
Please do not enter if you own 2 or more games. You can enter if you own 0 or 1 (I think one of these was free at some point)

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Haven't played any of the Company of Heroes games but I always wanted to. Thank you for this giveaway!

8 years ago

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just have 1 and loved it when i played it on console tnx for the ga

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yay, I won xD my first time winning xD Thanks so much, Sewaz xD

8 years ago

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Just sent you the key. I was going to ask for a reroll but since it's your first win and you have given so much, I won't do it :).

(the reason of the reroll is that you shouldn't be level 4, since these 99 Spirits GAs haven't been marked as bundle games yet, so you are getting extra CV. You are not breaking the rules, but keep this in mind incase your CV goes down a bit in the next few days)

Congrats! :D

8 years ago*

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Erm, no. They are not bundled games. 99 Spirits is bundled and it's already marked, 99 spirits steam special edition is not bundled, please check next time before accusing someone of something like this. Not to mention that wouldn't be a right reason for reroll if you would be right, which you are not.

These were bought at a 50% off or so discount awhile back, and are not bundled, check on the internet. isthereanydeals or salenauts websites.

Thanks for the key.

8 years ago*

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I'm not acussing you of anything, I'm not saying you are a cheater and I didn't want to be mean, I'm just warning you that the game might be added to the bundle list soon and these giveaways will probably get marked as bundle too, since the game was bundled long time ago. (English is not my main language, so I'm sorry if I sound mean, I honestly didn't want to sound like acussing you of anything :( )

8 years ago

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Right, sorry. It just sounded really mean to me so sorry my defensive reply... Damn. After you told me its bundled, I had a look on that site and I was under impression it was some sort of build your own bundle and it was saying 99 spirits alone is Β£7.50 which is half price.

Argh... :( Wish I would've stumbled across that bundle, since I actually have that $10 game wishlisted, and vanguard princess too, paid full price for that.. oh well.

8 years ago

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