with ideas about their first 3 possible gifts for their 3 first months in the group. This will help the Admins and Staff outlining, even if roughly, what kind of candidacy they are going to evaluate.


5 years ago

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I might be interested in joining.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I would be interested in joining, the first 3 games I would probably give away are
Icewind Dale
Yakuza Kiwami
Ape Out

But I was curious, do I have to stick to this list or can I give away something different if it fulfills the requirements?

5 years ago

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Some of the games you'd choose could work, at least in part. Also, gifts can be different, why not, but the overall value/appeal of the of the actual gifts can't change, for example, from a Yakuza Kiwami to a Call of Duty Black Ops got on a grey market for a couple of euros.
Also, there are a couple of things about your profile that maybe would require additional clarifications.

5 years ago

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I am interested in the group, please consider this my "application". I may or may not join but will at least throw my hat in the ring for now. First three games =
Night in the Woods
Grim Dawn Ashes of Malmouth
PC Building Simulator

5 years ago

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Hi! Now i am at work, i contact you when i return at home

5 years ago

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welcome to the new recruit!

5 years ago

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Thank you! I wasn't sure if I should create a post in the group introducing myself. Maybe I will...

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago*

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Funny you should post that, I thought about changing my name to a different pie every year I am on SG but that ship kinda sailed last year. Thanks for the welcome!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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