ASF is a C# application that allows you to farm steam cards using multiple steam accounts simultaneously. Unlike Idle Master which works only for one account at given time, requires steam client running in background, and launches additional processes imitating "game playing" status, ASF doesn't require any steam client running in the background, doesn't launch any additional processes and is made to handle unlimited steam accounts at once. In addition to that, it's meant to be run on servers or other desktop-less machines, and features full cross-OS support, which makes it possible to launch on any .NET Core-supported operating system, such as Windows, Linux or OS X. ASF is possible thanks to gigantic amount of work done in marvelous SteamKit2 library.

ASF doesn't require and doesn't interfere in any way with Steam client. In addition to that, it doesn't require exclusive access to given account, which means that you can use your main account in Steam client, and use ASF for idling the same account at the same time. If you decide to launch a game, ASF will get disconnected, and resume idling once you finish playing your game, being as transparent as possible during entire process.

Core features

  • Automatic idling of available games with card drops using any number of active accounts
  • No requirement of running or even having official Steam client installed
  • Guarantee of being VAC-free
  • Complex error-reporting mechanism, allowing ASF to be smart and resume idling even in case of Steam or networking problems
  • Customizable cards idling algorithm which will push performance of card drops to the maximum
  • Offline idling, allowing you to skip in-game status and stop confusing your friends
  • Advanced support for alt accounts, including ability to redeem keys, redeem gifts, accept trades and more through a simple Steam chat
  • Support for latest Steam security features, including SteamGuard, SteamParental and two-factor authentication
  • Unique ASF 2FA mechanism allowing ASF to act as a mobile authenticator (if needed)
  • StreamTradeMatcher integration allowing ASF to help you in completing your steam badges by accepting dupe trades
  • Rebased on .NET Core 2.0, cross-OS compatibility, official support for Windows, Linux and OS X
  • ...and many more!

Interesting features

For comparison with other similar programs and further read about the most interesting exclusive ASF features, I recommend to visit appropriate FAQ entry that explains everything in detail. It's also a very good starting point if you want to have a glimpse on what ASF can do, besides the obvious.

Setting up

Detailed guide regarding setting up and using ASF is available in the setting up article on our wiki. It's user-friendly tutorial with helpful screenshots that compacts the whole basic knowledge about ASF into a single document.

Useful links

Main page / Source code
Latest version / Download
Wiki / Help
Steam group

You might be also interested in our side project, ASF STM listing.

Is the project still supported?

As stated in my thread closing statement, despite of SG thread being closed, I intend to keep the project up-to-date and supported through non-SG channels. You can check the date of the latest release for reference.

This thread

The thread on SG is open for discussion and support matters that are related to ASF as a program. If you have any particular issue, question or other case to discuss, feel free to leave a comment.

Have fun.

Please do not add me on steam, if you have questions or issues - ask in the thread.

Prior to doing so, make sure to read main page and the wiki, especially our FAQ.

8 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

I get this error on startup on my Raspi
Worked for a few month with the same setup.
Didn't change anything on the Raspi or in the ASF config.

2018-09-18 14:19:13|ArchiSteamFarm-5151|ERROR|ASF|Load() System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Collections.Immutable, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. The system cannot find the file specified.

File name: 'System.Collections.Immutable, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
   at System.Signature.GetSignature(Void* pCorSig, Int32 cCorSig, RuntimeFieldHandleInternal fieldHandle, IRuntimeMethodInfo methodHandle, RuntimeType declaringType)
   at System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.get_FieldType()
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities.ReflectionUtils.GetMemberUnderlyingType(MemberInfo member)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.CreateContract(Type objectType)
   at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver.ResolveContract(Type type)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.GetContractSafe(Type type)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type objectType)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value, Type type, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value, JsonSerializerSettings settings)
   at ArchiSteamFarm.GlobalConfig.<Load>d__78.MoveNext()
5 years ago

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Don't use pre-release builds if you're unable to solve issues on your own. They come without support, you should know it.

5 years ago*

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I'm trying to do a first time use of this application.
I used the installer
If I open the file ConfigGenerator.html I get a 404 error though.

When I open the www\index.html I get the following error.
"ipc password required"

I searched this thread and the wiki, but couldn't find a way to solve this configuration problem.
Any can explain it to me?

5 years ago*

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please be aware that ConfigGenerator.html gives a 404 error.

5 years ago

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That's temporary as I'm currently moving repos under a single organization for easier maintenance in the future. Setting up page already includes fixed link.

5 years ago

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There's a way do add free games to my bots only with commands on Steam Chat? The Tiny Bang Story is free now and sincerely I'm too lazy to log in with very bot that I have, put that mobile steam code, etc...

5 years ago

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There is !addlicense command for that, if you track literally any source of free games of your choice (be it steam groups, ASF discord, reddit or even SG itself) you can see people mentioning the right ID to use.

5 years ago

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Already tried it and everytime it says: "ID:XXXX | Estado: AccessDenied"

The ID shouldn't be the one on the Steam Store url?

5 years ago

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If you've never connected your issue with 1-year-old ASF version that you're using then you might consider it as I can diagnose your problem already with just that much info. No support for obsolete builds.

5 years ago*

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oh... sorry. Didn't noticed that my ASF wasn't up to date. Well, updated it and the command is now working, the status said "OK", but... The game itself was't added to the library.

5 years ago

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Then either you used wrong ID (aka not the one you were told to do) or you already had this game in library.

Or you have wrong privacy settings and you do not realize that other accounts already own it.

5 years ago

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Nope, the ID isn't wrong. I had to login on all bots to see the privacy settings, and is all public. And checked if I have the game, and I haven't. For some reason the command isn't working.

First I'm using !addlicense. The bot answer me with "<bot2> ID: 96000 | Status: OK"
Then I use !owns 96000, and it answer "<bot2> Not owned yet: 96000"

5 years ago

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Then your ID is wrong because the correct one is 309925, not 96000.

5 years ago

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Wait, what? Where did you got this "309925"? The ID isn't this one where is "App ID"?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Now everything makes sense. Sorry for the inconvenience Archi

5 years ago

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Hi Archi, latest version V3.4.0.1
What limit keys for command redeem bot key1...key200??
ok i found, it's 407 keys, more than this value archi does not accept the command

5 years ago*

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There is no limit, whether there is limit on Steam message or HTTP request is entirely different thing.

5 years ago

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Been successfully using ASF for a couple of months now, but today I'm getting this error: "Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered". I tried restarting ASF several times and it doesn't seem to fix this issue. Any suggestions, please? I definitely don't want to revert to IdleMaster once again...

5 years ago

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That's a debug message.

5 years ago

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Meaning what exactly? What's its purpose?

5 years ago

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To let me know that Steam is still piece of crap. Debug messages are not warnings nor errors. You don't need to worry about them.

5 years ago*

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I see. Thank you for creating and maintaining ASF in top condition, Łukasz!

5 years ago

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No problem, glad you're enjoying the program, have fun!

5 years ago

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Hi Archi, I just wanted to ask why now isn't possible to farm while invisible? It was very handy and good option... :)

That's what I liked the most with ASF... now I had to go back to v2 :( is it safe to use v2?

5 years ago

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You'd know if you've read the changelog, I'm somehow still farming while invisible in V3.4, so I'm wondering what you're refering to.

5 years ago

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Commands aren't working anymore in group chat. I haven't changed any settings. I checked SteamMasterClanID and SteamOwnerID and they're correct. What happened?

5 years ago

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I don't know, but I've built a magic crystal ball for such situations so we can check :3

View attached image.
5 years ago

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will just ask here, any fixed limit of items on !transfer command?

5 years ago

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ASF will send no more than 5 trades with 255 items each in one batch, simply because Steam servers already work painfully slow with that big amounts.

5 years ago

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got it, thanks. now sending as you stated, had some issue probably on my side choking after 1st trade

5 years ago

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maybe an update screwed something up. I'll try a new configuration again.

5 years ago

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I did a new configuration file from the web config generator but ASF still doesn't work in group chat. IPC works though and I was able to issue commands and redeem a key through the IPC GUI. Maybe the new steam chat UI broke something? But I seem to remember testing group chat after the new steam chat came out and it still worked. I don't know. Doesn't really matter I can just use IPC from now on.

5 years ago*

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I don't recall any breaking changes but you can never be sure with Steam. Maybe somebody checks if it works for you and gives you reply back, it worked last time I checked.

5 years ago

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Anyone know some ASF guide for the last version for noob like me? with interface please

5 years ago

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Guys tell me please how to turn off messages from bots?!

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Change platform from Steam to GOG or stop sending Steam trades.

5 years ago

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hello, is there a tutorial video to use command in game without using bot ? thanks

5 years ago

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Happy cake day bump, Archi!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Put it on a Windows virtual server, it runs, can redeem keys, but seems is not farming, what I did wrong, or need a Linux based?

5 years ago*

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You most likely have paused set to true, otherwise show config and redact login/password, unless you prefer my favourite image response :3

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Fixed, Image is wise

5 years ago

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I think there should be something in that picture like


5 years ago

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I have managed to make the program start every time I turn on the computer, but I do not know how to make the program start miminized, is that possible? thank you.

5 years ago

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If you are running it from a shortcut in the startup folder on windows you can probably right click on it and go to properties and change the setting under shortcut > run to minimized.

5 years ago

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Awesome, works!
thank you.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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You can set a flag in your config to play invisible without having to alert anyone that you are actually playing.

And it works fine even if you are using the beta or not.

5 years ago

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I was using v3.3.0.6, shut down the bot from the web interface, started again (I mean stopped the program completely), it auto-updated..and now I don't see the bot in the web interface. It is apparently running but now showing up. What am I missing? Hopefully not the pic

5 years ago*

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Probably you didn't choose the language. There is a small bug in ASF-ui regarding that.

Otherwise show screenshot.

5 years ago

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My ASF.json has a line: "CurrentCulture": "en-US" (added it today) but there's no change to the issue. There's another language section?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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I have no clue how you managed to have outdated version of IPC GUI on V3.4.0.4, but I strongly recommend you to download ASF again and copy your config directory over. This is screwed up installation.

5 years ago

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Autoupdate broke it like that without any user intervention for me too.

5 years ago

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Could be because of amount of changes, auto-update doesn't always work the way it should be, especially when I'm breaking half of the program between two versions.

5 years ago

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At least the solution worked and I need to waste time again looking at the timers grow shorter instead of just letting it run on background and waking up to a pile of cards. :)

5 years ago

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The auto-update function did all the work and I was pretty sure I had it to not update manually because when something works, I'm happy with it until it breaks, hence why I was surprised to see it updating to the newest version.
In any case, I had the webserver up from the previous instance and it "worked" (bar that issue) so I didn't realise the whole web interface had changed (as the old 3.3.x.x "web" files are still there) and that I had to go through another starting page. In the end I am reverting to the old version because 3.4.x.x doesn't work with my older Firefox version. (but tried in Chrome and after setting language it worked with the new gui, cheers)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Hi. After updating to and setting up my bot again, I get this message twice when I boot up ASF: "Not starting this bot instance because it's disabled in config file!" The two messages are referring to "example" and "minimal", but I don't use them. Is there any way to stop these error messages from popping up every time I start ASF? Thanks.

P.S.: Archi, I would appreciate if you didn't restrict your Discord to users who use a phone to verify their identity.

5 years ago

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Delete the files, they keep respawning with updates tho.

5 years ago

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Alright, thanks. I'll try that next time.

5 years ago

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They don't anymore, they're removed with V3.4 and on clean install you won't get them, neither on update to future versions, those are leftovers from older versions and I can't just blindly remove them because it might not be intended for the user to remove his config files that I think are unused and should be removed.

5 years ago

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deleted this 2 files, but i cannot access web interface as i did before. something change?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Not work for me. can't access (1123 for example) ASF said IPC server ready! i tried several browsers, same.
Works only after delete IPCPrefixes with port. And when i set it back, ASF not accepts this. but it worked well until now.
we can't change port now?

5 years ago*

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Reading changelog could answer a lot of your questions :3.

5 years ago

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Mentioned in the changelog.

P.S.: Archi, I would appreciate if you didn't restrict your Discord to users who use a phone to verify their identity.

Too much spam, banned people coming over and over again and overall problems to deal with. People that don't want to confirm their identity can confirm their Steam identity by posting on Steam group or on SG.

5 years ago

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hi, how can i choose one game to idle and not all ? because ASf choose automatically a game that i dont want to idle now..

5 years ago

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latest stable
problem with sent trade, after 10 sent successfully! every time Failed due to error: Trade offer failed!
I think it's microban because archi refresh session too often every time after sent succesfull. Check please. My config "InventoryLimiterDelay": 12. I think limit 30 offers every 15 minutes.

2018-11-03 22:32:09|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:32:10|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:32:11|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:32:25|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:32:25|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:32:26|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:32:39|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:32:39|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:32:40|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:32:53|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:32:53|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:32:54|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:33:08|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:33:09|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:33:09|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:33:22|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:33:23|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:33:24|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:33:37|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:33:37|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:33:38|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:33:51|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:33:52|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:33:52|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:34:06|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:34:07|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:34:08|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:34:21|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-03 22:34:21|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-03 22:34:22|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|INFO||Init() Success!
2018-11-03 22:34:38|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:34:38|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:34:54|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:34:54|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:35:08|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:35:08|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:35:23|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:35:23|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:35:37|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:35:37|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:35:52|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:35:52|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:36:06|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-03 22:36:06|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|DEBUG|UrlHead() Request failing:
2018-11-03 22:36:21|ArchiSteamFarm-12176|WARN|UrlHead() Request failed after 5 attempts!
5 years ago*

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Hitting steam rate-limiters is not ASF issue. ASF doesn't refresh session unless it's invalidated, so there can't be "too many session refreshes" unless you have "too many session invalidations" which would not allow you to use ASF anyway. Why exactly you ran into this problem is unknown to me, but it's on Steam end and works fine for me.

Would be more helpful if you enabled debug mode during this issue and checked the exact reason.

5 years ago*

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ok, i try later. One more error, bot can't accept trade from main, need to relogin bot then he accept trade
2018-11-04 23:45:59|ArchiSteamFarm-35564|INFO||ParseTrade() Accepting trade: 3356836241
2018-11-04 23:46:03|ArchiSteamFarm-35564|WARN||UrlPostToString() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-04 23:46:03|ArchiSteamFarm-35564|DEBUG||UrlPostToString() Request failing:
i think you broke some after these changes:

2018-11-05 02:38:06|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|TRACE|boteg|OnUserNotifications() Trading
2018-11-05 02:38:06|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|TRACE|boteg|OnIncomingMessage() [tradeoffer sender=564**** id=3356****][/tradeoffer] <- 76561*****
2018-11-05 02:38:07|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|INFO|boteg|ParseTrade() Accepting trade: 3356941547
2018-11-05 02:38:07|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() POST
2018-11-05 02:38:08|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST
2018-11-05 02:38:08|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Content:
2018-11-05 02:38:08|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() POST
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Content:
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() POST
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Content:
2018-11-05 02:38:09|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() POST
2018-11-05 02:38:10|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST
2018-11-05 02:38:10|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Content:
2018-11-05 02:38:10|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() POST
2018-11-05 02:38:11|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST
2018-11-05 02:38:11|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Content:
2018-11-05 02:38:11|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-05 02:38:11|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|WARN|boteg|UrlPostToString() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-05 02:38:11|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|UrlPostToString() Request failing:

I will try to collect on the basis of this, I will check whether the problem...same not accept =\
I will try older ver

5 years ago*

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2018-11-05 02:38:08|ArchiSteamFarm-51476|DEBUG|boteg|InternalRequest() Forbidden <- POST

Like I said, this is Steam telling you go to away. Confirmation changes have nothing to do with failure to accept a trade, the logic isn't even triggered before accept succeeds. You probably got temporarily banned for sending too many excessive requests, and that has nothing to do with ASF version but your usage. Trying to find problem where it doesn't exist is not going to help you solve yours, neither convince me that there is a bug in a code that works for me and thousands of users (because surprise, we're not temporarily banned from Steam).

But of course, if you know better and there is a bug in my logic, you're free to send a PR and correct it. I'm not sure how ASF is supposed to unban you from Steam, but maybe you do.

5 years ago*

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it's TF2 items. I don't why but bot from main not accept trade when bot online (Request failed after 5 attempts!), but when i stoped bot, sent offer him, then start bot and accept trade succes

5 years ago

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Whatever the reason, others have experienced same behavior recently. If you don't restart ASF/bot, it might get accepted in a day. Once you do restart, it never fails to accept. I haven't seen any relation to other activity myself.

I still maintain my opinion that you would get banned much less and things would work smoother if ASF didn't try 5 times in a second for every account and quit but unlimited times with increasing wait time. Spamming Steam is the cause of the bans, not solution. Also it's not a bug in the code if the code just lacks workarounds for Steambugs.

5 years ago

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I agree, 1 sec is too often, maybe 3-5 seconds or more will solve the problem, who knows :)

About failed sent offers. i constantly repeat error fail after 10 sent successfully!. Now I increase the delay and even with "InventoryLimiterDelay": 20 error repeats.

Still testing, but it seems like a minimum of 25 seconds is needed for all the offers to be sent successfully. "InventoryLimiterDelay": 25

Looks like need a delay between loot (increasing the parameter does not affect "InventoryLimiterDelay": 25)
loot bot 1
35 sec
loot bot 2
35 sec
nothing helped, delay not working =(

5 years ago*

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Thank you Archi, new update with Implement hybrid session logic resolved isssue with sent trade offers ;)

5 years ago

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I still don't like it, but glad it works for you.

It'd be much easier if Valve didn't break code that used to work just fine before. "New" session logic is implemented since V3.1+, not since latest stable.

5 years ago

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Steam not breaking all the time, that was a good one. What next, working inventories? Renting another server for sales?

Here's some rare live footage of ASF coding.

5 years ago

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one more, after finished idling hours too often refresh session (every 1 sec) and get error
2018-11-07 16:41:29|ArchiSteamFarm-5652|WARN|boteg|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Request failed after 5 attempts!
2018-11-07 16:41:29|ArchiSteamFarm-5652|DEBUG|boteg|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Request failing:
2018-11-07 16:41:29|ArchiSteamFarm-5652|WARN|boteg|ShouldFarm() Could not check cards status for: 395170 (DISTRAINT), we will try again later!

ASF trying to RefreshSession already the second time for the same bots and can't =\

maybe need increase "WebLimiterDelay": to 1000 or 2000? (ps: now parameter is 600)

5 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Full log, I'm not guessing what happens without it.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

cut 3 bot's log
as i said, right now WebLimiterDelay 600 and version archi with fix logic

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

It's not normal to have so often session refreshes and failures, either you're using some other crap code/tool on the same accounts at the same time, or you have some serious networking issues.

Regardless, ASF can't do anything if despite of attempted session refresh nothing works.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

no, i am not using other steam tools with archi at same time. just all bots finished idling games in the same time and start refresh session. I was scared of such a number of requests and turned off the archi :)

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Nothing to be afraid of because web limiter request applies globally, they won't ask more often than your specified amount, and there won't be more requests queued than 10 at any single point of time. You could potentially get more useful info with it.

In any case, you can try to record debug log (enabled in global config) with just one bot and reproduce your issue. If you can't, then with the minimum amount of bots you can. Log should be sent on my e-mail: JustArchi[at]JustArchi[dot]net, as stated on the wiki of debug property. Also don't cut anything from it if you decide to send it.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

i trying to debug, link's gamecard page normal? every time when farming cards, session refreshed, asf or steam forgot login? (This parameter may affect this. UseLoginKeys": false ??), test with UseLoginKeys": true -> same refresh. does session die every 10-15 minutes (farming period)? and archi relogin account =\
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg1|InternalRequest() OK <- GET
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg1|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!

2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg1|InternalRequest() Redirect <- GET
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg1|InternalRequest() GET
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg1|InternalRequest() OK <- GET
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg1|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:58|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:59|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | <- Recv'd EMsg: Multi (1) (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:59|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | <- Recv'd EMsg: ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse (5586) (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:31:59|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg1|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-07 23:31:59|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg1|Init() Success!
2018-11-07 23:31:59|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg1|InternalRequest() GET

2018-11-07 23:47:49|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() GET
2018-11-07 23:47:49|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:49|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:49|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:50|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() Redirect <- GET
2018-11-07 23:47:50|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() GET
2018-11-07 23:47:50|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:50|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:50|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() OK <- GET
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg2|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonce (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | <- Recv'd EMsg: Multi (1) (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | <- Recv'd EMsg: ClientRequestWebAPIAuthenticateUserNonceResponse (5586) (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg2|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:51|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg2|Init() Success!
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() GET
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() Redirect <- GET
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() GET
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:52|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:53|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|ASF|WriteLine() CMClient | Sent -> EMsg: ClientHeartBeat (Proto: True)
2018-11-07 23:47:53|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|DEBUG|boteg2|InternalRequest() OK <- GET
2018-11-07 23:47:53|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg2|ShouldFarm() Idling status for 556770 (Star Phoenix): 2 cards remaining
2018-11-07 23:47:53|ArchiSteamFarm-10488|INFO|boteg2|FarmCards() Still idling: 556770 (Star Phoenix)
5 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

resume asf with last changes (Further session improvements), infinity refresh session. how to repro, play asf 440 and after minute resume asf.
At first, there is a check of the badge page at once for all bots

2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg007|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg005|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg004|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg006|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg012|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg013|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg008|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg011|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 04:05:52|ArchiSteamFarm-15924|INFO|boteg001|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...

then infinity update sessions

boteg1|init() logging in to isteamuserauth...
boteg3|refreshsession() refreshing our session!
boteg1|init() success!
boteg3|init() logging in to isteamuserauth...
boteg3|init() success!
boteg2|refreshsession() refreshing our session!
boteg2|init() logging in to isteamuserauth...
boteg1|refreshsession() refreshing our session!

Maybe need some ResumeLimiterDelay or check line for each bot StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account! and only then do the next bot resuming

one more if on main bot have many games...then problems can also start with the infinity refresh of sessions as it takes a long time to check the badge pages.

2018-11-11 12:56:41|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|**koteg85**|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking other badge pages...
2018-11-11 12:56:41|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg008|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:56:41|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:56:42|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:56:42|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg020|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:42|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:56:43|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg009|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:56:44|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg021|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:46|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg022|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:48|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg023|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:50|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg024|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:51|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:51|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:52|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg025|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:53|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:53|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:54|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg027|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:56|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg030|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:56|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:58|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg041|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:56:58|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:56:59|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg020|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:00|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg020|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:00|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:00|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg050|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:57:00|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg020|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:00|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:01|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg021|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:01|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:01|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg021|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:01|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg023|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:01|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg024|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg021|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg023|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg022|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg024|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg060|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:57:02|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg023|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:03|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg024|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:03|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg025|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:03|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:57:03|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:57:04|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg025|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:04|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg062|IsAnythingToFarm() Checking first badge page...
2018-11-11 12:57:04|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg025|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:05|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg027|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:05|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg030|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:05|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg030|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:05|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg027|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:06|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg041|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:06|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg030|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:06|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg041|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:06|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg027|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:06|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg050|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:07|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg041|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:07|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg050|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:07|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg050|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:08|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg020|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:08|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg060|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:09|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg060|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:09|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg010|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:09|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg021|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:10|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg060|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:10|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg023|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:11|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg062|RefreshSession() Refreshing our session!
2018-11-11 12:57:11|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg024|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:11|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
2018-11-11 12:57:11|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg062|Init() Logging in to ISteamUserAuth...
2018-11-11 12:57:12|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg062|Init() Success!
2018-11-11 12:57:14|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg025|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:15|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg030|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:17|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg027|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:17|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg050|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:17|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg041|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:18|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|INFO|boteg060|StartFarming() We don't have anything to idle on this account!
2018-11-11 12:57:18|ArchiSteamFarm-14192|DEBUG|**koteg85**|UrlGetToHtmlDocumentWithSession() Workaround for IsProfileUri bug has been triggered.
5 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

could not locate the reason for dropping <mode> on transfer function in changelog,
is it due to steamfuckery and not coming back?

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Consistency with other commands and adding advanced transfer.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

advanced transfer is less advanced, but this is just my POV. Unless I understand wrong, and I am able to transfer emotes to bot b and bg to bot c without changing transferabletypes every time and without sending cards at the same time? ( as I understand all of them are in contextID 6, so ''transfer^'' does not help)

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Casual user using transfer to claim particular items from idling does not need a dynamic switch for item types.

Everybody else is reminded that ASF is not bots inventory manager.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

understood. just have different view on what is less/more advanced
thanks for reply!

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Hey Archie, just want to know that is there a way by which i can idle a SPECIFIC game, even after all the cards are dropped?

Lemme explain what i want to know exactly

Let's say currently there are 10 games idling with cards, and after the idling is complete, I want to idle a specific game for hours. Is that even possible?

Also can i use ASF to idle a particular game when i supply the appid to it?

Please help.


5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

Hey there, I found the answer in the WIKI,

Thanks again for this amazing app :)

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

I downloaded the windows x64 bit version, ran the config bot online, placed created file in the config folder. When I attempt to run ASF, I get an error message: Not starting this bot instance because it's disabled in the config file!

Any solution to the issue?

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

I opened up the .json file that the online bot generated and it seems that the problem stems from there. It only generated a username and password. No other commands. Copy/pasting a .json file from an older version of ASF fixed the issue, but (at least for me) the bot generator didn't create a working file.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.


This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

The enabled switch is not and never was in advanced settings, why are you confusing users if you don't know better? You could just open web config generator and like, I don't know, look around?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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You didn't enable the bot in web config, so it was generated as disabled. See my screenshot above.

5 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

I see. A little confusing there. I assumed that was to enable parental controls

5 years ago

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hi what's with the password on interface ? i cannot use it :( and suggestions ?

5 years ago

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Nvm found the problem :)

5 years ago

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It'd be a good idea to share the culprit and the solution with the rest of the community, in case somebody else stumbles upon the same issue.

5 years ago

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when you do the config and download ipc , it's adding a default password you must eliminate it so you can use it without or put one password that you know so you can log in

5 years ago

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There is no default password for IPC, default password of IPC is lack of password. So no, that's not your culprit.

5 years ago

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i took the link from this guy

so i diden't change anything thill i notice he diden't have a password set

5 years ago

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My guess is it's an autofill from your browser or an addon you use. If on any field above when filling out you had a drop down with common things you write in forms and used that to fill that field it probably auto filled some stuff including the IPC Password.

5 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.

^ wise words.

5 years ago

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Bump ^.^

5 years ago

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perhaps i cannot argue on this subject cuz i dk :D

5 years ago

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smthsmth relevant XKCD

5 years ago

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Some time ago I used the command to hide the game that I was idling, OfflineFarm or something, it's possible to do it again? thanks.

5 years ago

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OfflineFarm changed into OnlineStatus
Read more here

5 years ago*

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Lets say i have a primary account and 3 bot accounts (bot1, bot2 and bot3), what should be the desired result to these commands
!redeem^ primary FD,SI key1,key2,key3
!redeem^ primary FF,SI key1,key2,key3

I know SI filters the given bot name and turns the command into !redeem^ bot1,bot2,bot3 F* key1,key2,key3

In both cases i get the same output. Can someone explain why?

<bot1> Key: key1 | Status: Fail/AlreadyPurchased | Items: [604770, Half Life 3]

<bot2> Key: key2 | Status: Fail/AlreadyPurchased | Items: [696969, Grand Tits Auto VI]

<bot3> Key: key3 | Status: Fail/AlreadyPurchased | Items: [25408, Kentucky Route Zero]

5 years ago*

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r^ overrides only those redeeming preferences that you specify, you probably have distribution enabled in config and that's why you don't see any change, because both cases use distribution regardless. This is what skip arguments are for.

5 years ago

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ok, thanks for clarifying

5 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by JustArchi.