
Step 1: The poll spells out the required characters for the first step, v-4-q-C-1-M-o. It has 7 characters which lead to one of the most used websites on SG: You just found Tabletop, something every puzzle needs.

Step 2: The hint on that page repeats a hint given in the poll, a past.... This hint should have lead you to my old Giveaways, conveniently the one named Pixel Puzzles Japan: UndeadZ. You just found Puzzle with missing Pieces, now you actually have something more visual than just pixels. I added decoys to all my other Giveaways, sorry!

Step 3: The hint was a "poem" ending in Could the past be deleted? that sure would /reek!, the slash in front of reek was no accident. It was supposed to be a hint to a discussion title, with the deleted bit it should have lead you to a closed thread by me called reek, reachable my typing reek in the discussion search. You just found a Puzzle Piece, now we are getting somewhere!

Step 4: The next hint was right there in the reek thread, it says When I win a game on SG I always say thank you. No really, check it out., which should have lead you to my won games page. I mostly enter invite only GAs so there were not that many wins to check, but it is easy to overlook one I guess. The win you were looking for was conveniently for the game Puzzle Agent, I made the Thank you I posted there extra big for your convenience :P You just found a Puzzle Piece, progress!

Step 5: On the page I type a little filler stuff and end in That will go into my >Gaming Top Ten< mistakes :/. Typing 'gaming top ten' in the discussion search on SG would have lead you to the 'poor bear' I mentioned in the filler bit, his thread is this one. Scroll down to find my comment which has Top 10 SG Puzzle Pieces... in it and a picture. You just found a Puzzle Piece, Felix awaits!

Step 6: The hint is a little rhyme about Felix. The first 3 lines of the rhyme contain the words to look for on Google, namely Felix, Foursquare and letters and the rest are a guide to using the result of the search. Google finds Foursquare Cipher as the the first result, sounds good. We are however after the 3rd result, a way to decrypt it, the Toolbox. Type Puzzle in box 1, Piece in box 2, enter ALKT2IR from the rhyme in box 3, make sure it is set to decrypt and tadaa! GLOT2MS comes out, find it on, profit! You just found a Puzzle Piece, now lets all repeat after me: I hate you Felix!

Step 7: The Q.W... step, or the 'lets skip it'-step :P The hint that you got from solving Felix was a series of coordinates Q3W29, Q5W4, Q4W12, Q2W10 and Q1W178 These corresponded to words in the opening post as seen below this solution. The questions are part of the count. The first and last coordinate gave 2 characters, the others just one, which lead to the following code 80oz1t4. Adding it to an url got you the final piece. You just found a Puzzle Piece, this piece short explains how to assemble the puzzle.

Step 8: Assembly. It's pretty simple to make something readable out of all the components. You need a program like Photoshop, GIMP or even an online editor like Open the first image, the table as I called it earlier, this should be the bottom layer. Next open the Puzzles with missing Pieces, select all (ctrl+A), copy it (ctrl+C) and paste it in the other open file on top of the first image (ctrl+V), when done correctly it should make a new layer exactly as big as the table layer and magic should happen, an actual puzzle should appear. (on small screens you may want to zoom in the notice it) Now do the same steps for the puzzle pieces and put them exactly in the right spot, Pixel Perfect, all pieces fit only in one hole. When done correctly a character should appear on the puzzle piece.

If every one of these steps is done correctly you should now have a 5 letter code to a Giveaway.
For an explanation on how I created the actual images you need that code, I'm explaining that on the Giveaway page :P.

Original post :

Puzzle? I've solved a few puzzles on SG, and it's been awesome, but like many solvers tefore me I started thinking about making a puzzle too. I felt very inspired and had big plans, but I am a bit of a scatterbrain and procrastinating is a hobby of weeks later I still had plenty of ideas but nothing to show for them.

So there is no puzzle then? Yes there is one! I have finally gotten off of my lazy bum and put a little something together. This puzzle is a bit simpler than my initial plans, but I hope it is still fun enough and not too frustrating.

Who is it for? Anyone is free to try of course, but I think it's a bit easy so the reward is lvl1+. and upwards. If I get 80 solvers I'll be happy.

Any other requirements? Being able to make it from a to z would be a pro. Hmm, and I'll just tell you right now that Paint won't cut it in this case. This may not be a cake, but it does come in layers. I think it ends on saturday.

Poll? Oh, uhm, o, okay, yes, here, have a poll. I apologize in advance because you will soon find out for yourself anyway...there is no potato in the poll!

8 years ago*

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Question ? Suggestion.

View Results
The v is for visible, as you can see.
The 4 is a number, it comes after three.
The q was for question, but not anymore.
The C is for complex, a word we ignore.
The 1 should come first, but not in this case.
The M is for mystery, it's right in your face.
The o is for obvious, and it comes last.
The above sequence starts it, the rest's in a past.

Bump for stuck with that bastard Felix. :P

8 years ago

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Bump for stuck on people kissing in the rain :P
Ah yes, Felix works at Foursquare, his hobby is letters.
Guess we are both stuck in Google.

8 years ago

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They aren't kissing though. :P

Ohhh I found something. xD

8 years ago

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Moving on to the next step.

8 years ago

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Hmm, well, I'll try tomorrow :) I'm at 7/10 for P1, I'm especially proud of finding that guy in Q6, I sooooo remembered him... :)
Bedtime here.
Good luck :)

8 years ago

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haha, that's how I found that one, too, I knew the actor (actually by name by now, he's been in enough of my favorite shows ^^)

8 years ago

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I only knew the series, so I checked all roles in the series, lol.

8 years ago

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Damn words and last puzzle piece :-/
Any last hints? :-)

8 years ago

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It's a Question of Words, and I Count on you to get it :P
Guess you figured as much...hmm.
I'll ask you the same questions as I asked someone else :
Do you really think I'm expecting 80 solvers ? That's a bit of a random number isn't it ?

8 years ago

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Oh, Count now knows how to solve it, but a bit later :-)

8 years ago

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Good to hear :)
Questions matter :)

8 years ago

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Here I am--- just stuck in the rain and no one to kiss!!


View attached image.
8 years ago

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Poor Felix.

I hear Felix, who works at Foursquare and his hobby is Letters also loves Google.

8 years ago

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Added a big hint for people that can't find the start, see bottom of reserved post (= first reply to my opening post) :)

8 years ago

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Took me 6 hours to get to the first image, giving up while i'm ahead

8 years ago

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Aw ok. Well, if you change your mind, just follow the directions and the hints all over this thread. It's all on that website or on SG, only the Felix thing requires an outside toolbox :)
Thanks for trying :D

8 years ago

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I still haven't found the last piece but I suppose I could bruteforce it. That is, if I figure out how to assemble them.

8 years ago

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Join the club, lots of brutes there :P
I think you can figure it out, just remember the name of the puzzle.

8 years ago

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I've been playing with Photoshop, but nothing so far. :P

8 years ago

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Well, it's a matter of deciding if you play a puzzle on top of under a table... :P
Once you decide you put the pieces in the puzzle, Pixel Perfect.
Watch in awe... :P

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I've been to every inch of it and nothing appears. I won't have time to solve it, so have a bump. :)

8 years ago

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Might be a case of overthinking.
I'll post the solution after its done :)

8 years ago

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I was actually trying what you suggested in a hint somewhere, about zooming in and doing some adjustments.

8 years ago

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Hmm, could it be that you are missing a layer ?
There are 2 big squares (one with holes) and 5 pieces. (4 needed to bruteforce your way in)

8 years ago

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Ohhh there are 2 big squares. I have only one big one. It makes sense now.

8 years ago

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That is where the magic happens :P
I guess you missed step 2 somehow...

8 years ago

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Step 2 only gave me 1 piece. I will look again.

8 years ago

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Bedtime bump!
No CV for me on some of these GAs. That means big chances to win. 15-50%
So go on, try to find your way in, it's...not easy!
Find the table, puzzle and pieces, assemble, enter.
Fun, frustration and fulfillment guaranteed!

8 years ago

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Bump for solved!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Dude I'm loving this puzzle, I can't find all the pieces. I'm stuck on step 6 (Felix), but I got all the pieces from previous steps and the corresponding letters assembling the puzzle. I suppose I will not have enough time/skills to find them all :(

8 years ago

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I dropped a few hints in the comments here, something like :

Felix works at Foursquare, his hobby is Letters, and he likes to Google.

8 years ago

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Yes, I've already read that hint on imgur but I don't know what to do.

"type puzzle in one box..." >> What box?

8 years ago

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The toolbox of course :D

8 years ago

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Ok, I found the toolbox but it doesn't seems to work, I'm doing something wrong or maybe I should find an alternative tool.

"keysquare must be 25 characters in length"

8 years ago

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Doesn't sound like the toolbox for you :)
The one I used has a lovely green background, hmm, I'm not sure which shade of green, it might be Geo Green.

8 years ago

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Got it! Thanks, let's go to last step (7)

8 years ago

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GOT THIS EXACT THING--- want to use but don't know what two words...

8 years ago

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I'm reading your hints, you said:

Hint for solving step 7 :
It's a Question of Words, I Count on you to get it.
You are looking for 7 characters.

On imgur hints there are only 5 "QxWx"...

And I don't know where to start counting: hints, poll options...

Aaaaarghhh! raging xD

8 years ago

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If you have all other pieces and know how to assemble you can always bruteforce your way in and ignore step7....
Unless you can't assemble...?

8 years ago

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It's all assembled with GIMP since I found the first piece :)

I need the 5th piece (step 7) but I don't have the skills to bruteforce :(

8 years ago

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No I mean if you have assembled the rest you should have 4 out of 5 characters for the giveaway, so you can guess the last one :)
No need to bruteforce step7, just skip it :)

8 years ago

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bump for "bruteforced" :D

8 years ago

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I'm stuck on the Felix step, myself. I know who you are referencing, and what you are referencing, but online tools I've found to do it quickly all give different answers. Some want to skip a letter, or replace a letter, and tiny changes in how it's set up yields wildly different solutions.

Free bump for any last-minute puzzlers out there.

8 years ago

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The toolbox, use the toolbox! :D
Then you just type the 2 words, dont change other settings, just the encrypt/decrypt setting.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the hint. Found the right toolbox. Let's see if I can finish this in the next hour.

8 years ago

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Don't know what 2 words you are talking about...

8 years ago

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I have 3 done... need two more pieces I guess (total 5)-- I assume from Felix and Q7 but you talk like we need SEVEN ?

8 years ago

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There are 2 big square pieces (one with holes) and 5 small puzzle pieces, 7 total.
Every imgur page but Easy Peasy has a hint towards the next part.
The 2 words are given in the Felix rhyme on that imgur page.

8 years ago

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Got the 2 biggies, got 3 clear perfectly...
will need to look for 2 words then last piece may need to bruteforce....

8 years ago

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Bruteforce seems to be the tool of choice yes :P
Everybody has done it I think.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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May the Brute Force be with you :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Found everything. Will get to work and see if I can finish in time. :)

8 years ago

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Bump for solved.

8 years ago

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Bump for (mostly) solved!

8 years ago

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Cutting it close indeed :D

8 years ago

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I seem to do my best work under pressure. Or maybe that's just an excuse I make up to justify my chronic procrastination...

8 years ago

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I guess there is no point in me trying to start solving this now since there are only 3 minutes remaining, oh well...

8 years ago

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Aw no, maybe next time, 3 minutes was a bit short :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, just bad timing. I've been too busy lately to work on puzzles, so didn't get here until it was too late. Thanks though!

8 years ago

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Could you please explain the technique or post a tutorial to learn how you created each layer of the puzzle?

8 years ago

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I'll post a solution later and explain it :)

8 years ago

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Solution posted :)

8 years ago

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