I have an older brother who, when he talks to me, always Yells and swears at me like "HEY DIPSH@! How's your pathetic life? or pushes me around and blames things on me, talks all sarcastic like, or even hits me and for the record, we're like 2 different people, im nice, quiet, and polite, while he is, uncouth, loud and annoying, but yeah i know, sibling rivalry or something like that everybody deals with it etc etc, does anybody else deal with things like that with siblings, bullies, other, etc? if you are an only child then i am jealous, but anyways, cya for now.

1 decade ago*

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Well, I am the older sibling xD But I like to think I'm not too bad a brother to my sister :) She doesn't seem to annoyed with me most of the time...

1 decade ago

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Man, I don't know why anyone would do that, dude. I've got 4 siblings and none of us have ever treated each other that way. Sounds like he's just a dick.

1 decade ago

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I have one younger brother (second) and one younger sister (youngest). I spoiled both of them, with different treatment of course. But I admit sometimes I give my brother harsh treatment. Honestly, not because I hate him, but because he rely on me too much. I'm never mocked him or looked down at him though.

1 decade ago

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Maybe your sibling is overwhelmed with intense feelings of love and reverence for you, but doesn't know how to adequately express these emotions so he strikes out in frustration at the very object of his awe?

1 decade ago

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I've lived out of my family for a long time, I've long forgotten how it feels to have siblings lol. I do have two younger sister and younger brother.

1 decade ago

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Believe it or not, I'm bullied by my younger siblings. I'm the oldest at my house, and my siblings just love to do horrible things to me, calling me names and insulting everything about me. However, they have toned down in recent years (probably because I'm not home as much to allow these things to happen). Sadly, I don't know how to help you out. I'd suggest maybe talking to your parents about it? I'm sure they would try to find a way to end the bullying.

1 decade ago

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Remember, shit rolls down hill. I think it's time you taught your "younger" siblings that.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I love my sibling

1 decade ago

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I'm the oldest in my family, and although me and my two younger brothers used to get on each other's nerves, I never swore like that towards them :S He's got some issues if he feels comfortable using that language around you. I hope he sees this thread and realises what he's done.

1 decade ago

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I have an older sister and 2 younger brothers. We get along great, though when I was younger my sister and I fought constantly! That stopped a year or two before my sister left for college and we've been quite close since, though we still get into the occasional spat every now and then.

1 decade ago

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Funny dancing black man!

1 decade ago

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I have several friends with older brothers which used to bully them, like yours does. As they got older, they became best friends.

1 decade ago

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older brothers are supposed to do that(and also supposed to fight any other people who do that), while younger are supposed to trick him into buying them beer

this is because without being attacked in your home for practice you won't learn how to defend yourself and be prepared for getting attacked irl and he can't have you growing up week or parents will blame him for your inevitable death in the machine uprising

1 decade ago

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Wish I had an older sibling... Kinda lonely being the oldest -- nobody to ask questions of, having to "break the parents in", having to figure out everything on your own, etc, etc.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Frozencookie.