

Thank you!

9 years ago

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@leg0man10 you know you can't giveaway a game out of your library ?

9 years ago

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That doesn't necessarily mean it's not in their inventory.
EDIT: Ah, but Steam does say their inventory is empty. It could still be they have an activation code to give, though.

9 years ago*

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it is still possible that the game is in their inventory but their gift inventory is hidden so that no one can see their gifts even thought their profile is public (there is an option for that)

9 years ago

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He will not give anything...just look on "Last Online 3 weeks ago" and "Registered 3 weeks ago"
You just waste points here...

9 years ago

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I see. well in worst case scenario once its confirmed there will be no game we do get our points back i think

9 years ago

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No points back .-(. I was in one GA (it was 50+ p), that was deleted few minutes later and I did not get my points back.
This happened 2-3 weeks ago.

9 years ago

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Their inventory is private, they have spent 4 hours on tf2, and im sure they have earned something in that game by this point, thus they should have at least 1 tf2 item, since it is showing nothing, their inventory must be private, so he could have the game as a gift

9 years ago

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I smell Kanye West here...

9 years ago

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Thanks for the Chance :)

9 years ago

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Thanks !

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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thanks :)

9 years ago

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Thank you

9 years ago

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Thanks for the great game!

9 years ago

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Appreciate the opportunity!

9 years ago

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Thanks :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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thanks !!

9 years ago

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thx! wish you a wonderful weekend :-)

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thanks :3

9 years ago

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Thanks a lot!

9 years ago

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You do realise that you're actually GIVING AWAY a copy of the game, right?

9 years ago

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It is assumed that he has read the FAQ and Guidelines and therefore understands how the site works.

9 years ago

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Better safe than sorry though. It actually drains the free slots and looks bad in one's profile if they cannot deliver. Don't get me wrong, I don't really want to 'call out' people on doing fake giveaways. Just making sure that they truly do understand the rules and guidelines before they make a costly mistake.

9 years ago

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If there is a clear reason to think that the creator of the giveaway has made a mistake, you report the incident to Support and we handle it. If there is nothing to indicate such, then assume that everything is fine. To raise questions--even subtly--about the legitimacy of the giveaway is to be guilty of "calling out." I should know as that was the reason for my suspension.

9 years ago

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And the way the system works here is broken for these exact reasons. I've seen countless instances in the past where you guys on the staff seemingly care more about 'protecting' new users that have no idea what they are doing rather than the interests of your legit userbase, who want to do nothing more than simply (and politely) to insure the integrity of giveaways. It's sad when legit users get punished when their intention is to improve the site, but then completely illogical that an offender creating a giveaway that turns out to be invalid gets away with no reprimand or significant consequences whatsoever. It's a bloody injustice imo. I would even go so far as to say that certain people on the staff have in the past used this blind, bureaucratic, and dogmatic adherence to "the rules", without regard for the practicality of it all, as an excuse for nothing more than to throw their weight around and feed their own ego. It was nice that the site was finally redesigned after being promised for more than a year (it looked for awhile like would never happen), but the policies were never updated and are horribly outdated. It's analogous to throwing a nice fresh paint job on a clunker of a vehicle. It doesn't really matter if what's under the hood is faulty. There are no systems in place to stop invalid giveaways from being created by new users and the policies here are and always were obsolete. You simply cannot operate on an honor system. There are too many dumb people on the internet. We see this every day, everywhere. I've spoken to numerous people in the past (one as recent as a few days ago) who echo and share many of these same sentiments, and who feel you are doing them (and the userbase in general) a disservice with the way things are done here. The site is nice, but the support here flat out sucks, period. I could write a very long essay outlining exactly why, and why the site and it's staff is deserving of heavy criticism, but sufficeth to say that that would be a complete waste of my time. I have no faith in any of you after the things I have seen over the past 2+ years, nor that it will ever change for the better. None whatsoever.

9 years ago*

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I don't see you or any of the people "who echo and share many of these same sentiments" offering any doable solution to this problem. Criticism is well and good but providing solutions is better. They're not beholden to you because this is not a service you're paying for. You have no faith in them but you're also not helping solve the problem you see. Your talk of complaints just makes you reek of entitlement. That they owe to you to make your site experience better.

9 years ago

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A doable solution would be something similar to the system Gameminer uses, so that they get an email or steam account where you have to send the gift, otherwise you won't be able to create giveaway ^^

9 years ago

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See, there we go. That's a possible solution to the problem. Now, can steamgifts do it? That's the next step. There are 200-300 giveaways created daily, do they have the resources to handle that? We have to make the process step by step so we can figure out where they lack and what we can do about it.

but this writer never offered anything, just vague whining of entitlement that he tries to give credence by saying people agree with him.

9 years ago

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I'm actually not one of the "people", but I've given it a lot of thought and with bots they could handle it easily imo
But there might be a lot of distrust and I would expect a lot of bugs aswell

9 years ago

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Yeah, bots of course were my first thought too but looking at our scarcest resource, personnel, is there anyone willing to code/purchase/etc to get that system working? Sometimes the biggest hurdle to implementation is the time investment.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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But it doesn't mean the idea was bad, it just means they probably cannot handle it this way it at the moment. At least you voiced out a solution. :)

9 years ago

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Remember that one time when all of the gameminer steam accounts got locked? I'm not sure that's a very good solution if Steam starts cracking down on this.

9 years ago

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Senpai noticed me :O
Actually I just brought it out as an example of a doable solution, It's far from perfect, but something could be done although I'm sure you're already working on improving

9 years ago

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havent they changed the system just to prevent things like this again?!

9 years ago

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I have no idea. I've never joined gameminer - I just remember the thread made here last year about the problems.

9 years ago

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doable solution that's easy to implement, perma ban any user that creates a fake giveaway. That way you don't have things like the one I had a few days ago where the person that listed it was a serial fake, every giveaway he had ever created had not been delivered but he was still allowed to create more.

9 years ago

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who want to do nothing more than simply (and politely) to insure the integrity of giveaways

Most calling out statements are not polite.

with no reprimand or significant consequences whatsoever

Complete loss of giveaway slots and permanent suspension until their actions are explained to support for users that created 3 fake giveaways. That's insignificant? 1-2 fakes from a new account is a temporary suspension if they remain active on the site, and has an extremely low level of recidivism. If they fake 1-2 upon registration and then go inactive (most common, not understanding how the site works), it's permanent until they return to the site and again, speak with support. How would you recommend the punishment be escalated?

as an excuse for nothing more than to throw their weight around and feed their own ego

Absurd. No one does this "job" to feed their ego. It's out a of love for this site and a passion to help it out in any way.

I've spoken to numerous people in the past ... who echo and share many of these same sentiments

I'm sure you have. And there are plenty of people that think the opposite as well.

9 years ago

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How about right before you submit the giveaway a popup in MULTIPLE languages asks the user if they understand they are GIVING away the game not getting.

I've been burned a few times already. Even a user who won one of 5 keys thought that the key he got can be used 5 times and tried to give that to me.

9 years ago

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Oh god can't read that much. The books I'm required to read in college are shorter then this(+1 to our education system).

9 years ago

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assumed by who ?

9 years ago

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Assumed by the staff and those who believe that people are "innocent until proven guilty." This does not, of course, prevent us from taking preventative measures just in case the assumption is incorrect.

9 years ago

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Wouldn't it be quite easy for the site's Admin/Coders to just add a checkbox just above the Create button when making a giveaway, putting in bold, different coloured, (red, preferably, it gains attention more than other colours), something like,

"I understand that the intention in which I'm creating this for is meant for me to GIVE AWAY this game to the user who wins this raffle. I also confirm that I am fully aware that this giveaway will in NO WAY hold Steamgifts, or any of it's users, under any obligation whatsoever to provide me with this game as it pertains to this particular giveaway."

You could make it so they can't even create the giveaway without first checking that box, similar to the TOS we all checked when signing up.

I assume it wouldn't be too much trouble, anyway, but then I'm not a coder myself so I could be wrong.

9 years ago

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heck, you could even just make it into a javascript alert with the code:

<button onclick="confirm()">Confirm Giveaway</button>
function confirm() {
alert("I understand that the intention in which I'm creating this for is meant for me to GIVE AWAY this game to the user who wins this raffle. I also confirm that I am fully aware that this giveaway will in NO WAY hold Steamgifts, or any of it's users, under any obligation whatsoever to provide me with this game as it pertains to this particular giveaway.");

9 years ago

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There we go. Can we get the Admin's thoughts on this, do you think? lol (I won't hold my breath)

9 years ago

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GameMiner does that and it does help make things more understandable.
+1 for a great suggestion

9 years ago

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If you have suggestions for improving the site, please post them in the suggestion section of the forum.

9 years ago

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Posted, thanks :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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many thanks.

9 years ago

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Thanks for sharing legoman.

9 years ago

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Kudos! ^__^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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TY! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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