
Do you know Katamari? You should play Katamari! The second game is pure Awesomesauce! :3
Tell me your favorite game nobody else seems to know about and get on my WL (even though its nothing special ^^') and of course I appreciate every β™₯ myself ☼

My favorite game... perhaps Realms of the Haunting. The atmosphere was spot on, it had the nice adventure element with gun play but also the hint of dark mystery and occult. The game really doesn't look that great anymore but oh boy it was reaaaally good back in the 90s ^^ I really loved that you could examine almost every item from your inventory in 3d, talk about the item and even ask some things from your NPC companion.

And yes, I know Katamari. I have only played Katamari Forever on PS3 though, really enjoyed it with my older brother ^^

6 years ago

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Oh, "Doom" with a more interesting setting!? :D
All Katamari are good Katamari, so well done! Try the others as well, if you had fun ^^

6 years ago

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But I only play popular games ;_;

6 years ago

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Such a mainstream slut! :O :P JK! ;)
Dont you like "trying" other games or why is that?
Vector isnt exactly a "popular" game, but you clicked the GA nevertheless :D

6 years ago

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But it looks pretty good :)
I'm not sure how popular it is, but Dungelot: Shattered Lands was pretty good for me.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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So many bullets! :D

6 years ago

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Not sure about obscure games I've played, but heeey, I've also played Katamari, Katamari Damacy on the PS2! πŸ™ƒ

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Analogue: A Hate Story. It's a VN and I thought I disliked VNs. It's based on a sci-fi setting and it's pretty engaging once you get through the meat of the story. Overall, the ending was satisfying and gave me a new light of VNs. Yes, it's pretty short hence can be done in a few sittings.

6 years ago

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VN can be really nice and engaging :) (Games like "Phoenix Wright" are VN and I really enjoyed the first. Need to continue, but VN are also time consuming :P)
PS: "Hate Story" doesnt sound "nice" is this case, tho XD

6 years ago

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Try it. If you like SciFi with intrigue, it should tickle your fancy.

6 years ago

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No one ever seems to talk about Cloudbilt. There's clearly I want for this type of game because of the success of the Sonic series and parkour in games.

You basically go through stages with wall climbing abilities, wall run, jumping off walls, and you also have a jet pack so you can be really fast, or control yourself on a wall run or do a double jump or rocket up a wall.

The level design is great and usually involves branching paths giving great replayability to levels.

Also I've always wanted to play katamari, so thanks for reminding me.

6 years ago

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"Cloudbuilt" looks cool! :o Yeah, some really good games, people are looking for, ironically, are well hidden, unfortunately :S
I hope you have fun with Katamari! :D

6 years ago

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Oh I always find these questions hard since I don't know which games "nobody know about", so I'll just list a few games I love that I personally hadn't heard about before playing them: Renowned Explorers, Steamworld Heist, Dungeon of the Endless, the Hero of the Kingdom games

6 years ago

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Hero of the Kingdom! +1 :D
Both games are really fun! I couldnt believe how addictive the gameplay is! XD Really hoping for a third one :)
Thanks for the suggestions! ^^

6 years ago

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As a lifelong pc gamer, i got a ps2 (and a bunch of games) about 2-3 years ago, as it was supposed to be the greatest console of one of the greatest console generations, and as a person who considered himself a "gamer", I had missed a lot of culturally important games.
Surprisingly, out of all the ones I tried (Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, Silent Hill 2, Metal Gear 2-3, Tekken games Ratchet & Clank), We Love Katamari is the only one I keep coming back to.
My favourite games were mostly adventure games, and the best, most famous one everyone already knows: Monkey Island 2. Best game that nobody knows (although they probably do) is Loom.

6 years ago

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Even the PSX2 had maaany hidden gems! Your list of games were overhyped ones, imo. I didnt enjoy them very much (except Rachet and Clank. Was fun for the time. And nowadays there are too few jump and run :/)
Kingdom Hearts was great, but not hidden. Suikoden 3 is a masterpiece (and still not a good as 1 and 2 :P), Project Zero or Wild Arms 3 as well. Never board the mainstream/Hype-Train! On there are great titles and fun, but the smaller trains are usually more fun XD
PS: Monkey Island! β™₯ ...but the Remastered Version looks sooo ugly >_>

6 years ago

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I love Katamari. We <3 Katamari is one of my favourite PS2 games. My favourite Katamari cousin is Ichigo.

6 years ago

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Yay! :3

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6 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning: maybe it's not little indie game, but somehow it's not so popular, imo it should be, Nice action-RPG with amazing crafting system, big open world and satisfying combat system (finishers are gold).
And little indie game after terrible day: Turbo Dismount. There is nothing better than destroy some mines with your character and his vehicle :D
I will add Spec Ops The Line as well, amazing but scary experience about war presented as TPS shooter game. The game I return to from time to time.
and I could add more of little indie games that have great plot or are just beautiful and extraordinary, but it would be a wall of text and I want to avoid it :D

6 years ago

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First two are on my wishlist; they looked fun ^^ Thanks for cementing that ;)
Many Indie Games got this special something, many AAA title now are lacking :S Its like Indies are made by fans for fans ☼
PS: Dont worry, a few words shouldnt scare anyone ;)

6 years ago

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somehow I really like MIND:Path To Thalamus, however I've never finished it, but I just love landscapes, surrealistic views. It is so beautiful and calm. I love to return to this game. (I guess I would return to Journey on PS3, if I had PS3 xD but I love soundtrack. I listen to it always while learning or meditating or just chilling).
The Witness is another game like that. Minimalistic with plot, but amazing with graphics and gameplay. Slow tempo, nice puzzles, but situation similar to MIND: never finished :/
and last for now: The Talos Principle. This one I have finished and I love it! Amazing story told by the Voice from above and computers in Garden. And thought-provoking, some reflections aren't easy. Lots of them are from ancient philosophers, there are some fragments of their works. imho: must play. And heard great things about DLC 'Road to Gehenna' but this one I haven't played unfortunately, however it is in my library ^^ Studying and gaming are not easy things to do together :/

6 years ago

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Each of this games look very atmospheric! :D Wouldnt mind to try them all ^^
(I know about the "never finished" thing... It just happens and I dont know why -___-)
Good luck in your studies! :)

6 years ago

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not too popular and not too obscure: Else Heart.Break()

6 years ago

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I bought a bundle for it XD Looked good and "fresh" :) But what kind of genre is it exactly? ^^'

6 years ago

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it doesn't fit in any genre...
it's a mix of between walking simulator, hacking game, open world and visual story... (and maybe some meta)
it can be very boring or one hell of experience if you let it (have patience)

I fell in love with the atmosphere, the visuals, the music, and the interaction once you can begin to hack things...
and talking about hacking things, you can start doing it in like an hour or maybe a lot more, it depends on you and how do you explore... the game is linear and non linear at the same time

hard to explain... you had to try it, but you need to put a little time in it (worth it)

(sorry for any bad english)

6 years ago

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Somehow I must think about the "hacking" in "Mega Man Battel Network", where you can plug in in many electro devices XD
That was fun, tho, so thanks for the intriguing description ^^
(no worries; your english is very good :D But I know what you mean: I am german and always unsure about grammar and such :P)

6 years ago

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Thanks so much!

6 years ago

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You are very welcome; hope you have some fun with it :D

6 years ago

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