
'Humble Bundle: Humble Saints Row Bundle' Key


The year is 2027. The world as we know it is unraveling after fifteen years of economic meltdown and widespread global conflict over dwindling natural resources. A once proud America has fallen, her infrastructure shattered and military in disarray. Crippled by a devastating EMP strike, the USA is powerless to resist the ever expanding occupation of a savage, nuclear armed Greater Korean Republic.


To the lucky winner: Please redeem the gift and mark it as received as soon as possible.

Please don't feel obligated to say 'thanks' just for entering the GA, although a simple 'thank you' if you win would be nice.


 Thank you and best of luck.

Nate S. Cray Cray


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6 years ago

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Image won!

6 years ago

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Thank you for the gift!! :)

6 years ago

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You're welcome :)

6 years ago

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Hey there NateSCC, I have a proposition for you. I am in the process of creating a group that focuses on winners finishing wins (playing is not enough, they must be finished unless the game is extremely high skill capped like Cuphead for example and the person despite best attempts simply can't finish it). I put some rules and guidelines here on this post. It isn't 100% completed however the most important stuff are already written down. In this beginning stage I'm trying to hand pick people, like you, who have exceptional wins played percentages and hopefully gather enough of them then we will move on from there and possibly begin public recruitment once everything is in place. If you do agree to the rules I linked, please feel free to send a request to join. I'd be very happy to see you there.

Have a great day :)

6 years ago

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