
The Story:


You plummet and plummet, your arms locked before your head as protective bracers. The impact with the bottom is devastating, a fitting feeling for such lowly betrayal. And yet, you've no pain nor fractures. You stand back up in a daze, able to brush off your daunting fall as if it were nothing, and find yourself at the beginning of a long and narrow and murky corridor spoilt by a sickening malodour that bastes every breath out of your lungs. You pull your sleeve over your nose to ward off the stench as you amble forward, as vigilant and soundless as you can possibly be. At the far end of the hallway is another chamber. The flickering orange glow that comes from within, that of a great and turbulent fire, provides some navigational light at the end of this dank tunnel, as well as a sweltering heat that divaricates every pore of your skin. Not the beastly hisses and howls that echo all around, nor the clanging of heavy metal chains can dissuade you from reaching this next room, and peeking inside to see what horrors lie in wait.

Peek into the next room >

Read the story from the beginning.
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Buy my first book. (Also available on Apple's App Store)

Game note:

I will add the winners on Steam to send them this gift.

Personal note:

This one's super-new, only came out December 4th! Since this whole story serves as a promotion to support my first book, it's only fair that I return the service to another start-up. Reveal the Deep certainly fits in neatly, since the shark swimming bit in Tomb Raider 2 left me scared of underwater portions in games... Damn you, short draw distance! Damn yoouuu!!!


What's the most terrifying underwater game sequence you have ever played?

Yup, mine's the Tomb Raider 2 part, where you're diving for the wreck. I was around twelve then, so my brother was around fourteen. We were playing the game along with a common friend, and then that part showed up. NONE OF US WANTED TO PLAY THAT PART. Eventually we coerced that common friend of ours to take the literal hot seat and guide us through by threatening him with candy bereavement. Too stressful. Never again...

There are so many, but I guess I will cop out and say Hydrophobia Prophecy haha. Not because it was a horrible game (it's not THAAAAAT bad), but because the whole game is pretty much played under water.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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May the werewolves protect you.

8 years ago

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I remember Tomb Raider II very well, it's one of my favourite games! For me more scary were the generic water parts in later Tomb Raiders (3rd, 4th and 5th), when I first played them I was still in elementary school and I was constantly afraid that i drown or something will eat me ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

Nobody pointed out Amnesia water part, that's odd.

8 years ago

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long, long time ago, before home game systems, there was Nintendo's Game & Watch series of hand electronic games....
there was one, I don't remember the name, where you were diver picking out treasuer from sinken ship, and huge octopus was trying to kill you...yeah, that was terrifying.

8 years ago

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I just bought this game haven't tried out yet other than this i tried to played Bioshock (if it counts) but fps and me don't get along as i said before so couldn't play it more than an hour. :(

8 years ago

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When we were kids my cousins had an old Nintendo (I don't know which one, we were really young then). We played Banjo & Kazooie and we went on some underwater level. We were walking happily and... BANG! Suddenly some big fish with teeths jump on us from black hole on the wall. We sreamed, threw the pads away and runed quickly upstairs to our room.

8 years ago

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Mario brothers! I hate those underwater sections! -.-

Also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the's underwater section was the worst now that I think about it...the seaweed that straight up murders you...ugh!

8 years ago

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I remember a few scary parts in the Tomb Raider games as well. Had nightmares about it once, it mainly involved alligators. :D

The worst for me were the skeletons, though! I watched my father play Tomb Raider and every time skeletons appeared I hid under his desk!

8 years ago*

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Can't remember any scary underwater games scene.

8 years ago

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+1 on this....

8 years ago

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Thanks again

Probably Mario water levels at the end of the game. I was a kid then so it was very scary to me that I would die lol.

8 years ago

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goddammit I wish there were more people like you
i mean giveaway is good enough but with interesting story and Q&As, man, that's amazing

8 years ago

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I love underwater in general but i can't remember a scary one.


8 years ago*

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Half Life (first one), that &@!(%* mutant fish thing you have to shoot with a crossbow. First time I jumped on the cage to get the weapon and it collapsed out from under me, I don't think any game had part of the world fall apart below me before. Scared the bejeepers out of me.

8 years ago

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In dark forces you had to swim through a wastefacility
it was mostly creepy because there was no transparancy at that time and so you couldnt see through the watersurface. but in that wastefacility they made multiple layers of 'surfaces' so you got kinda distracted. surplus there were enemys under'water'..
yes... pixelated non-identifiable-stuff that came at you.. today not even near creepy ;)

8 years ago

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I think there was a mission in the old Aquanox(Schleichfahrt) game from 1996 where your submarine is broken, your weapons are down and you have to get past minefields and enemies without being detected or you are pretty much toast.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Tomb raider. Yeah tomb raider

8 years ago

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Thanks :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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