so, i'd like to ask you a few questions please,

  1. what kind of game do you think i should get that's under $10?
    naturally i'm into game genre's like rpgs, Adventure, and or casual
    but whatever you choose, can you give me a short description on why i should get it? have you played it yourself? or something like that?

  2. is it ok if i were to put it on a private giveaway, and invite you guys to watch my twitch livestream where at some point i'll drop the giveaway URL in the twitch chat or something like that?

  3. would you people be up for it(would it be a good idea?)

I just want to know, because i have some spare money to spend on a decent $10 game
also once i make a decision from you guys, i'll put the game i'll be choosing, and i'll see when i can buy the "Said" game and prepare to livestream and etc

1 decade ago*

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the binding of isaac is the TITS! bully and max payne 3 are on sale at the moment. half life 1 & 2 or episodes. FALLOUT 3!!!, DOOM 3, F.e.a.r 1, prince of persia sands of time, and lastly FALLOUT NEW VEGAS!!!.

1 decade ago

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To the Moon

Touching story, nice music, but the story is pretty short.
Played it, really enjoyed it.

When you say under 10 dollars, are you buying at sale price or full price? Because a lot more games could be recommended with sale price.

1 decade ago

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This. To the Moon. I haven't played it, but it looks awesome.

1 decade ago

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The Binding of Isaac cost 5 dollars and can give you +120 hours of game

1 decade ago

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  1. Resonance is pretty interesting for a point and click adventure (and it's on daily deal for $2.50). I haven't gotten far but up to this point all puzzles make sense and the writing is solid.

  2. A few others have done that on this forum to some success.

  3. I wouldn't be up for it (have to go out in an hour) but others probably will.

1 decade ago

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really? i never really paid that much attention in the forums so, yeah...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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the binding of isaac is a zelda dungeon crawler (puzzle/arcade) that is HIGHLY addicting. bully is a (third person brawler) lets you live the live of a highschool kid it has decent combat and a very good soundtrack. max payne 3 (third person shooter) i never played :d. half life 1 (FPS) puts you in the role gordon freeman a scientist at black mesa who has to survive a alien attack. HL2 (FPS) is the sequel. fallout 3 so freakin fun! FPS RPG you loot and explore an open world while leveling up powers. doom 3 is a horror (FPS) where demons invade mars. prince of persia is a excellent (hack'n'slash) game and is one of the best ever.fallout NV is fallout 3 with a new location, more powers, enemies GUNS etc.

1 decade ago

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well, i think i'll keep this thread open for about 30 min or so, then i'll make my final decision

1 decade ago

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Afterfall Insanity is pretty cool and is something I think more people need to play.

1 decade ago

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Max payne! and by that I mean max payne 1 and 2 the originals :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Frozencookie.