
I caved, I wanted Alina of the Arena and its Historical low was 10.39 from Jan 2022.... so 12 for it and a few extras got me.
this one doesn't do it for me visually, so its being given away!

have a nice weekend!

1 year ago

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I will... in the world of Sanctuary, using my fake money from quitting WoW I get early access in D4.

also... will start working on my backlog finally... I sat down and spent.... 3 hours! going through my steam library and categorizing things... the uncategorized is my priority... I suspect a fair number of these will be 30 minutes and uninstall though... would have installed more already but I realized I was installing to my HDD and decided to take a break from that(will likely toss smaller indies on there still... but the bigger games I meant to toss to the sata SSD drive(saving the NVME for the massive games).

the pain of the past is resolved... nothing added to my library in the past 7 years or so is in that never going to play list

1 year ago

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I love the organization! I've got "Gotta Try" "Gotta Finish" "Meh" and "Not Interested" for the most part (as well as 'complete' & 'done' for games I've completed or will never play again, respectively)

That said, I have 2500ish in 'gotta try' and 1300ish uncategorized so there's no point in having the 'meh' or 'not interested' games (of which there are ~3000 combined) because at this point even if I never buy another game again I'll never even get to all the ones I want to play πŸ˜…

Anyway, sorry for the long comment in your giveaway, just saw your image and got the juices flowing, heh. Anyway, hope you enjoy Diablo 4! I love the Diablo games but haven't bought that one yet. I'm sure I will when I get the itch though, because (if you couldn't tell by my previous paragraph) I'm a sucker πŸ˜„

1 year ago

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definitely enjoying D4, been doing to much side content so only at the story point where I was at in beta so can't comment on full story yet.

its definitely disappointing if your riding the hype train, its more of a hybrid of D3 with D2 aesthetics, but its a solid 8/10 for me. Need to reach end game to comment further.
oh... and replace my controller... left joystick on my 360 controller has started to fail, RIP old friend... Hello probably Series 2 elite wireless controller!.

1 year ago

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wow man.. super organized!! that's great!
I only have 1 day off this weekend, so I'll be sleeping in and hopefully playing something this weekend!
Enjoy D4.. it's on my wishlist.. i'll get it in a few months more than likely!

1 year ago

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upside is... if I get new games I don't need to do anything until I am done with it, my criteria for adding games is so high now it all goes into need to be played(uncategorized)!

1 year ago

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Sleep well then, my friend. Last weekend I slept a lot, too.

View attached image.
1 year ago*

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Thanks mate!

1 year ago

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Thanks for the wishlist game^^ Hope you have a nice weekend~!!

I'm going to join the D4 family on Tuesday (6/6). (Standard)

By the way, there is another D4 game "D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die"

It's a good game, too. But it's a shame that they will never update again. :<

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Hi, you have enter into my giveaway into Soulblight and i have delete it for created a new one with proper region lock, you can found the new one here

11 months ago

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Seems I chose well the topic as it talks about Diablo, which will be the 2nd step.

But for the first step, I do not want you to stay outside , so please find your special entry ticket:

2 days ago

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oh god I would have never gotten that it was minion speak(I haven't watched whatever they were in... so no idea what they sound like), thought it was some form of cipher

I saw cathedral, and only saw when there was 0 and 2 hints... so I saw a minion looking like it was saying moo, and had my head filled with moos from the thousands of hours farming cows when I was younger with the 2nd. so I was looking into something diablo related as a cipher key with no luck.

I think this is the first time I wasn't looking in the right box.... I wasn't even looking in the right universe. Thanks for the special ticket. Now to try and find the gates to the Cathedral so I can slay Andariel on SG.

2 days ago

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Hey Carenard, I'm sorry if this was frustrating at first for you, but know I'm vert glad you could join us , in both trains !!

And congrats for your expeditive victory on Andariel. Once you get going, there's no stopping you!

1 day ago

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