So I just saw few people who have $0 given and $1000-5000+ Won... How does that make you feel personally?
Not trying to judge anyone but might just start making all giveaways lvl 1+ after seeing that.

7 years ago

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Unlike most people who commented so far, I can't say that I have no negative feelings at all when a game I'm giving is won by someone with 0:250 ratio. With that said, I rarely do anything to prevent this and the vast majority of my giveaways are accessible to Level 0 users (though they may need to read this forum to find many of them). How do both parts of this paragraph make sense together? They don't. I probably have some masochistic tendencies...

7 years ago

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Meh, if it's a problem for me I can't just use the level restriction feature. That's why it's there.

7 years ago

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To me someone with a 0:500 ratio is as non-deserving as someone with a 500:500 ratio. I'd rather that giveaways be spread out, and not have some people win hundreds of games, especially since that usually means they're just collecting them.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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shrugs Idk. I don't give much. If they win my games good on 'em. If not, better luck next time. Doubt I'm better than any of them, though I would really like to think so. I tend to think I'm better than most people, though. I'm a bit of a dick I guess.

7 years ago

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Just give away trash games for lv 0s hahaha
You can't restrict people with 100/0 to enter them, but some of these lv 0s might one day give away a tons of games, just because he won your game and it's encouraged him to "repay" the community c:

7 years ago

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This is just unfair.(

7 years ago

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Personally I'm a filthy leecher.
Sure, I'm a nice guy in real life. But look at my giveaways/ratio.
I almost never buy games and I'm only here to ocasionally win a game I actually want to win - which only happened once (Contagion).
I won 24 games so far but it's mostly to get cards. The ones on my wishlist I NEVER win. Can't complain though - I'm a leecher.
If you wanna make giveaways only for people who "deserve" them you should make it level restricted or something.
Even though I never make giveaways(and thefore most giveaways are restricted to me and I can't join) I still wanna thank everyone who does.
I think you should make giveaways because it makes you feel good. Not giving someone something because they give something to someone else.
Anyway, feel free to blacklist me - I deserve it.
Still, thanks to everyone who gives stuff for free <3

7 years ago

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Someone like me wants to make giveaways with no restrictions. So it's fine.
The games want to be received.

7 years ago

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Most of them are bots, too.

7 years ago

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Doesnt bother me. Some people might not be in a position where buying games for strangers on the internet is a good spending choice. Example being my mom. She loves Steam and she loves Steamgifts, but shes disabled and on a very limited income. If I werent feeding her spare keys to give away, she wouldnt be able to give much (if anything really). Ive tried to explain how to buy bundles, but she still doesnt know how to buy her own games on Steam no matter how much I show her, so it probably isnt a good idea. As it is now, when she wants a game, she deposits the cash in my bank account, and I gift it to her.

Obviously that isnt an example of the majority, but Id rather just not restrict my giveaways and leave it open to everyone, so people in similar situations can have a shot at my bundle leftovers at least

7 years ago

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Adds onto the mass of "I don't really mind either way" comments

The point of this site is giveaways afterall, whether it's creating them or entering them.
Not everyone has enough income to really do a bunch of giveaways to "fix" their ratio (me included so maybe i'm biased ahaha)

I can understand people's issues with it but I also feel like some people focus way too much on this kinda thing but different strokes for different folks /shrugs

7 years ago

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I'm fine with it as long as I don't have to run after them to mark the GAs as received.
Which is why I make all my GAs at least lvl 1+, so that the winner has at least once be faced with being the one waiting for a winner to mark as received, and hopefully remembers it's important to mark the game as received within a reasonable time frame (say, less than 24h for a GA which barely lasted a couple hours).
I'm still planning to do a bit more SGTools protected GAs in the future, to reward people with a public ratio not too close to zero ^^ Here is one for instance

7 years ago

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The site rules state that they have 7 days to mark received and then you can ask for a reroll if they haven't. Some people have lives and don't live by their computers waiting to see if they won a game and there are many, who if chased down, will choose to wait until the last minute just out of spite.
It appears that you just joined the site two weeks ago. I suggest reading the FAQ before making statements about running after someone when it's only been 24 hours or you may end up on many blacklists if you haven't already.

7 years ago

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I know that it's not against the rules, yet it doesn't mean browsing around the site after winning while still not marking "received" for a day or 2 isn't a bit rude (yes, among those who take time to mark as received, a huge majority of people still hang around online, some even do activate the game and still wait after that before marking as received, go figure).

7 years ago

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Thanks for that link :3
I read good news from LostSoul and that made my day brighter :)

7 years ago

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You're welcome 🎅 What's LostSoul though?

7 years ago

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Heh - i follewed links in your ga and found his ga (with his story) inside small celebration thread xD
I should be more specific next time xD

7 years ago

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Don't care about it. Just an other question it was a humble bundle in the past which included the developer Tools in Tier 1 for more them 100€ , the fastest way to Level Up extremly cheap. Is it better?

7 years ago

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Was that Clickbait Fusion 2.5 or another one ? 🙃 I think this one "only" counts for $15 real CV

7 years ago

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so it is. But you had to pay 1€ for 15$ CV (only for the 1 Program, but ist was some other stuff in Tier 1 too). 5 Copys means 75 CV. Much better than any other stuff to level up.

7 years ago

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That $1 tier included Clickteam Fusion 2.5 ($15 CV), Spriter Pro ($9 CV) and Spriter: Game Effects Pack ($1.95 CV), so ~$26 CV.

7 years ago

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Oh, so that's why I see so many Spriter Pro around, I was wondering where they came from ^^

7 years ago

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I do lvl.0 GA from time to time, but normally it won't be great stuff. If I have something really cool to give away, it will normally be lvl.4 and above or whitelist. Therefore, I don't care much about those who never give anything.

7 years ago

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Making lvl 1+ Deals with the issue

7 years ago

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Lvl 1 literally same with lvl 0, with orlygift, tremor, or some limited giveaway that didn't listed as free games.

7 years ago

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Still it is some kind of barrier. Anyway lvl2+ than is the best option.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Its easy, thats why i never create giveaway without level or lvl 1 (u can gift 0,05€ game to get it). I prefer, want something? Give something! Not like omg i must take all games as greedy....

7 years ago

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When I first joined this site I had a job. Then I had a heart attack, developed some vascular issues which required several surgeries, had one foot amputated, and now am no longer working. I did quite a few giveaways for good games back then and still try to when I can though lately I have only been able to give away bundled games and my ratio sucks (or does it?). I add every person I have ever won a game from to my whitelist so I can at least attempt to pay them back whenever I can. I originally came to this site because a friend said this is where you can win games for free and that's probably how many others think too. Free means that you don't owe anything so people who make giveaways at all are going above and beyond the cause and I applaud them (the site wouldn't live without them) but it doesn't mean that people who can't afford to give back aren't worthy or are bad people.
You have to keep in mind too that the dollar value that you see on a profile page isn't necessarily how much that person has spent and won. Prices fluctuate. Bundles bring the prices down. You can get many games from Russian websites for pennies on the dollar over what you may pay for the same game in your own country. My "real" CV won according to sgtools is $400.40, not the $1814.73 that my SG profile says. And I have given away $168.14 according to sgtools and not $372.06. And if you calculate my ratio using the sgtools stats it's way better than the SG one is. I have seen many people create giveaways using sgtools who don't figure in this fact and will have both "real" and regular CV limiters calculated the same way and it's flawed math as they are never the same.

tl;dr The dollar values mean nothing to me. Ratios mean nothing to me. People do what they can.

7 years ago*

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The hard truth is that at least 99% or more of the users are here for selfish reasons. Some try to hide it, while others don't. There's an extremely small group of people that actually selflessly give away good games. While most people give away their bundle leftovers (mostly Humble Bundle). People who put an emphasis on 1:1 real CV value ratio (or better) always seemed to use this site as a weird form of trading IMO. A gift doesn't require reciprocation IMHO. I won't pretend to be one of the selfless individuals, but I do only enter for games I really want to play, and have played and enjoyed all of my wins. I give when and if I can, blacklists, ratios and levels be damned :p

7 years ago

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