
Hey fellas, the time to clean up the Humble Bundle Library has come once again. To my surprise, i noticed I was given an extra copy of Invisible Inc (probably because i bought while it was in Early Access. Soo, here we are, with an extra copy.
While we're at it, i'm running short of decent animes to watch. Post down here what you consider a worthy anime to binge watch, the less fanservice the better! (plot instead of "plot", if you know what i mean.)
Good luck on the giveaway!

o.o ow, that's cool that they simply gave an extra copy :) thanks for sharing it here ^-^

8 years ago

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Thanks for the chance, this looks pretty awesome.

8 years ago

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Cool, thanks. I think that is the first time I see the game on my level. Sadly, I don't watch anime, sorry :/

8 years ago

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awesome wishlisted game. thanks for the chance.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the extra copy Max. And it's a long time now since I'm not into the anime "news", but two I would recommend to anyone is Berserk and Hajime no Ippo. They are ageless.

8 years ago

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not seen much anime so I'd probably only suggest things you've already watched, but I liked Spirited Away and Knights of Sidonia

8 years ago

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thanks, this game looks pretty good.

no anime because i don't watch anything :3

8 years ago

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Tokyo Ghoul would be recommendation then. It's not fan service at all and it's really fun to watch.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the chance! Whislisted game!

My anime suggestions are very common. I guess youยดve watched all but just in case:
Kara no Kyokai.
Psycho Pass.

8 years ago

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Kiseijuu: Sei No Kakuritsu was decent if you're into shonen. TY for the giveaway!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the share :)

8 years ago

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Awesome! thanks for sharing! as far as anime.. i'm sorry.. i WISH i iknew more to binge watch.. so i'll be watching what others reply here.

8 years ago

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I'm well behind the times when it comes to anime, yet I was thoroughly enthralled by Samurai Champloo. It was almost entirely removed from my expectations, which was for the best as the result is an occasionally disjointed romp about Edo-era Japan featuring the antics of a stoic samurai, a brash warrior and the young woman who brought them together. Elements of the show flirt with nihilism, notably the disconnect between the violent deaths of opposing soldiers and the cavalier manner by which the male leads dismiss it, whilst the quasi-episodic format of arcs feels somewhat out of place. Even so, there's something of value to be found... if only in the character development of Jin, whose life as a ronin is both emotionally poignant and, at times, genuinely humorous.

That much aside, I was recently recommended Sword of the Stranger, a 2007 film that portrays a downcast swordsman, a young boy, his dog and the events that bring them together for a chance at mutual redemption. It is, to date, the best animated Eastern film I've seen outside of Miyazaki's work.

EDIT: Also, lest I forget, thank you for the opportunity at this game, it's been on my wishlist for quite some time...

8 years ago

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Practically everything I watch has lots of Fanservice...Attack on Titan is awesome but I bet
pretty much everyone who is into Anime has seen that by now...

I CAN suggest wholeheartedly WAKFU, though. Not a lot of fanservice and very well done.
If the french language doesn`t bother you (english subtitles are available) I would
strongly urge you to give it a shot.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Madoka, Garden of sinners

8 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway. Do you have a preference, when it comes to genre? If not, I'll recommend:

8 years ago*

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Hajime no Ippo / "Fighting Spirit" : A surprisingly feels-packed anime about... boxing. No, seriously. It's actually really damn good and well-grounded (even if the fights can become quite exaggerated).

Planetes : Sci-fi that doesn't completely sacrifice the 'sci' part, it's about astronauts! :D

Black Lagoon : A popular one about criminal underworld, dances between anime action, lampshaded cartoon grit, and comedy.

Kaiji : Another popular one that may require you to overlook the art style mismatch. It's about life-or-death gambling for the entertainment of rich people. Once you can get past the goofy surface appearance, it's pretty nasty~

Mushishi : A personal favourite, following a kind of travelling witchdoctor who specialises in 'mushi', beings made from the primal life energy of the world that manifest as strange phenomenon or weird spirit-like creatures. It's quite hard to explain, and if you can get past the first episode that paints a very deceptive picture of what the series is about, if's awesome. Perhaps skip the first episode then come back to watch it halfway into the series?

8 years ago

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Woaaahh :DDDDD
Thanks \o

8 years ago

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Ty very much mate!

I hope you don't have much more to clean! =D

Have you watched Hellsing?

8 years ago

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Kino's Adventures and Mushushi are two of my faves they have that childhood adventure and curiosity in them. Thanks for the giveaway chance

8 years ago

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Chrono Crusade was pretty good I thought

8 years ago

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Thank you!!

8 years ago

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Thank you
Go with Lain and Texhnolyze

8 years ago

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Thanks :D

8 years ago

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