Let it be known: Lordgog and Ze were the first who figured this out.
Unfortunately, they already have Dota2 (and so do I :P).

1 decade ago

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Nice puzzle.

1 decade ago

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Congrats guys. Sorry about the slow start. I'm sure the rest was too easy though. Hope you had fun though.

1 decade ago

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That was fun, thanks.

1 decade ago

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That was a tough one. Thanks. I already have the game.
I solved the last 4 but I had to brute force the 1st letter though. What code is that?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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and then rot13 again :P

1 decade ago

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meh, that much effort for dota 2 - I knew it wasn't worth it :P

btw: would be nice if you could use english and not dutch next time :P

1 decade ago

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Dutch is actually pretty close to English in most cases. If you try to pronounce it, it sounds about the same (granted, "airplane" and some other words in Dutch are NOTHING like English).

I ran out of ideas with that one and threw that one in there on a whim. With a Google, you could tell it was Dutch or even find the answer immediately, or simple put it into translate.google.com and get it auto detected (I made sure). So, really, it was too easy, so I don't see the problem. The only challenge there was to realize it was another language and not just jumbled letters (rot13). Hell, you could still Google the jumbled word and find other rot13 similar words (I found some rot13'ed Dutch words) or the un'rot13'ed words and STILL solve it. All a Google away. No challenge at all really.

1 decade ago

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well, it took me quite a while due to that one to get the hand thingy. I totally thought rot13 messed up somewhere (or I mistyped that upside-down stuff or whatever)

1 decade ago

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Also, if you guys had one you absolutely HAD to brute force, let me know. If everyone had to brute the same one, maybe I made it unsolvable.


1 decade ago

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Why hello :) Thanks for some clarifications they did help in the end. I did take number 3 totally wrong.. come on.. Sex with all fingers of one hand? Okay in the end it turns out it was technically sext = 6 but well... maybe I should stop explaining myself here and now lol.

Had too many ideas about what 44 and 52 may mean. Apollo Four-Forty? And there's this dude who did 52 marathons and called 'em fiddy2. But then I had the idea maybe it's a number and your reply has made me sure that yes that's what you wanted. And then the sext thing.. lol

Good that at least I was right with R after all.

Anyway yeah had to bruteforce #1. It looks like "Phuk phuk.." but couldn't make out the rest.

Thanks for the puzzle and the giveaway!

EDIT: I won't be entering, it's not my type of game, but I did enjoy your puzzle so I'm good anyway :)

1 decade ago

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Hehehe. I lol'ed.

Yeah, I didn't want to be too straight forward. Most trivia is "go find this" and I didn't want to do that this time. Easy Google. These were unique and could not be Googled but could be solved with a little bit of thinking (but not too much).

I stuck with sexty because it went along with how many fingers (well, phalanges if you want to be more literal and unambiguous). I thought it was kinda cute and only off by one letter. "sexty" sounds like "sixty" and it throws you off on a VERY weird/wrong trail if you think about it too deeply. "Sexting with one hand??? WTF???"

Awesome about the fiddy2 thing. Didn't know that. It also answered it though when you knew the "scheme" of the answers to 1 or more of the others.

Number 2 was just bad. Sorry. I started to try and make a riddle out of it, but I decided to leave it as a false trail as well. Very simple. I hope no one ACTUALLY tried to say it 100 times fast.... I think I should have said 1,000 or 10,000 times to get the point across that I was just messing with you guys. ;D

Yes, number 1 is kinda hard if you don't recognize the really horrible "L337" conversion. If you run it through the converter/translater, it comes out as some rot13 text (why "fvk fvk" comes out as "Phvk Phvk" and looks like "Phuk Phuk"). Kinda funny though.

1 decade ago

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Bah. Like some of the solvers I had to eventually brute-force the first letter. No love for "leet" speech :P.
And somehow I got the 3rd letter right even after I accidentally decoded only part of the message - got "all the fingers on one hand" only. Thus I ended up with "5" which corresponded to letter "e" perfectly (5th letter) ;).

Thank you for the puzzle. You've made it unique by concealing common encryptions :)
Dota's not my type of a game so not entering but still thank you!

1 decade ago

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Yes! I finally figured them all out, except the "sext" "hand one" thing. There I just brute-forced it. :P I don't think I'll enter to give people that will play it more a better chance win. Thanks, though! :)

1 decade ago

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