THQ is bankrupt! A sad day in gaming history.

BUT Ya know... if they had said, during the Humble Bundle that they were breaking, they would likelly have a lot more sales, at higher values! I, for one, would have donated more and would have directed a higher percentage to them.
In fact, if I were them, I'd ask to make a speciall Humble Bundle where ALL proceeds would go to lifting the company, and everything north of the target value would be donated.

"But LFLFM, charities need money more than some game makers!" - "yes, but its a GAME SALE; it would be more than appropriate and actually noble, to try and keep a great company alive".

Anyways; I don't have time now so later I might post some THQ games giveaways in their memory.

EDIT: Did you all not read the news, last month and this month? They FILED for bankrupsy last month... but that is just ONE step towards extinction; one that CAN be reverted! Today is the day they officialy "die", with the piece by piece auction! Don't be idiots if you don't know what you're talking about; when you hear "a company is going broke" it doesn't mean that it's dead... until it dies

EDIT2: HAHA Thanks smog0; no I did not notice this was 2 weeks ago! Damn you work! Y U NO LET ME PLAY!
Anyways... Jan 24th was a sad day and I didn't even notice, so I'm sad today! :-P

1 decade ago*

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Did you all not read the news, last month and this month?
They FILED for bankrupsy last month... but that is just ONE step towards extinction; one that CAN be reverted! Today is the day they officialy "die", with the piece by piece auction!

1 decade ago

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The auctions are also past-tense.

1 decade ago

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They had filed for bankruptcy even before the Humble THQ Bundle and the piece by piece auction already happened.. just do a search on the forum and on Google you'll find the details.

Seriously you come here thinking you bring news but everybody else already knows all this and more. For your sake just close your thread.

1 decade ago

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did you notice in your url the part 2013/01/24 ?

1 decade ago

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It's like watching Early Edition in reverse.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This is actually news to me! Thanks, LFLFM ^-^

1 decade ago

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Don't feed the troll :O

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by LFLFM.