Hello. I did the worst mistake, yet, in this whole year by buying the battlepass in a rush and activate it because a friend said i could make money out of it. I gave up on the game 3 years ago because i hated it with my whole heart and soul. Like i do with any MOBA game. Why you ask? BECAUSE I SUCK AT THEM. Give me any other game online game, you name it, i'll succeed being an average player or anything.... but MOBAs? I just cant... call me stupid, call me whatever you like. They give me a whole new level of depression, like suicidal thoughts and so. Might sound childish, but as childish as it may sound, thats the way they make me feel. Its awful. But now i really want to get the bucks i invested in that stupid battlepass. What would be the quickest method?

7 years ago

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its too late, u gotta sell those treasures when it only just came out.
and there is no profit u can get from steam/valve in any of their games, unless u are willing to invest alot, like ALOT. and then u still wouldnt profit.

7 years ago

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im not talking about a lot of profit. Just the 7 euros i paid for the battlepass.

7 years ago

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nah, might as well enjoy the pass until it expires.
if u have the treasures u can sell them, for 1 euro i think
or u can chance to open them for some rare goodies, but dont bet on it. i suggest just sell those treasures

7 years ago

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U get 1,5 per treasure aprox actually

7 years ago

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That's so true lol

7 years ago

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If game causes symptoms of depression you should stop playing this game...

7 years ago

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thats what i did 3 years ago. But i stupidly installed it and bought the battlepass because i wanted to make a few bucks and a friend recommended me this. I just forgot how awful it used to make me feel. I tried to get a refund 15 minutes after i bought it, after i realized my huge mistake, but steam didnt give me shit back... and the only thing i did was to buy the battlepass and activate it...

7 years ago

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This days people on competitive games like dota,lol,csgo are so toxic and retarded people who getting mad fast they end with depression or other neurosis problems.Thats why i dont play any competitive games only some fun games with friends or singleplayer. Dont pull your nevers on games like Dota...With battlepass you cant do much right now to get your money back.Have a great day and i wish you never gonna have any depression moments in our life !

7 years ago

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Thank you for the nice words. This doesnt happen in other competitive games. I usually get mad at a moba because i blame it on my lack of skill and the imbalance or the stupid skills some of the heroes have. In csgo i used to play very serious, and never got "very mad". Now i casually play competitive mode and im always having fun. Same applies to other competitive games or general online games.
I really want to get those money invested back... i guess i'll endure this and attempt to get some of the few bucks back... damn it.

7 years ago

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Play the game complete quests and achievements and get ur money back :)
U neex like 5 treasure worth so ...i think u need to get to level 19.

There is no other way tbh aside from playing the game , and that may take a while ....

I am trying g to complete quests and I'm barely level 21 on the pass thing so good luck 😀

7 years ago

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which quests exactly? the ones from path or... ?

7 years ago

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Yup that's the whole idea of the pass.

You complete quests and get exp for them to lvl the pass.

Also the production function where you got 1k points to bet with , if you win the game you predicted on you get x2 what I bet.
Those reset weekly so don't save them.

There are also weekly quests that give you little extra exp ,and the daily hero challenge for 100 exp .

Again tho , unless you wana dedicate like 2 weeks of your life on only playing 3-5 games of dota a day I doubt you making your money back !

7 years ago

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i can dedicate more... altough i wouldnt want to.... i'll try to get at least a few of the bucks invested. god damn it.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by meursault27.