So I run an on-again-off-again Let's Play Series called HalfBeard Survives which we're starting up again fairly soon but I have no idea what to play. As such I'm taking suggestions over on our Steam page for the next game I should slog through.

If you've got a suggestions please feel free to drop them here on our Steam Page; oh and there will be some sort of prize given to whoever picks the game I end up playing, I'm not sure what the prize will be yet but it'll almost certainly be a Steam Game.

[UPDATE: Just as an update, the prize is a pre-order of Legend of Dungeon and the deadline is 5PM PST on Monday the 9th. Also be sure to post your entries to the linked Steam page, only entries there will count.]

1 decade ago*

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Monaco looks like it could be fun, if you can wrangle up three more players. If you're looking for a more single-player experience, you can try Mark of the Ninja or Hotline Miami. Good luck in your survival!

1 decade ago

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Bump, cause of the updated info.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by HalfBeard.