Title says it all. I know most of you dont pirate games, And I was just wondering... Would you pirate if it was legal to pirate games?

Alternatively, Would you pirate if games had no DRM at all? (For example, If you pirate CoD you gotta play on cracked servers, But if theres no DRM a pirate copy is EXACTLY the same as the real thing)

1 decade ago*

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That's kinda of an easy question. No. If everyone pirated games, they wouldn't make them.Companies go where money is. I wouldn't kill my favorite pastime(many other people's as well) on purpose.

1 decade ago

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Money should be illegaled (do we need another two L's there?)

1 decade ago

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well if piracy would be legal im a sure that no one would produce games, plus i like reward the ones that have hard work develop games. making a game its more hard as you think...
PS: i hate drm, but i blame more the pirates than publishers...

1 decade ago

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"well if piracy would be legal im a sure that no one would produce games"

As has been pointed out elsewhere in the thread, that is simply not true.

As for pirates being responsible for DRM, that's just crazy. DRM has not had an effect on piracy for as long as I can remember.

1 decade ago

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when internet start became more faster and the 1st pirates did appeared also the 1st protections came up like appeared the cdkeys then then cd protections, then dvd protections and then online service drm that requires being connected with a server... and worst part its the activation limits and so on...

1 decade ago

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I agree with you, especially with your PS. We wouldn't have to live with DRM when there would be no pirates.

1 decade ago

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We wouldn't have to live with DRM if publishers wouldn't be stupid cause it has virtually no effect on piracy.

1 decade ago

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But when there were no people that pirate publishers won't think that DRM helps.

1 decade ago

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Oh hell yeah...I would call my ship the "Frightanic" and i would get me a parrot and a wooden leg. People should call me Nemo NoBeard

1 decade ago

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To people who say: "in my country piracy is legal", are you sure? I know music and movie piracy (downloading) is quite often legal, only sharing is illegal (both upload to pages OR allowing to download from you when you torrent it for yourself). But quite often software have different law. AND there's EULAs, and most software have "one person can use one copy at same time"...

1 decade ago

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EULAs are pretty worthless in EU.

1 decade ago

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Pirating games and software ain't legal in EU anyway...

1 decade ago

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Hi there. A EULA is not a law in any way shape or form. It is a contract. Breaking a contract is not illegal. Downloading OR sharing files is not illegal in most places. It just isn't.

1 decade ago

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It is illegal. If it were legal, no company would have problems with using pirated software. I remember few quite-loud cases of raiding some companies and finding they use pirated software.

1 decade ago

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You are 100% wrong. Not right in the slightest. A EULA is a civil contract and not covered under criminal law even the tiniest little bit.

Companies using pirated software has nothing to do with breaking a EULA, you literally have no clue what you are talking about.

1 decade ago

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It's not EULA that is making it illegal.

It's cops raiding companies (and, in few cases, some private houses making big scare in every pirate house "are they going to get me, should I prepare my magnet to destroy evidance?") and bringing businessman before judges for using unlicenced software is what makes it illegal.

I'm talking about two different things. EULA is one thing. Being illegal is other.

1 decade ago

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it's an oxymoron

1 decade ago

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I pirate 99% of games I own, I only buy games worth the multiplayer.

1 decade ago

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This guy right here, this guy gets it

1 decade ago

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No he doesn't cause he couldn't be more wrong. There is a lot of singleplayer only games worth the money. Buying MP games only is pathetic excuse for pirates that buy those MP games simply cause they can't pirate them.

1 decade ago

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+1... thanks to guys like Nikolisko we are invaded by f2p games and less single player games are released.
"Im pirate and im not ashamed to show off that" -.- i hate pirates

1 decade ago

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If piracy would be legal, there won't be games to pirate.


1 decade ago

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most are like that.. now if the people in the back row would quit crying about shitty addon multiplayer. . .

1 decade ago

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So not true.

1 decade ago

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Hell yeah, open seas, drinking, the brotherhood, the chests full of gold! I am down right now! All we need is a boat and a flag....

Or Archeage in North America, like naow!!

1 decade ago

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I don't care about laws, it's only about ethics. I probably buy games at a price that I think it's okay to me after playing them.

1 decade ago

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If i want to play a game, then i am probably buy it. since i dont play so mutch game, its ok... even if the game is over priced like diablo3. on the other hand, somethimes if I am only interested in a games graphics, than i am just get it from torrent, and still if i find the game enjoyable (happened with Far Cry for example), than I buy it, couse in most cases, the support makes the game even better trou patches and fixes.

1 decade ago

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"Would you pirate if it was legal?"

Sorry, since there are no laws about looting and pillaging ships for their gold and goods where I live, I'm not sure I understand your question.

1 decade ago

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I laughed

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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depending on DRM actually cracked versions work better (less or no crashes, more OS compatibility)
having said that, I never buy a DRM'ed game, I dont get a pirated version either!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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And you're on steamgifts because?

"Steam is a digital distribution, digital rights management, multiplayer and communications platform developed by Valve Corporation."

1 decade ago

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Steam its more than a crappy DRM, its a awesome system... not alike DRM that has activation limites or unable to play offline..

1 decade ago

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I am on Steamgifts because I like to make people happy.
A quick look at my profile should prove it...

1 decade ago

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I was merely pointing out that steam is a form of DRM and you said you never buy a DRM'd game.

1 decade ago

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You only get cracked, non-pirated games, and that's how you offer expertise on cracked versus DRM. If you were a gamer, that is.

1 decade ago

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i crack my own games ^^ with no cd cracks to dont damage the original dvd,s for 2 reasons: a) protect my original game, b) i dont need to bring the dvd with me all time i want to play.

1 decade ago

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I think there was some kind of communication problem in here
I don't get cracked games
I could leech them, but I just don't
my expertise on cracked versus DRM goes so damn far I best not even comment on this
I don't know how sure you can be if I am a gamer or not (crystal ball ?)...
I own all released consoles since 1986 and I have a maaaaassive collection fo games for them all
OH! and I also own an arcade cabinet with 27 JAMMA boards (including Street Fighter 2, Tetris, Toki, and so on) PLUS two Neo Geo MVS with at least 70 carts (all Metal Slug, all Fatal Fury, and a lot more)
you, sir, know how to troll proper good :D

1 decade ago

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Nah I would still feel bad...

Like once I wanted to pirate a certain indie game that's on sale right now for $3.39 and the devs posted a comment saying "wow we're sad that you don't want to buy the game but that's cool I guess" and I felt bad so I didn't!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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wait, how could the devs know you pirated?, or how could they contact you?, what game was it?, what color is my underwear

1 decade ago

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"the devs posted a comment"

They posted a comment on the torrent.

It was They Bleed Pixels, which I will probably buy in the winter sale.

1 decade ago

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If pirate was legal games and other stuff would be just Freeware with donate option.

1 decade ago

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it won't be legal ever. anyways o think there will be many who support developers via donations.

1 decade ago

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It has been legal and still is legal in parts of the world.

1 decade ago

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just wanted to add this to discussion...
since (2007) I installed Steam and registered at GOG I've never ever leeched a single game again !

1 decade ago

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Me too, I always thought games were too expensive but I got many many games on steam sales. All of my games were purchased for under 5 bucks. I never pirate ever again.

1 decade ago

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I pirate no matter what. I don't play for bad games. If the games are good I'll buy them anyways.

1 decade ago

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Piracy isn't allowed to be talked about on Steamgifts we've tried this before but free thinking isn't allowed :]

1 decade ago

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I'm fairly sure the opposite is true. The last time someone suggested to ban discussions of piracy on S.Gifts, the idea was almost universally rejected.

1 decade ago

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Lol, I mostly stopped pirating after steam. Although, I play less games if I don't pirate them, as they are taking up space on my computer and I can't delete them until I finish. I see steam as a way to keep all of these games within easy reach, without the hassle of taking up space on my HD.

1 decade ago

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In some countries it's not illegal, so technically your question is already answered. In Bulgaria it is not illegal(and is therefore "legal") so everyone(including myself) pirate. There is even a perfectly functional and open to the public (well, if you have Bulgarian IP at least) torrent site. :P
It totally has NOTHING to do with half the games being ass-expensive for the average salary(50 euro which is about... 1/4 of the salary for a game? But then where are people gonna get money for food, electricity and other unimportant stuff, eh?) or a good deal of games being region restricted(coughGames for Windows Livecough).

Personally, I haven't pirated anything since getting on Steam. With a HUGE backlog it doesn't look to me like I'll be short on games for the next few years. So even though Alice (as well as the portion of my brain reminding me that I hate EA) has been calling for me in my sleep to pirate her, I haven't gotten myself to actually doing it.

So, as a conclusion- would anyone going "But it's illegal! Pirate! Shun him." kindly SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's not pirating if it's legal...?

Stupid thread, to be honest.

1 decade ago

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I've read the answers and feel almost everyone is under educated on this topic. Jaywalking is illegal, changing lanes without due signal while driving an automobile is also, but neither are strongly enforced in most countries. Depending on where you live your government may feel the same about piracy. So in these places where 'pirating' is no more illegal than crossing a street without a walk signal, or changing lanes without flicking your signal, do you see any reason to not pirate? Most people break a ton of laws daily, even stupid things like talking on their cellphone or smoking a cigarette in the wrong place at the wrong time. The issue is not the legality of the situation.

It becomes a moral dilemma between supporting an artist or publisher with money you may or may not have and not "stealing" a product you might never have, which may hold zero value to the parties that might receive anything for your purchase to begin with. In the case of piracy where the pirate has more than adequate means to support the creator but chooses not, the same argument can be made in saying the funds were allocated elsewhere to begin with. The one case where the pirate may have purchased the product, but chose not to simply because they could get it for free, and then instead sat on stockpiles of money, I imagine is incredibly rare.

Not to say that there aren't heavy financial losses associated with SOME titles due to piracy. I feel it is merely heavily overstated.

The real problem is how indirect and obligatory the payment for nothing has become in a capitalist society. Such arbitrary numbers attached to the value of intellectual property [which of course has value, but how do you price a game?] So many middle men. Some people simply can't pay for some things, and perhaps they should be denied access to those things. This works and has been in effect globally for centuries for entrance to an event or physical goods distributed. But when it is something as simple as copying data, [anyone remember how VHS tapes were going to ruin the world of screen production as you recorded their TV and movies?] it can't be stopped.

That's the power of sharing.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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So true.

1 decade ago

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pirating is another word for testing

1 decade ago

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That's what I said. And others disagreed.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LiNcKz.