Enhanced SteamGifts & SteamTrades (ESGST)

An extension / userscript that adds some cool features to SteamGifts and SteamTrades.

If you find any bugs or have any feature requests, please file an issue here.


Tested and confirmed as working:

  • Chrome (since v55)
  • Firefox (since v52)
  • Pale Moon

Not tested but should be working:

  • Any Chromium-based browser (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...)

Not supported:

  • Edge
  • Safari


There are two different ways to use ESGST: extension or userscript. You can choose which one you want to use, but the extension is a lot faster and has a better peformance than the userscript, so I recommend it, although there is no major difference between them, except for a few options that are only available in the extension because of limitations in the userscript.

Option 1 - Extension

It should be possible to install the extension in any Chromium-based browser from the Chrome store (such as Opera, Vivaldi, etc...), any Firefox-based browser from the Firefox store (such as Waterfox, etc...), and any browser that uses the Phoebus system from the Pale Moon store (such as Basilik, etc...).

You can also use the extension on Android through Firefox for Android, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Option 2 - Userscript

To install the userscript, you must install Violentmonkey, Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey or some other userscript manager first. Then click here and you should be prompted to install it. I recommend Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey, because the userscript uses the GM_addValueChangeListener API to communicate changes in the storage between tabs, and that API is not available on Greasemonkey, so a polyfill is used for Greasemonkey, which is not very effective and can affect the performance.

You can also use the userscript on Android through Firefox with Violentmonkey or USI, but some features might not work or not be optimized enough for mobile.

Beta Versions

The latest beta version for both the extension and the userscript is always available in the latest pre-release in the releases page.

7 years ago*

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So, I actually went back on this and changed how the feature behaves. Now it checks for a description when you click the Enter button and opens the giveaway in a new tab if it's found, removing the Enter button from the current page. Otherwise, it enters the giveaway through the Enter button as usual.

6 years ago

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New intended behavior, if a giveaway has a description it will open in a new tab instead. Although I do have to disable this behavior for leaving a giveaway later.

6 years ago

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Just to enforce that users read descriptions before entering. I don't think it defeats the purpose of the button as you can still enter giveaways without a description easily.

Maybe I can make it pop up in the same page instead of opening a new tab if that makes it more convenient.

6 years ago

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Did you remove the possibility to turn off the giveaway descriptions? Why? You always gave us the possibility to turn on or turn off what we wanted. :( Now the giveaway enter button is totally screwed up since we cannot use it for mot of giveaways since they contain a general description such as "good luck" or " please mark the game as received". :(

6 years ago*

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The problem is I don't want to use the old system, since it shouldn't automatically enter upon clicking the button. It should first open the popup, allowing the user to see the description, and then allow the user to enter using a second Enter button inside the popup. For example, if you enter a giveaway, and in the description it states that the key is locked, you would then need to leave the giveaway and that's a waste (if you have the filter to hide entered giveaways enabled this is even more painful, since you would have to go and disable that filter to be able to leave the giveaway). It's better to first popup the description and then allow the user to decide whether or not to enter based on it.

I'll try that later then, I'm using Tampermonkey's GM_openInTab.

6 years ago

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Sorry, but I can't please everyone. Some people complain that the description should be mandatory, others complain it shouldn't... Unfortunately there is no way to find out if the description of a giveaway is meaningful or not. I'm not reverting it to the old system.

The popup is coming back later though, it's currently opening in a new tab because that was easier/faster to implement and I wanted to push the update as soon as I could.

6 years ago

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But earlier everyone could decide if they wanted to see the description or not. Now one group of people decided for everyone. And it solves anything anyway since I can enter the giveaways without reading the description on the new opened page. It's not so hard to ignore it since I can automatically look to the left side of the page and click the enter button.

6 years ago

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I already changed my mind on this issue once and I'm not doing it again. The argument that was brought up by other users was that even if you choose to ignore the description in the opened page, at least it was shown to you.

6 years ago

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when you bring the popup back, will it auto-enter still but just bring the description up? i think the forced viewing, but still having it enter would be least intrusive on both parties. it still enters whether there is the description or not, but if there is a description it would show it, however it can be clicked right out of and ignored for users who don't care to read it still.

edit: nevermind i just read this comment and see how you want it. i personally didn't care anyways, don't use that feature either way.

6 years ago*

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It won't auto enter because let's say you click the Enter button, it auto enters, but the description states the key is locked or something, so now you have to leave the giveaway. Not only were the 2 requests made completely useless, but if you have the option to hide entered giveaways enabled, it can be a pain to leave the giveaway afterwards.

6 years ago

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Ok, that's not nice....
Enter button just does the same thing as if I click on my mouse scroll wheel so why would I need a script taking some resources on my computer to do the same thing ?
In my opinion it's not a good change and that's one forced on everyone, just to force a few guys to read description for them not to lose a few points and anyway still they won't read with this change, it will just be a bit more painful for them AND for everyone else.....
But I guess you are doing the same thing as in most countries, set up new rules more strict and with less and less freedom just to force the minority to act "properly", I can understand even if I don't agree :)

6 years ago

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Well, that's not the only feature in this script, so if you only installed the script for that feature it might be a good idea to uninstall it, because, yeah, it's just taking up resources. Although it does not do the same thing as your mouse scroll (I don't understand this). Giveaways without descriptions can still be entered easily without a problem. And like I said, the popup is coming back later. Maybe you'll feel better about it then.

6 years ago

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when entering a giveaway that has no description the button doesn't leave the entering state(it's entering the giveaway thought)

console error:

TypeError: mainButton.lastElementChild.getAttribute(...) is null[Learn More]  %20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4190:20
    addLpvContainer https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4190:20
    getHeaderElements https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:4233:21
    updateElgbGiveaway https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5631:36
    enterLeaveElgbGiveaway/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%203%20%3E%20Function:5616:13
    k</< https://www.steamgifts.com/:2:385
    Q/< https://www.steamgifts.com/%20line%201%20%3E%20Function:28:337
6 years ago

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Very minor issue (not sure it's even worth fixing unless it's an easy fix), but the "entered Game Highlighter" should really only star a game if you actually enter a giveaway for it. If I click the Enter Giveaway button, but it has a description so it opens a new tab or popup and then I don't enter, it probably shouldn't highlight from that.

6 years ago

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There was a change that when you click "enter the giveaway" and there's a description there's no pop-up window anymore or is it a bug?

6 years ago

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Removed the following features:
Giveaway Description/Comment Box Popup - Upon clicking the Enter/Leave giveaway button, the script now checks for a description. If it finds one, it opens the giveaway in a new tab so you can read it before entering, otherwise it enters the giveaway automatically.

also he intends on bringing back the popout style back later with the entrance button on the popout instead of forcing newtab/sametab, but otherwise it's intended.

6 years ago

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Hmm, then I've found this (June 9)

Added an option to Enter/Leave Giveaway Button to pop up the giveaway description in the same window instead of opening it in another tab.

6 years ago

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the points in the header not updating seems related to the description pop-up, entering only one giveaway that triggers the pop up is enough to make it happen, the points are updated when the background refresher kicks in

6 years ago

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I read that it was changed enter giveaway system
But now it doesnt do anything at all
It correctly enters the no description giveaways, but for the ones with description now not only it doesnt enter when i click the button, it doesnt even open in new window. literally nothing happens except the enter button going missing

6 years ago

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For me this is due to Chrome blocking the popup when there is a giveaway with a description if the option Popup description instead of opening giveaway in a new tab isn't enabled I believe.

Editing to say that this response should have been to your first comment not the error message.

6 years ago*

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First, many thanks for bringing back the pop up when entering GA with description, much better this way :)

Having said that a quick question regarding the script. I'm using it with Firefox and Greasmonkey (Win10 if it makes any difference) and have most of the time multiple tabs open. When I activly only use 1 tab there are not really any problems, but if I f.e. have one tab open with discussions and use the "Mark all comments as read"-function (esp. when using it on one of the bigger threads) it often causes errors when reloading in a diffrent tab (error at the end). Also the function generally can causes the browser to be quite sluggish.

So is this the expected/or better normal behaviour, because the script has to go through many comments (altough it also happens if there are only a few unread commments left) or do i have some problem with my configuration?
Regarding that; if seen you multiple times say greasemonkey could cause problems, should I rather switch to tampermonkey instead?

somtimes (but often) error when reloading and using the mark as received function in a different tab:

Exception { message: "Component returned failure code: 0x…", result: 2147549183, name: "NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED", filename: "chrome://greasemonkey-modules/conte…", lineNumber: 59, columnNumber: 0, data: null, stack: "GM_ScriptStorageFront.prototype.get…", location: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper }
6 years ago*

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What happened to the "Giveaway Description" option? I can't disable it :(

6 years ago

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The scenario you are describing sounds like a fringe use case (as I assume the overwhelming number of giveaways aren't region locked). Instead every user in 99% of the giveaways with a description they enter is forced to click through either a popup or a 2nd page. This in my opinion is bad design from a user friendliness perspective (extra click for the most used use case). So I'd strongly prefer that it'd be left as an option to the user which method they prefer.

I do understand that the fringe case occurring can be a problem; however I feel that should primarily be the responsibility of the person entering the giveaway to resolve (he or she might not read the description anyway even if it's in a new tab / pop-up). Or he / she might only be entering giveaways that are almost never region locked. If you feel that it'd be hard to leave the giveaway, just don't allow the option to hide giveaways to be enabled in combination with the other option. I'd be perfectly fine with that.

Or is the idea primarily that it's against the spirit of the website to not read the description? While I definitely understand that reasoning (and agree with it) I don't think it should be the mission of a plugin to enforce it. If that's the main reason then I do agree there's not really an other option.

Having said all that; thanks for all the work on the plug-in much appreciated. Note: Main reason I installed your plug-in is the one click entering giveaways, so that's why I'm responding in depth here ;-).

6 years ago*

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It's not possible because we wouldn't be able to see the advertisements that youtubers, streamers and the other guys put there. Their lobby is getting stronger nowadays.

Next level will be description related captcha. We will have to type the first letter of every word in the descriptions so that it would be sure that we really read it.

6 years ago

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It's back, it's optional and it's included in the description popup.

6 years ago

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