
Recently finished this game and it's really good.
Best of luck to everyone!

If you are interested you can also check out my friend's beat production channel ๐Ÿ‘บ

Good luck to everyone and thank you!

1 year ago

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Thank you for the game! Key activated successfully without any issues. Looking forward to play it :)

1 year ago

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I'm glad. Hope you'll have as much fun as I had! :)

1 year ago

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Have never played any Batman series games before. But reviews are great, graphics and mechanics seems decent too. So should be fun )

1 year ago

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Then I would recommend starting with Asylum nad then City if you care to get the games. But Knight is still enjoyable standalone even though there are quite a lot of references to the previous games.

1 year ago*

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Thanks for the tip! Will start playing Knight and if I will feel like I'm missing a lot - I will stop and will get Asylum and City. They are not expensive just will need to find time to play them :)

1 year ago*

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Hi! Just wanted to say thank you one more time for gifting me the chance to try this game :) I have never paid attention to it before SG as I thought it wasn't my kind of the game :)

Right after I won in your giveaway I spent 9 hours in the game. It was interesting, but felt kinda slow and too much mixed up (fighting, stels, racing, running, flying, searching...). Some months later I gave it a second try and, oh boy, it turned out to be epic. Once I get some more gadgets and figured out how to play "properly" the game become more enjoyable. It is so cinematographic, there are so many details in everything... After spending 20 hours more in the game I bought Arkham Collection. By now I've finished all story related stuff in Knight (still need to get all the riddles and play "new game+", also challenges are barely touched). In total I spent 59 hours in game (that is a lot for me for one offline game) and can see my self playing for another 20 hours :) Probably after I will buy a Steam Deck :)

Also I've finished Asylum - after Knight it felt more like a DLC :D Enjoyed playing it but if I would start from Asylum I wouldn't be motivated enough to explore other game of the trilogy :)

Looking forward to play City :)

Thank you once again for gifting me the chance to get along with a trilogy - I can call Arkham Knight one of my favourite games now :)

1 year ago

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I wasn't expecting this message at all and I'm almost crying tears of joy while reading about your experience and the fact that I was able to provide you so much joy. I really cannot tell you how much happiness this just brought me.

I'm glad you played the games in order that you chose and didn't let me dictate you on what order you should play them in. I can understand how Asylum felt like a DLC after finishing Knight as there is a huge jump between Knight and Asylum but I would say City is much closer to Knight and really enjoyable so I hope you'll have as much fun as you had with Knight.

Once again thank you so much for reaching out to me like this you really just made my day. Lot of fun with the games and best of luck to you mate!

1 year ago

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Thank you too for such a reaction and reply! It also lightened up my day!

1 year ago

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Hi once again! Just felt the need to say thank you one more time as I just finished playing Arkham City :) Now all three games with all DLCs are beaten!
Thanks to you, I discovered this series of games and received a total of almost 100 hours of gaming enjoyment. That is huge - almost 5% of all my playtime on Steam I spent in paid games :)

7 months ago

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Hii, I am very happy to hear that! You once again brightened my day haha. I'm glad that I was able to show you this franchise and that you enjoyed it. It's hard to believe it's almost been a year since we last spoke. Nice catching up with you!

7 months ago

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Yap, it took me almost a year to sart playing City after Knight and Asylum... Even it was on my "priority" list.. So many games, yet so little time.... ๐Ÿ˜…

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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