Since Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been released, Hideo Kojima — the creative mind behind the Metal Gear Solid series — has been missing in action. It was expected that Kojima would make an appearance tonight at The Game Awards, but apparently Konami's lawyers intervened. Here's how host Geoff Keighley described the situation:

"Mr. Kojima had every intention of being with us tonight, but unfortunately he was informed by a lawyer representing Konami just recently that he would not be allowed to travel to tonight's award ceremony to accept any awards. He’s still under an employment contract and it’s disappointing."

For all intents and purposes, it looks as if Hideo Kojima has left Konami, even if Konami insists he's just on vacation. Earlier this week, a Konami PR representative appeared in Kojima's place at the PlayStation Awards to accept trophies for The Phantom Pain, and now we can safely guess why.

Kiefer Sutherland, who voiced Venom Snake in MGSV, accepted tonight's award on Kojima's behalf.

The Verge:

8 years ago

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I don't know how i am going to sleep tonight.
This is really shocking, way too much i can handle...

8 years ago

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best poll ever lol

8 years ago

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Well you know... Hideo Kojima didn't really care about that award I guess?
He's a very genius person
He knew that someday he'll receive something better with his own brain without Konami
Maybe like that?
And ofc I'm waiting for that day xD

Note : The poll can I ruin it? I mean it's already ruined because uppercase & lowercase K.. yeah that xD

8 years ago

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The poll is restored again!

8 years ago

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Kojima wanted to attend mostly to support his crew and his best friend Geoff Keighley. Geoff and Kojima have been friends for years and he wanted to be there to support his show.

Also, Mark Hamill gave out that award. Kojima is a Star Wars fan so you can image how amazing it would have been to receive an award from Luke Skywalker.

8 years ago

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i feel like someone should go to Japan and give him the trophy right on his house.

8 years ago

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Nice poll.

8 years ago

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Kuck Fonami!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I was going to say the uppercase K should be below the lowercase one, but why should konami be capital. fucK konami

8 years ago

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exactly :)

8 years ago

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Here's my thing: I don't know much about anything when it comes to bureaucracies in video games and their companies (then why are you even talking? Shush let me get to my point). I've learned a bit over the last year and half from listening to the talks on the Two Best Friends podcasts, who love Metal Gear Solid and all those kinds of games and have laid out what Konami has done to this Hideo Kojima fellow.

I am floored by the loop-de-loop inner politics that a company like Konami has managed to pull in order to prevent this obviously talented man from getting the credit he deserves. I wish that video games were just as important as Emmys or Oscars because if they were, I'm sure many more people would be up in arms about this. I don't even have a hand in this debacle since I'm not a fan of MGS or RE or whatever Konami has put out, but even an outsider like me can see this is straight up bullshit.

8 years ago

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Best poll XD

8 years ago

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well this seems to fit in

8 years ago

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Unfortunately pachinko machines may yet sustain this deplorable company and its douchebag execs for some time.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nicely done with that poll though

8 years ago

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