
4 years wasted on this website...
Instead of leaving a "thanks" comment, answer to this question: what's the worst/most disappointing anime you have watched?

can i answer with "all anime" ? :3

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8 years ago

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I was about to type the same thing and then I saw your answer. +1

8 years ago

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Of course!

8 years ago

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I don't really watch a lot of anime. I watched a few episodes of SAO with my girlfriend, and it had me groaning pretty much the whole time. Other than that, Bokurano comes to mind for "most disappointing." The manga is excellent, but the director of the anime openly admitted that he hated it and made as many changes as he could, radically altering the tone and story. I didn't finish it, but it feels like a shadow of the manga.

8 years ago

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Hard to say worst [I, y'know, try and NOT remember those :P].

Most disappointing was definitely Sailor Moon Crystal, though.
Rushed storylines, weak characters missing all of the charm of the original TV series, etc.
Just wasn't any fun at all :(

8 years ago

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I've only watch Avatar and liked it ..

8 years ago

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There's many titles that i can call 'really bad' and i can't decide which was the worst.
Yozakura Quartet (2008) maybe?

8 years ago

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I didn't watched a lot of them, but i obviously don't like Fullmetal Alchemist

8 years ago

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It's a toss up between .hack//Roots and Jyuushin Enbu.
For .hack, I'd been enjoying the series for the most part up until Roots, which was like hitting a brick wall. Could barely keep myself awake through the first few episodes
Jyuushin Enbu was a massive disapointment, mostly because, having been created by the same person behind Fullmetal Alchemist, I had high expectations... Wouldn't even consider this one to be of average-quality.

8 years ago

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Kimi no Iru Machi for sure

8 years ago

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is there such a thing: bad anime?

if i had to choose i would maybe say the newer Pokemonstuff, even if that doesn`t count.

8 years ago

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is there such a thing: bad anime?

Well, in my opinion, Mars of Destruction is a good example of what a bad anime looks like (bad story, bad animations, bad use of the music...).

8 years ago

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For me, "bad anime" is an oxymoron :)

8 years ago

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I don't watch anime

8 years ago

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I watched the entire show HYPED becouse is SO GOOD (opnion) then, its simply over. Without much explanations.

A year later, i discover that the author got sick, stoped the manga AND the anime. So i gave him a discount. Dunno whats happened ever since. I will have to google it later. And if he gave us a continuation, i will have to watch the original again. e.e'

8 years ago

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also, just come to my mind, the voices are the same on Naruto (classic)
sometimes this gets me (little)angry. lol

8 years ago

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I"m not a big fan of anime but I remember that I did not enjoy "Halo Legend"

8 years ago

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It's simply downgraded from the previous BLOOD+. Just killing or being killed by monsters like cheap horror movie.
BLOOD+ was one of the bests for me though.

8 years ago

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Hellsing Ultimate. Everyone makes a big deal about how much better it is than the 2001 version... Well, in this remake, the art style is inconsistent with the Manga (and comparatively ugly), and the story left out so much context that it made no sense.

Also, Dragonball GT was bad.

8 years ago

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easy and simple
BF4 ... cuz bf4.exe stop responding

8 years ago

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I watch only ones with good reviews, so I can't answer this question. Wasn't disappointed by anime even once :3

8 years ago

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Chobits, I remember liking the manga when I was young, but recently when I tried to watch the anime.. Well, I hated it to say the least.

8 years ago

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I don't watch a lot, so my selection is limited, but Kotoura-san was quite disappointing; started interesting but then just sort of... meh'ed out.

8 years ago

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Anime ok? Not manga.. Not LN!
Sword art online
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
*run away faster than light speed

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8 years ago

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