well at this period of my life time flies so fast,been working alot and have things happened in rl health related to my parents
that made me think that wow i grew up alot , we live in this world for so little time that we don't really appriciate the time that is given
to us so just wanted to let me know that i need to speed my life a bit and the things that we do so we can be fullfiled as a person

just wanted to say it..
here's a bundle

8 years ago

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we live in this world for so little time

No, we live for quite a long time. The problem isn't appreciating the time as much as appreciating all that we've done and enjoyed, or even remembering it. We don't remember the fun we had in kindergarten or the joy of learning to read, we tend to remember the bad stuff that happened.

Being fulfilled has nothing to do with what you do with your life. It's your outlook. You can do very little all day and be fulfilled, or do the most amazing things and feel like there's something missing.

7 years ago

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