So some time ago when I wanted to create The binding of Isaac and its dlc giveaways I bought there gifts card(or how you call them), but then my acc got hacked and they got stolen :( Now when I got them back if I create giveaway I will only get 20% of its value?

P.S. Sorry for my english, not my first language.

P.S.S. Here is url for the private giveaway wanted to create it a long time ago but because I dont really care about contributor value you will also get free dlc :) also I don't know how to make it clickable so if someone would be so kind and do that cookie goes to you :)

1 decade ago*

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Read this.

1 decade ago

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I know the rules I was just interested that if the game was bought before the bundle and it's not a a key that came from bundle is it forever branded as bundle game and you always get only 20% of its value to your contributor status.

1 decade ago

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It's not about when the game was bought, but when the giveaway runs. If you make the giveaway now, it will count as a bundle game. Also, if I understood you right, the 20% is not entirely accurate; reread the post I linked.

1 decade ago

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You will only get as much contribution value as others.

1 decade ago

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You only get the bundle value, but that shouldn't stop you from giving it away.

1 decade ago

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Yeah my brother doesnt want it so i will make it a private giveaway in this thread :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by jurgeens.