The ancient mountain of Puzzledoom has always been the heart of the kingdom of Enigmoria. The majestic rock stands, surrounded by the Questwood forest, but nothing stands forever. Not even mountains.
The earth is shaking more than usual and all the fauna has moved away from the mountain area. All the natives from Puzzland -the nearest village, and your hometown- know what that means.
Puzzledoom is about to erupt, and the shape of the mountain -and the land- will never be the same.

There's a secret tunnel near the top of the mountain, and the legend tells that the ancients buried great treasures there, maybe some non bundled. All of them will melt under 480 point zero litres per second of 1200 degrees hot lava.

But there's still some time before that happens. The wisemen from Puzzland say that the mountain will live 5 more days.

So you put your old puzzling clothes on and take the map to the... Where did I put that map to the secret passage? Oh, my, what a clumsy hands I have. I think I might have lost it on the way here, maybe you'll find it if you go back to the town, it won't be hard.

Sorry about that, my friend. And good luck. Puzzledoom isn't just a mountain. Maybe I'll tell you some old stories if you survive...

Puzzledoom is doomed, here is the solution.

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9 years ago*

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So yeah I couldn't stop myself from doing it today... Bump for fully solved! :-D

I can't believe I didn't try this before, I actually tried this technique on similar puzzles to no avail but somehow I didn't try it here :-)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The second puzzle is making my head hurt -_-
I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I can't read it.

9 years ago

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Are you sure you know what it is? ;)

9 years ago

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I guess I don't :/
Its not incomplete, is it?

9 years ago

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It is complete :)

9 years ago

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Bump for finally solved.

It's 4:30 AM and I'm to get up at 7:30... This is all your fault! %)

9 years ago

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I hope it was worth it :P

9 years ago

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Totally worth it!

9 years ago

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Can't make sense of this, sorry :(

9 years ago

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I got the first one without any trouble, but only because I'm experienced at using a certain kind of program as a hobby.

The second one... No idea. I'll have to give up for now.

EDIT: And at the last second, an epiphany~! BUMP for solved! :D

9 years ago

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Bump for solved :3

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Another bump ^^

9 years ago

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Bump for beating the ancient mountain secrets.

9 years ago

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Bump for this is getting real hot in here.
Any specific help you guys need?

9 years ago

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I need more hints on how to read the QR code like thing in 40 seconds. XD

9 years ago

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It's gone now. The countdown has already hit 0

9 years ago

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Bump :D

9 years ago

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Last bump!

9 years ago

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Couldn't figure Q2 at time :/

9 years ago

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Puzzledoom has erupted and the secret tunnel is gone forever... maybe.


The first part was quite easy, you only had to find the 8 italic characters on the text, which leaded you to the ITH puzzle.

The first question was a binary code, when you decode it you get: "#FF0000 plus #0000FF"
That means RED + BLUE. Now you have two different approaches. You can think in basic colors and get that Red + Blue means Purple, but if you're more specific you can think that actually FF0000 + 0000FF = FF00FF (Magenta). So Purple and Magenta were both solutions.

The second one was a quite simple text cypher that only needed to change the letters from "Password" to numbers. So A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
The solution was 16119192315184.

After that you could find an AWESOME Bad Rats giveaway. Maybe not what you were expecting. But wait, there's a link to...
The link was going to a dead end, are you kidding me? If you wanted to go deeper in the tunnel you only had to check the source code on the rats giveaway to find the next chamber. (The Cat Lady and Puzzle Dimensions giveaways)
On the last one you also could check the source code to find a secret puzzle!

This one was the real deal, at first glance it seemed like a QR or Data matrix code, but the hints said that it was some kind of ancient writing...
If you googled "ancient letters" you could find this fictional alphabet, literally called the ancients alphabet. Seems familiar?
Now you only had to divide the grid like this.
The translated text says: "Name of the last Lucasarts adventure".
The answer is "Escape from Monkey Island" and it leaded you to the last giveaway: Grim Fandango Remastered.

I hope you enjoyed the puzzle and didn't get too frustrated. My next puzzle will be muuuuch easier, so don't worry. But more evil puzzles will come after that, Enigmoria is full of stories to be told.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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And now for some useless statistics.

First puzzle solvers: 77 players, 28 solvers (36.4%)
Second puzzle players: 15 (53.6%)
Second puzzle solvers: 15 players, 6 solvers (40%)
From the original players, only 7.8% reached the Grim Fandango giveaway.

9 years ago

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