
GL, and remember to mark as received if you win!


  • This key isn't region restricted and should work anywhere.
  • If something is wrong with the key(s), please let me know so that we can work something out.
  • Please redeem and mark as "received" in a timely manner (a day or two is fine, I know people get busy).


6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hi there, thank you for the gift! Unfortunately there is not key to redeem yet.

Have a good one!

6 years ago

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I'm waiting on support to review my ticket, but I'll ask anyways and please be honest. Have you served your suspension yet for the non-activated game yet? (Call of Juarez® Gunslinger (2016-02-03 12:08:00) If you have (or haven't), you should really consider buying the game to get it off your record.

6 years ago

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Since I accidentally activated it on my partners account while she was logged in on Steam about two years ago, I'd have assumed my suspension has been served, at least according to the FAQ which states it to be five days. To be fair, if it does not work out I would not mind if you simply pick another winner.

6 years ago*

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I just needed to know, as they check if you have or haven't already and go from there. If you have, they just cancel the ticket and let me know. I wish there was a public system to make this easier, as support is slow.

I'll believe you and send the game then, but I do recommend buying the missing game, as its just one game and will clean the record. There are some who will probably blacklist over something as simple as a mistake like that, so its best to get it removed when you can. Anyways, good luck and enjoy the game! Sorry for the wait.

6 years ago

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No worries, I can see your reasoning, I do however not see why this mistake should still be relevant.

On a different note: I did receive the key, so thank you for that, it is, however marked as being a duplicate. Could you please double check that you have entered the correct code? I have pressed "retrieve account" so if the account is yours, you might have gotten an E-mail.


6 years ago

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It was relevant only because it was from 2016 and your last win was in 2016, so the chances of it being caught were low, which is why I wanted support to check for me. Without a public system we can't tell if someone did it on purpose or accident, received their punishment already, etc. For me, its only a precaution, but there are others who take it much more seriously. If support was going to take longer I was going to send it regardless, as I've heard stories of people waiting 2+ months! Unless the person has 5+ recent non activations/multiple wins, there's really no need to wait around for support to do a simple check.

Strange, I didn't drop it anywhere or use it, so it must have been an error on Fanatical's side, which has happened to me before with them. I've contacted them to see if they can replace it. If they can't/don't (as its past the 30 day purchase mark), what would you like to do? I would prefer to delete the giveaway, but I can look around for another sale on the key if need be. Sorry for the trouble!

Edit: Nvm, they got back to me instantly! I've gone ahead and updated the key. This one should work now, and they've let me know that the other key was canceled. Not sure what caused that problem but it should now be rectified. Please let me know if something happens again and I'll let them know. Enjoy!

6 years ago*

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Thanks for going through the trouble, the updated key worked like a charm. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening, depending on when you'll read this.

6 years ago

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