that plays strategy games?

I really dont recon of any girls playing strategy games, is it only my experience or is there really none, or they might be super rare. Hm?

1 decade ago*

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My wife plays RTS, she finished Stronghold 2, Settlers 6 and Empoerror Rise of middle kingdom campaings. She played AoE 2 and now we both play online Knights and Merchants Remake.

1 decade ago

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i play dota :3

1 decade ago

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Dota 3?! Whoa!

1 decade ago

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Dat time travel.

1 decade ago

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As a girl I can say I really don't play strategy games much. Mainly because I suck at them and my roommate is AMAZING at them.... That kinda destroys any desire to play.

1 decade ago

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The women I know who play games (around a dozen) all exclusively play strategy games (mostly Civ and HoMM series).

1 decade ago

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Who the fuck cares if girls play strategy games or not? Stop treating women like aliens. It's like a host of fuckin 12 year olds are holding a social studies class in this forum.

It's not about gender or race, it's about character and personality. Every man and woman is an individual. Every individual in this world has different tastes and hobbies. Dont generalize people.

1 decade ago

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And some common sense was written on the internet. Time for the flame war.

1 decade ago

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Thank you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This type of threads will always pop up, no need to get fired up and waste your valuable time.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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+1 I have met my twin.

1 decade ago

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Try living together with a few girls. EVERYTHING turns into a strategy game.

1 decade ago

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Hehehe. :D

1 decade ago

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Uhm... it's not like girls are anti strategy games.

1 decade ago

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Of course they exist. I spent half of my childhood playing HoMM.
But how many people advertise their gender while playing? It's not that important. Add this to the misconception that women don't play games and you get such clueless guys like OP.
Oh, and the industry tends to forget about us too.

1 decade ago

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Exactly. And then occasionally you get games like Bayonetta, which don't help women at all. It just sort of adds to the demeaning sexualization of women and keeps people from taking women characters seriously.

1 decade ago

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These threads get more and more pointless by the day. Who cares what "girls" play? They play what they choose to play. Does this information help you in some way?

1 decade ago

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Once again some ignorant person is focusing too much on gender, but that's probably half of the world. What a shame. I'm appalled too at how many people actually ANSWERED the thread, saying that they or their girlfriend or someone they know plays such and such games. Why dignify this kind of thread with a response like that? It doesn't deserve one.

1 decade ago

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There are plenty. People need to stop living in the past and end the thinking the only one gender plays videos games of ALL kinds.

1 decade ago

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Agreed, but in general people need to end the thinking that BOYS do THIS and GIRLS do THAT. Boys should be able to say, have long hair and wear jewelry without getting looked at twice and girls should be able to not have to shave their legs without being thought of as gross. Just examples. I realize that to a lot of people that is "extreme" thinking, well, no it's not actually. Everyone has a different personality, different hobbies, and different interests, and gender should never ever delegate those things or stop an individual from pursuing them.

1 decade ago

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This thread is extremely sexist, and I'm very surprised it hasn't been closed down. Personally, if I was a mod, I would have temporarily suspended you.

1 decade ago

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For being sexist? If the mods closed every thread that is on this 'level' (not neccesarily sexism), you wouldn't see as amny active topics going as you see now and mods would have a full time job. :P

1 decade ago

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Being a moderator is already a full time job. They're extremely busy, and I doubt their work is ever done. They ban people for a lot of things. Why not add this to the list? You wouldn't get away with sexism in say, a public school. And yes, OP is really ignorant and uneducated about gender apparently (or people as a whole?) but I still am classifying it as sexism.

1 decade ago

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"Personally, if I was a mod"

1 decade ago

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You have a somewhat alarming view of what constitutes "extremely sexist"; a pointless topic making another brainless generalisation based on gender doesn't really fit that bill. I'd agree on closing it simply because the topic author already stated he got the answer he wanted and its purpose has been served, but it hardly matters either way.

1 decade ago

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You have somewhat an alarming view of what's socially acceptable. I'm not going to validate what's wrong with this thread.

1 decade ago

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I must have missed the part where I said anything about whether I find it socially acceptable or not. What I actually did was agree that it's a ridiculous generalisation, while at the same time being so essentially banal and harmless that it in no way merits the "extremely" tag.

Ask me again once women are actually being socially pressured/expected/forced to not play strategy games at all simply because men (and other women!) think that women don't play strategy games, and I'll have a different view on the matter.

1 decade ago

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I thought you found no problem with the thread, based on what you said. Well, I'll change it to extremely offensive then. His topic came across as very rude and offensive, even if he didn't mean it to be. It's very silly to think someone won't like a certain type of game based on their gender.

1 decade ago

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Why exactly is that silly? I hope your hormons haven't effected your capability for making reasonable comments. Men and women ARE different. There is a reason why most of girls play with dolls and boys with cars.
I am curious by nature and by my experience i don't recon meeting any females(used that word for your own pleasure) in strategy games, and i consider myself a strategy gamer. Its pure curiosity, and you are a pure attention whore who wants to raise some awareness for your own satisfaction. You got your attention, i hope that helps you sleep.

Oh and, its people that make the thread "rude and offensive" if you actually consider it that way, not the thread creator. If you belive in God, you should start blaming it for all the horror that happens in this world, otherwise you're a hypocrite.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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No, if someone actually honestly feels that way, I have less problems with someone asking it plainly, than actually assuming his point of view is true. Even if that question is somewhat ignorant maybe. That person takes the effort to check if it actually is that way or not.

If I go watch football, I only see men doing it. So my observation would be that I have only seen men playing it, so it wouldn't really be sexist to assume to a certain point that it's a men thing. If on the moment I actually do wonder if it's just a men thing, I ask others if they know of women playing football, as I have never seen that, isn't that actually a great thing?

So yeah, the question might be a bit silly, but it is a good thing the question is asked if someone really wonders this.

1 decade ago

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If one day i find a girl that plays total war series or company of heroes or world in conflict.

1 decade ago

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A gamer can play any kind of game... Gender doesn't dictate that.
I do wonder what kind of person you are to ask such a silly question tho.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Probably some in total war franchise. And have seen one who played Crusader Kings. And some in Company of Heroes too.

1 decade ago

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Yes. My friend loves strategy games and I love strategy games. We are both girls.

1 decade ago

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AS Barney Stinson say the only girls that are on internet are bitches, crazy or are guys

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by buhcore.