
Hello there and a very early merry christmas to all of you!

I have so many spare keys that it might be possible that from time to time I make a mistake and give away an already used key. If that is the case I would be very glad for your allowance to delete the giveaway. THANK YOU!

Cheerio, girls and guys!

So nice, Amano. So nice!

Thanks for this little wishlisted one as well for the other 4-5 I entered. Pretty sure our xmas day will be awesome also thanks to you, found your huge list of xmas giveaways so heartwarming, even if christmas will be in 2 weeks.

Have a merry Christmas, bud, and an awesome new year.

6 years ago

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Thank you very much and you're very welcome :) Yup, I finally had some time and decided to start cleaning the list. Unfortunately I ran out of giveaway slots :D My thumbs are pressed for you to win something you really want :)

6 years ago

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wow, bud, you've got a great voice there. so "professional"... just seen something on youtube. pity that can't understand a single word of German, still awesomely done, tho, Amano :D

thanks for those pressing thumbs!

6 years ago

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Thank you very much for those nice words, they are much appreciated :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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