What do girls like as gifts, besides me ofc. Also something that that wouldn't cost me a fortune and takes under an 2 hours to get, I'm kind of in a hurry..

Background: She's 17, a close friend whom I haven't seen in quite some time, charismatic, likes Jazz, sympathetic, playful, over-flirtatious, and never forgets a bad gift(Bioshock seemed like such a good idea at the time)!

Thanks for all the advise, in the end I just went with my gut.

1 decade ago*

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lol it's easy .. give her a copy of Killing floor ..
best co op game ever

1 decade ago

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lol it's easy .. give her a copy of Killing floor ..
best co op game ever

1 decade ago

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I say a Plush. My Girlfriend and Sisters loves them. as most of my friends. So i don't know. x3

1 decade ago

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Also don't forget. Your dick in a box mann

1 decade ago

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Go for something thoughtful! Look into her hobbies and see if you can get something she would never expect, but would appreciate. Money, clothes, and all that other stuff is so generic unless you know a specific article of clothing or something that she wants really badly. What you want to try and go for is a memory and a moment that she'll always remember and treasure. Your gift doesn't even have to be a material thing. I mean you could say that her gift is coming in the mail and take her to an amusement park or something the next day.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Bioshock was a good gift. She sucks. :) I know it's too late now but:

Get her a vase.
"I was going to get you flowers, but they would wilt and die in a few days and that's not what your friendship means to me. Whenever someone gives you flowers, and you use this vase I want you to remember me and that no matter how far away I may be, I'll always be there for you, ready to renew our friendship. When you look at the flowers, I want you know that I'll always be here, to support you. Even when the flowers have died, I want you to remember that I'm here, in the bad times, and the good."

Oh and have some flowers somewhere handy. If she's crying you can get a laugh out of it. If she's looking pissed off (a la Bioshock) you can redeem yourself with flowers.

Or take her to see Dark Knight Rises and cut a hole in the popcorn box.

1 decade ago

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Heres another good gift steal Half Life 2: episode 3 from gabe newell then give that to her :D

1 decade ago

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I'm sure Gnome Alone will be able to tell the difference between his good friend and you in a dress; best come up with a more sensible plan...

1 decade ago

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I think your gut is lying to you...

1 decade ago

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Ahaha, a gnome? xD

1 decade ago

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Glad she enjoyed, i think

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by GnomeAlone.