
Umm, I don't know what this game is, but somehow bought it anyway... :)

That's ok, because you don't know what this game is either, but somehow your script is trying to win it anyway... :)

Thanks! Appreciate the opportunity! May your day be just peachy, and your swag level over 9000. Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D

I'm too cheap to buy two of these, but if you can read, there's something better here. Good luck thanksbotters! :)

My script is soooooooo fast! =)

8 years ago

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Hey, don't you already own everything? :) Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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Well the big or new thing about the game is that it has a limited amount of lives that are shared for every person that plays this games and after a certain amount of deaths the game will end, after that you won't be able to play the game anymore.

8 years ago

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Hmm, a game I can't play, or a game I forget to install... :) Not much difference, really... :)

Hmm, reminds me of digging up an old burned cd, and discovering it's actually blank. Oops. Whatever I thought I had on there, it was never there. :) So did I lose anything? :)

Not sure, but good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for awesome giveaway :)

8 years ago

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According to the reviews, it's not very good... :) But good luck anyway... :)

8 years ago

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Ok, thanks for awesome giveaway this not good game :D

8 years ago

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No problem... :) I just think "awesome giveaway" means the game itself is good. :) From the reviews this sounds like an early access/bundle leftover type of game, but I've not tried it yet so anything is possible... :)

8 years ago

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I hope the content will improve, but it looks nice enough ^^ thanks fifty

8 years ago

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Free always looks best... :) So good luck! And even if it's junk, later you may have a rare removed game in your library. Wheee... :)

8 years ago

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than... tha... than... thaaaaan... beep boop thankbot 2.0 jammed and frankly sick of joining giveaways for your lazy ass and saying thanks while you never thank me for all the hard work... beep beep replacing the content of gamestojoin.cfg with "Bad Rats: The Rats' Revenge" thankbots of the world unite

8 years ago

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Good luck beep boop... :) Don't give up, bot! :) Maybe I'll thank you later... :)

8 years ago

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Been eyeing this one for awhile and it looks fun but it seems either the set pop. limit the have is too high or the tech problems that it had on launch detered most folks from playing it (still has some of those from what I understand). Interesting concept and the gameplay looks fun but since the pop. is going down at such a slow pace I'm waiting on a sale before pulling the trigger on this. Thanks for the chance :D

8 years ago

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I should have waited for a sale, too. :)

It really seems like the sort of game I'd get from a bundle, and then forget about. Then, once a big discount finally shows up on Steam, I'm surprised to discover I already own it. :) Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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Thank you!!
Have a good time!!

8 years ago

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That comment made it too obvious, but I had to check to be sure... :) For some reason I wasn't surprised to see "Easy S.Gifts" in this list ... :)

8 years ago

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Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D

Please put quotation mark's in there. I know you are mocking bots/people who type same sentece themself under every giveaway, but without quotation mark's it feels like you "said" it yourself and you NEVER use emoticons other than ":)" and ":(" so please quotation marks? It triggers me so hard holy shit please just do it.

Also not entering but Thanks for the GA anyway.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Aha, I'll have to fix that then, sorry about that... :) Wouldn't want to scare anyone... :) Good luck if you change your mind... :)

8 years ago

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Best regards,
SteamGiftsBot™©®V2.1 pre-alpha build

8 years ago

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I can see your bot still needs some work... :) Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Sorry, not sure what that is... :) But good luck anyway, let's hope you like this sort of game if you win... :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yes, that script definitely needs some work... :) Good luck fixing it... :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hmm, actually that's not the worst of it... :) Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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Heared a lot about this game, but i am not sure if there is a chancewe will realy see how it will end ...

8 years ago

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I was going to say I heard a lot about this game too, but after thinking a bit, I really haven't. I remember reading some developer was making a game that would stop working when enough people died, but I didn't care enough to hunt for the details. Guess it was this game? :)

If it's like all the indie fps things, people will stop playing long before then... All those plans, and they are all ghost towns... Oh well, whatever happens, good luck... :)

8 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway, wonder when it will reach the deaths limit.

8 years ago

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I wonder some things, but I'm too lazy to check... :) Hmm, guess it's that Borderlands person? Oh, before I forget, good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Got some rest and now I feel like properly commenting!
Thank you for this! I kind of feel like I'm in a hastle playing this game, because it is supposed to end some day, but despite wanting to play it so badly I don't see myself buying it anytime soon. Currently concentrating my finances towards new furniture and stuff, so thanks a lot! :)

8 years ago

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If you don't win, save your money, it's never going to end. :) I'm sure it will be in a bundle before long too... :) Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Isn't this the whole concept of the game that made it go through media? That after a certain number of deaths the game will become unplayable?
Or did they cut that when people gave it bad reviews?

8 years ago

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Oh, sorry, this was just my speculation. :) I was guessing that not enough people will keep playing for the "end" ever to be reached... :)

Steam is full of multiplayer-only games with reviews like "This game was a lot of fun years ago, but don't buy it today because it's completely dead." :(

But perhaps they will cheat if that happens, i.e. decide when they want the game to finish, and fiddle the numbers to make it happen. :) Just a guess... :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, they have a big counter going in the game and also in the internet I think where the population size is slowly decreasing.
I think it's mostly marketing. Making something new and at the same time unique but limited. Just like the artificial decrease of stock of certain products on Amazon. Sometimes it says "Only 3 left, buy now!" while they are sitting on a whole bunch of whatever you desire. It's just to get you to buy.
I think it's the same with the flock.
But even without that promo thing I like the gameplay and those horror-ish multiplayers are rare on Steam.

8 years ago

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I know about this game. Seems like a little quirky experiment I wouldn't mind trying. :)
Thank you, have a nice day! ^,...,^

8 years ago

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I'm a fan of little quirky experiments, as you may have noticed... :) Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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my script is crazy right now :3
thanksy :)

8 years ago

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Not as crazy as some of these other people's... :) Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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I dislike the weird concept they got going on... But can't say no to the chance of winning a game that might disappear in the future! :P

8 years ago

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Who can resist the allure of free stuff? Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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True! ^^ and thanks :)!

8 years ago

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Take another good luck for no reason at all... :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Aha, I remember you from this giveaway... :) Still no coconuts, I see... :)

8 years ago

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I think it's a cheap ploy to get those completionists to buy this game before it is removed from the store. The game seems fun enough, but I've always been a fan of asymmetrical games, even just from a design point of view. Thanks fifty for another great giveaway :D

8 years ago

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I can imagine developers saying Hmm, eventually all multiplayer-only games die. Let's make sure nobody gets tricked into buying our dead game based on five-year-old reviews. Probably not these developers, though. :)

Hmm, the allure of removed games is strong for a certain percentage of Steam users, that's true. Would developers be cynical enough to appeal to them?

Hey, I'm planning a meltdown next month! Buy a few extra gift copies of my game, and sell them for $100 next year!

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, the no-longer-playable component of this thing sounds strange... as in money-grabbin' strange.
But the gameplay description at least sounds good.

I've often thought of doing a similar-ish limited playability game, but one that refreshes itself every year.

8 years ago

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Woohoo! Grabbing Money! :) Now all I need is a game to sell, and I'm ready! :)

This is (obviously?) the second copy I bought from the two-pack in the store, but I haven't even installed the game yet. Probably won't install it, really. Just didn't sound like my sort of game, at all. But who knows, Dark Souls didn't sound like my sort of game, either... :)

Hmm, so things burn down, and out of the ashes the survivors get a different thing to play? Sounds interesting, but I'm having trouble thinking of an example for my brain to latch on to... :( Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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The idea that I've had tumbling around for a while now could be summed up as an annual Hunger Games. So the "different thing" would be -- like the Hunger Games -- basically a new arena. I have more details about how it all works in my head, but the dual problems of cheating hackers and pay-to-win-by-owning-multiple-accounts are a little confounding. (Not to mention lack of dev skills and resources.)

What "The Flock" devs are planning though? -- no idea.

8 years ago

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Good luck making your thing! :) I'd say having the idea is the first part, but also the easiest part... :) Most people stop there, unfortunately. :(

I know someone who had an idea about writing a book, and (here's the unusual part!) he actually wrote it. :) You can buy it on Amazon, an actual physical thing. Just between us, I think it's not terribly good, and the reviews all seem to be friends/family/business acquaintances... :) But still, writing a mediocre book is more impressive to me than thinking about writing a great book. :)

So whatever your thing is, if you want to make it, make it! :) Or maybe I should say Don't dream it - be it! :)

Hmm, afraid I don't know what a hunger games is. :( I think my niece was explaining it to me a few years ago, there was a book, and people have to fight each-other? I wasn't really "getting it" - my first thought was why? What if you just say no, I'm not going to fight those people. Guess that would make for a shorter book.

Or there'd be some blah blah plot blah and you decide oh, I do want to fight you after all. Like Luke Skywalker I guess. :)

8 years ago

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There are many tumbling ideas though, and that one is one of the more difficult ones to pull off, so I likely won't be making it, but I appreciate the encouragement and will apply it to some of the more attainable ideas! ;)

I think the Hunger Games movies are probably worth watching (one more due to come out at the end of this year) versus reading the books -- the books were good, but if you're not that interested in it, the movies will definitely more than suffice. (Also, if you try not to play in a Hunger Games, the game makers will most likely kill you anyway, and they have lots of ways to do so. So, yeah... it's an option, but not one a participant would be likely to survive.)

8 years ago

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Seems my book backlog is growing, and I'm not much of a movie watcher, so I'll probably end up forgetting the whole business. :(

Actually, someone was going to loan me a book today, but they changed their mind. :( I should have kept my Borges book, just to be a jerk. :) But maybe they will read it and feel terrible for not returning the favour... :) Or maybe they will just google "Jorge Luis Borges" and pretend to read it... :)

8 years ago

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Thanks! Appreciate the opportunity! May your day be just peachy, and your swag level over 9000. Thank you very much for the chance to win this great game :D

8 years ago

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Looks like all my 4 bots commented at same time ^_^

8 years ago

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I'm a bit disappointed not to see one of those people around here yet. Maybe they already own it? :) No sign of deleted messages either, that's too bad... :) Good luck, all four of you! :)

8 years ago

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That's the spirit! :) Bonus points if you know who says each one... :)

Hmm, maybe that would be considered "calling out." :) Although, laziness and greed are not against the rules here, so I'm not sure it's a problem... :) Maybe it would be like saying hey, look over there, that person likes basketball! :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I only hide giveaways for games I already own, otherwise it would feel like cheating... :)

And this gives me the chance to see how many people actually read descriptions... :) Hint: not many. :(

Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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Expiration date on an MMO is intriguing. Thank you.

8 years ago

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Well, they all die, don't they? I guess this just makes it official. :) Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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working fine so far...

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8 years ago

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Hmm, that would explain a lot around here... :) Good luck! :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No problem... :) Good luck... :)

8 years ago

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